
Story 76 in the poem: Wei Chu, a legal expert in the Yuan Dynasty, directly consulted Kublai Khan in person

The prosperity of each dynasty was accompanied by some wise emperors and some loyal ministers. The same is true of the Yuan Dynasty, when Kublai Khan was very good at using people when the Yuan Dynasty first decided the world, especially by using Han Chen to govern the world, the effect was very good.

The person I want to talk about today is the person who was reused at that time, his name is Wei Chu. The tradition of Chinese feudal thought is very particular about the door, this Wei Chu is a good person, his grandfather Wei Fan was a revision official in the last years of the Jin Dynasty, an official the size of a sesame green bean, not reused. That knowing that Kublai Khan learned of his talent, he asked him to do "Helin Qingce", which is equivalent to our current "consultant expert". This Wei Fan was not reused in the Jin Dynasty, and when it was reused in the Yuan Dynasty, it suddenly felt like he had met BoLe. He recommended more than sixty people to Kublai Khan, all of whom were top talents. In Kublai Khan's eyes, this "brick family" is not an ordinary brick, it is a existence like a golden brick, cherished like a treasure.

Story 76 in the poem: Wei Chu, a legal expert in the Yuan Dynasty, directly consulted Kublai Khan in person

This Wei Chusheng in such a family, from childhood is the education of poetry and etiquette, anyway, the ancients should read and write, he has passed, but also particularly intelligent, especially reading classical books such as "Spring and Autumn".

When the Zhongshu Province was first established in the Yuan Dynasty, when he heard of his reputation, he invited him to come and serve as a recorder. However, not long after working, his grandmother returned to the west, so she resigned and returned home to teach and educate people in the countryside.

It was not long before he was called back to the palace as a companion. At that time, when Kublai Khan saw this Wei Chu, he remembered Wei Fan and said that Wei Fan was a virtuous subject in the world and a loyal person. After knowing that this Wei Chu was a descendant of Wei Fan, he was even more encouraged and encouraged, and still gave him the title of an editor-in-chief.

Not long after, he was promoted to ombudsman, just like the prosecutor we have now. At that time, Wei Chuzhong spoke out and outspoken, and after he took office, he said that in order to manage the world, it is impossible to do without law, and the law is a means to safeguard the dignity of the country and appease the people. Therefore, he asked the imperial court to hurry up, let people revise the law, and announce the world. He was one of the first formulators of the laws of the Yuan Dynasty, and it was also with these laws that the Yuan Dynasty had the foundation for governing the country and laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty.

Story 76 in the poem: Wei Chu, a legal expert in the Yuan Dynasty, directly consulted Kublai Khan in person

Once Kublai Khan invited the ministers to dinner, and this man who had experienced life and death on the battlefield was very straightforward, and said at the banquet that if anyone could not finish this cup of wine, he would undress himself. As soon as this Wei Chu heard this, he immediately said, You are the emperor, you should have your own majesty, you must have your own etiquette and dignity, and your words and deeds cannot but be serious. When Kublai Khan heard this, he immediately realized his mistake and turned back to the ministers and said that he could not make such jokes in the future.

This Early Wei Dynasty made a great contribution to the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty. He was not only politically successful, but also highly accomplished in poetry. Let's enjoy one of his poems, "Dotted Lips".

Dot lips

Yesterday's postal kiosk, tree head area around the green mountain evening.

The green waves are shallow. People are far away from the end of the world.

Today, the green ants are newly full.

The song breaks. Falling red is chaotic. Dreams come to the geese in the spring.

This is the word he filled in after reuniting with his friends, and the whole word in the vernacular is: Remember when we were separated, we parted ways at the post office, it was late afternoon, and the faint green mountains like a long belt could be faintly seen on the treetops. On the river with green waves, your boat slowly sails to the end of the world, gradually drifting away, when the real feeling of meeting is far away.

Story 76 in the poem: Wei Chu, a legal expert in the Yuan Dynasty, directly consulted Kublai Khan in person

When we meet today, we first fill the glass and put it all in the glass. The feast was over, the singing stopped, the flowers fell in disarray, and it was time for us to part. This mess is not only the falling flowers, but also our separate minds. It is difficult to see each other after they are gone, and they can only hope in their dreams that Chunyan will bring news of their friends.

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