
Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

author:Bigfun Bifang

Wen 丨 Clam Jun i@bigfun community

[Zilan found that there were not as many people who came to her recently to discuss dressing, but this is also good, office workers are already very busy.]

At a private gathering held by the cadres, Zilan finally learned where the female cadres who had once gathered around her had gone—a young designer, Bai Beak. After two words of greeting, Zilan changed her former thinking, and maybe it was a good choice to pull her to A6. 】

The prototype of the beak is obviously the giant swan. The whole body is white and elegant in posture is the characteristic of the giant swan, and the giant swan often appears in literary works. In Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, Alyssa weaves a cloak (tailor) to save her brothers who have been turned into swans, the ugly duckling breaks its shell and is reborn as a white swan, and in the Finn's own mythological epic Callevara, the swan wanders on the Black River around Tuonela. In European poetry, the swans sing loudly and mourn before they die, perhaps noble and chaste, and they do not want to go to the dark world.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

Although the beak is as timid as a swan, it also dares to face its enemies like a swan. The swordsmanship that Beak has practiced since childhood comes from his ancestral European Martial Arts, also known as the European Historical Martial Arts (HEMA).

For the sake of upbringing and self-defense, the operator Bai Beak was required to learn swordsmanship from childhood. ------------------

Most of the military powers of the classical era had well-trained armies, and even the bravest barbarians could not have beaten a phalanx infantry. Therefore, personal martial arts have no use on the battlefield, or when you are caught as a gladiator, personal martial arts can save your life.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(Macedonian spear phalanx)

With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Europe entered the Middle Ages, in the early Middle Ages known as the Dark Ages, many of the precious treasures left by Greece and Rome were lost, and forced by the oppression of religious forces, the development of technology and productivity stagnated, similar to the barbarian scattered soldiers and cavalry became the main body of the army in this period. Knights emerged as an emerging social group. As a chip for the kings and nobles to win the war, their ability to fight must be guaranteed. Although the knight can charge with a spear in his hand after the stirrup appears, when the knight loses his horse and spear, they will draw their swords and rejoin the battle. Compared to the Viking sword that attacked with slashing, the knight sword (armed sword) evolved from the Celtic longsword was more suitable for knights to use for piercing attacks. However, compared to the innate slashing instinct of humans, puncture requires more training. Therefore, the "Seven Skills of Knighthood" that must be experienced on the road of knight growth includes the practice of swordplay.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

But the practice of swordsmanship was not limited to knights, due to the prevalence of early judicial duels, resulting in private duels that often occurred, then learning a move and a half style was also the idea of most people at that time, especially the nobility.

At first, the inheritance of swordsmanship was mostly taught by example, but the light of the Renaissance pierced through the thick dark haze, and the return of the ancient Greek philosophical tradition led knights to raise their fighting skills to the theoretical level, and the earliest European swordsmanship work I.33 was the result. This also gives swordsmanship a basis for systems theory. The Renaissance also led to the development of forging and smelting technology, the sword can be done very long and still maintain elasticity, making the long sword very popular (in fact, the popular sword species during this period is very complex, as far as the information I checked is by no means such a simple "long sword", but after all, it is not an academic article, do not make more distinctions), and the derived German sword school and the Italian sword school are the representatives of Western European swordsmanship in the 14th and 16th centuries. With a suitable growth environment, a group of sword master has naturally emerged. However, the appearance of gunpowder gradually withdrew the knights from the stage of history, and swordplay was more used for duels in the city.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(I.33 Sword Spectrum)

The Renaissance also led to the development of medicine (such as anatomy), making people realize that internal bleeding or large-scale infection caused by puncture wounds was much more deadly than the direct injuries caused by chopping, so the more skillful and faster swift sword became the darling of the nobility. Because it is a one-on-one duel, the two sides have enough space to reflect their footwork, and they can also have enough time to choose the timing and distance of the attack, which is different from the freedom in the war situation, which makes the dueling sword method more gorgeous, and this is even reflected in the sword spectrum.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(Judicial Duel)

After the Renaissance, the swift sword was more simplified to facilitate dueling - the small sword was shorter and thinner (so that it was used to prevent breakage), the hand guard was more concise, and the lighter weight also allowed women to use small swords to compete with men. Although small swords are faster and make the relationship between attack and defense more complicated, because duels are no longer deathmatches, but a kind of competitive or social etiquette, swordplay is more sporty than martial arts. This kind of sword is obviously not suitable for the battlefield, during this period, sabers (sabers) from Central Asia were popular throughout Europe (most of the region), and because the saber has a curvature, it can be said that "Europe was bent" (the straight sword tradition was abandoned). During World War II, until now, the saber is still the sabre of some officers or honor guards.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(European Little Sword)

This gorgeous and beautiful swordplay is not a skill honed on the battlefield, but more emphasis is placed on cultivating manners and qi, with the effect of fitness and negligible self-defense. ------------------

Modern fencing technology originated in this period. Domenico Angelo was an important figure who established basic posture and footwork rules, emphasizing in The School of Fencing that practice is to prepare for battle, but fencing is not an art of killing, but an art of strengthening the body. The fencing school he founded was mostly composed of aristocrats or wealthy people. So we can see from Bai Beak's villain movements and file descriptions that the prototype of the swordplay she learned should be Fencing.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

[The ability to intimidate sand is obvious to all, he is very strong, yes, especially his hand, what is it called?] Yes, "the soul is sublimated" and captivates all the engineering operatives. He can play a huge role in joining any group, even turning the tide of battle, but can he change his way of speaking? Everyone didn't want to be with him because he would say the shameful lines when he was fighting! 】

"Intimidation is not that kind of delusional person at all. I've seen his carefully tuned weapons, which are simply the product of minimalist pragmatism, and he's more genius than we think. ”

"What? But he always..."

"Tell a joke, I even think his jokes are serious."

"Then why does he always put those souls and powers on his lips, and he is always the first to hold his face, and honestly admit that he is super skilled?"



"I don't know, he's dressed up too well." - Promotion file

The code name SESA comes from the Hindu Shah Sha, it is said that when the world is destroyed, Shesha will spit fire to destroy everything, the source of his code name may not be accidental, we can see from the transcripts (bridge, wisdom, crossing to the other shore, and other two lines) that he is clearly burying something with some mysterious and mysterious religious knowledge, and through the archives we also know that he is burying his talents. Avoid your talents being used in war. If The sand can really reduce the level of source stone skill required for the use of the weapon, and even allow ordinary people to pick up this weapon, then this talent is really better to "seal".

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

"I would like to cross to the other shore", that is the code used by others to connect with me in the past. The bridge is the connector of two lands, instilling strength, transmitting wisdom ... Listen to what I said, it is very rude to turn around and leave! - Talk 3

On the surface, it looks like Lang Er Dang, but in fact, he is meticulous, and Hesa is probably this kind of person, just like he said himself

Camouflage is a kind of modification, not a simple skin bag. If you don't carefully sculpt it, it will only make people feel that their appearance is tattered, right? ------------------------

Under the skin of the second grade boy is the soul of a talented craftsman, his creativity is explosive, and his potential is unlimited. The three Rune runes on his clothes, ᚷ, ᚹ, and ᚳ, are also associated with art and creativity in modern Lun divination. That is to say, these Buddhist or Rune rune elements may just be smoke bombs used by The Sand to cover up the Talent, and he himself is not related to these elements, which also explains why the Spirit behind it has nothing to do with Shesha.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

[The Vulcan didn't know about Feast's family heirloom sword, so there was no way, but to have such a mysterious family heirloom sword, her race was not an ordinary commodity.] You look at her eyes, conventional psychological monitoring means can not find out anything, all say that the woman's heart is under the needle, what is her heart? The thought gives me goosebumps. Anyway, now she has not caused any trouble, and the relationship with other cadres is not bad, maybe she can really -]

The prototype of the feast is also very obvious, that is, the mythical creature of the eagle. Although it is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, according to its origin in the Eastern Kingdom, it is obviously not the eagle in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but the bird in the Japanese yokai culture. The Tale of the Pingjia Family has a description, "As people usually say, when the emperor's nightmare broke out, a dark cloud rose in the direction of the east three jungles, hanging over the emperor's bedchamber." "It was terrifying to see that the monster was a monkey's head, a tanuki's body, a snake's tail, its claws like a tiger's, and its call like a strange bird." This story is also depicted in the "Drawing of the Past and Present" and "Drawing Hundred Ghosts in the Past and Present", and after this incident, the Emperor rewarded genrai Masa with the famous sword "Lion King". The "Lion King" is also the prototype of the Tai Dao of the Feast, "Shishioh".

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(Main body)

Suffering from ore disease and being sent here, my mother was afraid that I would be bullied so she gave me the family heirloom Lion King for self-defense. As a result, the people who bullied me did not cut it, but the bad people cut stubble after stubble. Doctor, you are really quite attractive. ---------------------------------

As the issue of The Sting says, human faith originally came from reverence for nature, as did the origins of Japanese yokai culture. Japan relies on water, and there are water-related yokai, such as bridge girls and kappa; in Japan, there are mountain-related yokai, such as snow girls. Some natural and man-made disasters that could not be explained at that time were also attributed to the chaotic world of monsters.

In addition to these factors, social unrest also made strange forces and chaotic gods flourish, such as the Heian period, the emperor was useless, foreign relatives interfered in the government, and in the later period, it was the dictatorship of the shogunate, and the power struggle at the top was continuous, and naturally the people at the bottom would not be better. Coupled with the invasion of natural disasters, the upper nobility credulously believed in the words of the monster, which made the Yin and Yang Division have a high degree of power, and this set was naturally popular among the people. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that in the novel, there will be "eagles" harassing the emperor, the emperor is in power, the people are not happy, and there is a punishment from heaven. Most of the yokai we know today come from this period, so the Heian era was an era of coexistence of demons.

Another example is the Edo period, when society was relatively stable and commercial handicrafts developed, some yokai stayed on top of objects, such as umbrella demons. What is more shocking is that since the Meiji era, religion and folklore have been suppressed, but it was during this period that Inoue Moto invented the term "yokai science", and even works such as "Yokai Talk" and "National Yokai Chronicle" compiled by Kunio Yanagida triggered a wave of "yokai science" research in Japan. To this day, yokai culture is often used by contemporary literature.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(Umbrella Demon in a tour)

Compared with the chinese yokai culture, there have been faults in the inheritance of Japanese yokai culture, and Japanese yokai culture has always existed in the daily life of Japanese society, probably for two reasons. One is the birth of folklore and religious soil, in the primitive Shintoism and the Tang Dynasty period of the introduction of Buddhism (the Tang Dynasty was popular nail art, may also have spread to Japan, feel that the feast's attachment to nails is from here), gave birth to a number of yokai stories with religious characteristics; the second is the combination with art forms, such as the Edo period, Toriyama Ishitsu's "Painting Hundred Ghosts Nocturnal Walk" is an aspect of painting, and then such as Noh drama, Kabuki and other theatrical forms, passing on yokai stories, and finally modern animation, Movies and so on have made the yokai culture enduring, and the yokai images depicted are more well-behaved and cute, such as "Natsume's Friend's Account", which is deeply loved by people.

Tomorrow's Ark Operator Setting Analysis: Tailor, Madman and Fashionista - Bai Beak, FengSha, Feast Bai Beak: Is it the same with a sword and a needle? Is it right to shout like this? • Feast: Nails are one of the charm points of girls, how to do it if you don't take good care of it.

(Is it good to be warm enough to explode?) )

Of course, it is not to say that the yokai culture is all about teaching people to be good, and there are also bad aspects, but as a culture, we can properly understand a little more, which is not harmful.

A lot of content about HEMA is known about the HEMA column and the answers, and I would like to thank you very much to the zhihu bigwigs who are active in the HEMA field

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