
Wu Zixu - How cruel are the people who can endure

author:Historical people who don't tell stories
Wu Zixu - How cruel are the people who can endure

Wu Zixu statue

Wu Zixu, a native of the Chu state, was named Yuan, his father was called Wu Hao, and his brother was called Wu Shang. King Chuping's son was named Jian, and Wu Hao was the prince's wife, and he also had a colleague named Fei Wujie, who was a young fu of prince Jian. King Ping was a good woman, and ordered Fei Wuji to go to the Qin Kingdom to marry the prince, and fei Wuji returned and reported to the king of Ping, saying that the princess was a beautiful woman of the era, and the king could marry her himself. In this way, Fei Wuji left Prince Jian and served the King of Chu.

Although he betrayed the old leader and surrendered to a greater leader, Fei Wuji felt that when the crown prince was put on the throne and killed him, he slandered him in front of King Ping, and King Ping was really deceived. Prince Jian was unlucky, and Wu Hao naturally couldn't get better.

Fei Wuji said that the crown prince commanded the army and was close to the princes, fearing that he would return with the army, so King Ping summoned Wu Hao back for interrogation. Cutting the grass needs to be rooted, Fei Wuji is worried that Wu's descendants will seek revenge on him, so he continues to encourage King Ping to kill Wu Hao's two sons, Wu Shang is generous and benevolent, although he knows that he will definitely be killed, he still goes. Wu Zixu was a different person, stoic, and after drinking the chu king's men with a bow and arrow, he fled.

It is said that Wu Zixu was recognized on the way to escape, so he asked his arresters, do you know why the King of Chu arrested me, as an ordinary civil servant, he certainly did not know what happened in the Center of Power, Wu Zixu continued, the King of Chu thought that I had a valuable night pearl on me, and when I saw the Queen of Chu, I told him that the treasure had been given to you. Now that I have no treasure on me, the king will certainly think that the treasure has been hidden by you, but the truth is, we don't have any treasure, and you say that the king believes you or believes me. In this way, with two words, Wu Zixu escaped the pursuit of the King of Chu.

After Wu Zixu fled to the state of Wu, he met With The King of Wu through Gongzi Guang, when the State of Wu was at war with the State of Chu, Gongzi Guang occupied Zhong Li and Ju Chao and returned to China, Wu Zixu spoke to the King, saying that the State of Chu could be defeated, Gongzi Guang was very angry, saying that Wu Zixu's father and brother were all killed by the King of Chu, and he said so for personal gain, which was not credible. Hearing this, Wu Zixu turned and left, introduced a warrior to Gongzi Guang, called Zhuanzhu, and then took Prince Jian's son into hiding and lived a pastoral life. A few years later, Gongzi Guang used his expertise to kill the Wu king, and he became the king of Wu himself, which was the Wu king. Wu Zixu was called back by Lu Lu and participated in the planning of major national events.

Wu Zixu - How cruel are the people who can endure

Specialized in assassinating Wu Wangfu with a fish intestine sword

Later, when Wu Guo attacked the capital, King Chuping was already dead, and his son King Chuzhao fled, and Wu Zixu could not find the object of revenge, so he dug up the body of King Chuping and flogged him three hundred times.

Wu Zixu and Shen Baoxu were very good friends, when Wu Zixu fled, he said that he would definitely subvert the State of Chu, Shen Baoxu said that he would definitely save the State of Chu, and after Ying was captured, Shen Baoxu ran to the State of Qin and asked the King of Qin to send troops to save the State of Chu, and no one in the Court of the State of Qin agreed, just when the State of Qin cried for seven days and seven nights, the Duke of Qin was very sympathetic to him, saying, "Although the King of Chu is a prince without a way, but there are such courtiers, can he not save the State of Chu" So the State of Qin sent troops to save Chu.

Wu Zixu - How cruel are the people who can endure

Shen Baoxu cried Qin Ting

Everyone's fate is related to personality, if King ChuPing does not seize his son's wife, the State of Chu may not be attacked by the State of Wu, and after death, it will not be dug up and whipped. If Wu Zixu is as loyal and benevolent as Wu Shang, he will not avenge his father's family, a thing happens to different people, there will be different results, the higher the identity of this person, the greater the impact on society, so ancient Chinese culture always emphasizes the importance of morality, no dynasty has conservatives and radicals, conservatives emphasize the importance of public morality, radicals, emphasize the solution of real problems. If the two sides cannot find a solution that is in the interests of both sides, they can only weaken their own strength through constant internal friction.


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