
Overseas Chinese in Japan, how to recuperate at home after being diagnosed with the new crown?

author:Jiang Feng looks at Japan

◆ Chinese lawyer in Japan Yan Dandan

2021 will also be a hard year for overseas Chinese working and living in Japan. On the one hand, the epidemic continues to spread and the infection has expanded sharply, but the measures taken by medical institutions in Tokyo and other regions are on the verge of collapse; on the other hand, based on the needs of daily livelihood, not only Japanese people, but also many Overseas Chinese have to go out to work, increasing the risk of infection.

Overseas Chinese in Japan, how to recuperate at home after being diagnosed with the new crown?

Isn't it safest to work at home and remotely? In literature, home is the warmest harbor. However, in the current Japan, the home is also fraught with uncertain risks.

According to the latest statistics on the Tokyo Opendata website, as of August 15, 2021, about 21,256 people in Tokyo have chosen home recuperation after being infected with the new crown virus; another 3,759 people can be hospitalized, 1,525 people have chosen residential convalescence, and 13,995 people are facing adjustments, that is, whether more than 10,000 people will be admitted to the hospital in the future is not yet known, and may only choose home or residential recuperation. In the second half of 2020, these figures have not exceeded 3,000 people.

Although home recuperation relieves the pressure of medical institutions to a certain extent, if the necessary treatment equipment is lacking, the infected people in home care will inevitably fall into the danger of severe illness or even death. Oxygen generators are their last straw, but even so, they face a cruel situation of short supply.

Overseas Chinese in Japan, how to recuperate at home after being diagnosed with the new crown?

In Tokyo, for example, with the surge in the number of people in home nursing care, in order to ensure that infected people whose illness worsens but cannot be admitted to the hospital can receive a minimum of relief, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has prepared 500 "oxygen concentrating devices", that is, oxygen concentrators, to consulting companies or medical associations. Subsequently, these devices were borrowed one after another, and by August 16, only 3 or 40 of the 500 devices were left, less than one-tenth of the total. Although Tokyo has added orders to manufacturers, the speed of producing new equipment cannot wait for the speed of recycling equipment, and the speed of recycling equipment cannot keep up with the pace of new infections.

The supply of ordinary commodities is in short supply, and there is a saying that "there are more monks and less porridge, and more wolves and less meat"; but if the supply of medical equipment and medical assistance is in short supply, there is only "black" and no "humor", just like Japan shrouded in the haze of the epidemic. It's a race between treatment and the virus, and between Japan and the crisis.

Overseas Chinese in Japan, how to recuperate at home after being diagnosed with the new crown?

Even if Japan is facing the disaster of the epidemic, as a Chinese and overseas Chinese living in Japan, they still have to strive to ensure the safety of themselves and their families. How to survive the disaster, luck alone is not enough, but also need to understand the basic knowledge of protection, and prepare a minimum of self-help measures.

For infected people recuperating at home, the first thing to do is to ensure that they can get timely treatment when their illness worsens. In Japan, there are many incidents in which home care practitioners die because their symptoms worsen but cannot wait for treatment, so it is important to accurately grasp the indications for the deterioration of the disease.

In this regard, Professor Tetsuya Matsumoto of the International Medical Welfare University in Japan gave the following suggestions.

First of all, home caregivers can detect the oxygen saturation in their blood through the "pulse oximeter", if it drops sharply or is less than 90%, it needs to pay enough attention to immediately call the health center for consultation.

However, if there is no "pulse oximeter" or other instrument detection, if you find that you have difficulty breathing or your face is pale or even your lips are blue, it means that your breathing condition has deteriorated and you need to immediately seek help from a health center or medical institution.

Secondly, if it is a person living alone and there is no family to take care of, the infected person first needs to prepare sufficient drinking water, food, antipyretic and analgesic drugs, and inform friends or relatives of their accurate address, health center telephone number and nearest hospital contact information in advance, and maintain contact with friends or relatives for a fixed time. Once they are not contacted, it means that the infected person has been deeply affected by the disease, so ask them to go directly to the hospital or ambulance.

For infected people recuperating at home, in addition to taking care of themselves, they also need to protect their families. In this regard, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has formulated eight protective measures for home recuperation, namely:

(1) Living in separate houses or at least living in isolation;

(2) Fix people who directly care for the infected person, and try to be as small as possible;

(3) Both infected and caregivers should wear masks and try to avoid direct contact;

(4) Wash your hands frequently;

(5) Ventilate as much as possible during the day;

(6) Frequent indoor disinfection;

(7) The bed sheets and clothes of the infected person should be washed and replaced frequently;

➇Jung needs to be sealed and thrown away.

Although the "Spring and Autumn of the Wei Dynasty" has a saying: "Under the nest, there is a complete egg." But everyone who is deeply involved in the disaster of the epidemic, while protecting themselves, living self-disciplined and working positively and optimistically, even after experiencing the sweep of the epidemic, can still "nest without collapse and eggs without breaking".

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