
Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

author:Bright Net

China Weather Network News Today (March 5) into the sting festival, "a thunder sting began", at this time the weather warmed up, everything sprouted, thunder is also more and more. This year's weather is also very suitable, these two days, Jiangnan, South China is experiencing a wide range of strong convective weather, many places may appear thunder and lightning. "Spring thunder, all things grow." So, is it really thunder that awakens all things?

The First Thunder in many places in the South there is little thunder in the north

"A little rain is new, a thunder sting begins." During the sting period, the warm and humid air in the south was further enhanced, and the convective weather in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangnan, northern South China and southern Yunnan increased significantly, and meteorological big data showed that Hefei, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Haikou and Chongqing often ushered in the first thunder in the sting festival.

Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

During the stinging period, thunderstorms in Jiangnan and South China are the most frequent, with the average number of thunderstorm days in Changsha, Hunan and Nanchang, Jiangxi, exceeding 2 days, and Guiyang, Fuzhou, Kunming, Hangzhou and other places exceeding 1 day.

Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

In contrast, there was little thunder in the north at this time. China's north-south span is large, and the time of the first thunder in various places varies greatly. In Shandong, Shanxi, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai and other places, the first thunder time is often concentrated in April, and the thunder in Xinjiang, Ningxia, Heilongjiang and other places will not wait until after May.

Warming up and awakening all things Shocked one-third of China's land to break the ice in an all-round way

In ancient China, the sting was divided into three seasons: "one waits for the peach Shihua, the second waits for the Cang geng (yellow oriole) to sing, and the third waits for the eagle to turn into a dove." At this time, it was a scene of peach and plum white, grass and warblers flying, and all kinds of insects lying in the dirt began to awaken. It is said that "spring thunder frightens hundreds of insects", however, the first thunder in the north of our country only appeared in April and May, and the small animals were really awakened by the thunder?

Judging from the climate data, during the stinging festival, the warming range in various parts of China is large, and the minimum temperature 0 °C line is pushed to Beijing to the central and southern shaanxi, so far, the southern region of China and parts of Henan, Shandong, southern Shanxi, south-central Shaanxi, south-central Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin and other places have entered the "comprehensive ice-breaking zone".

Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

In large cities, the minimum temperatures in Beijing, Tianjin, Lanzhou, and Shijiazhuang usually cross the 0°C line during the stinging period, opening a comprehensive ice-breaking road. Shi Yan, a meteorological analyst at the China Weather Network, said that the sting is the third solar term in spring, and it coincides with the "nine nine", this season, the temperature in many places throughout the day rises to more than 0 ° C, which means that the earth melts, the weather warms, and everything recovers.

Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

Mr. Song Yingjie, a meteorological gentleman, also said in "Twenty-Four Solar Terms": "What really awakens hibernating animals is not the sound of thunder, but the silent temperature." Temperature is more powerful than thunder. ”

This year, the southern part of the country has seen frequent precipitation and the temperature in the north fluctuates

Although the weather warms up during the sting period and the spring is getting stronger, at this time the cold and warm air will still be "entangled", the weather is warm and cold at first, and the impact of wind and snow in the northeast and Xinjiang is still there. With the warming, the soil in the northern sand source area thaws, and the sand and dust weather has also entered a high incidence period.

Unveiling the Stinging Festival: One-third of the country breaks the ice and many places in the south meet the first thunder

Shi Yan introduced that during the sting this year, the south is still a weather pattern of "spring thunder and rain". This day and tomorrow, Jiangnan and South China are experiencing the first regional strong convective weather process this year, and there will be short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and strong winds in Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, and there may be hail in the local area. Around March 8 and from March 10 to 12, there will be rainfall in the eastern part of the southwest region, Jiangnan, south China and other places, with small to moderate rain and local heavy rain in most areas. In the north, during the sting period, the cold air activities affecting our country are more frequent, and the temperature in the northern region fluctuates and changes, so we need to pay attention to the timely increase or decrease of clothing and beware of colds. (Text/Zhang Hui Design/Zhang Li Data Support/Shi Yan Shao Peng Wang Yan)

Source: China Weather Network

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