
Xu Dishan: "Mu"

author:Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Chinese
Xu Dishan: "Mu"

Wen \ Xu Di Shan

The end of Edward Road is not far from the village, which is full of rich people's villas. The old jushi museum on the east side of the road is the home of the famous lady Wu Su ■ (shangyu + xiaqing). Vine flowers in front of the museum spread from the short wall to the roadside cypress and the neighbor's fence, decorating the sidewalk more ornately.

  A husband and servant came to the door with a garbage truck, rang the bell, and then a middle-aged maid came out with a dustpan of garbage.

  The husband took the dustpan and poured it into the car, while asking: "Ling Ma, why is there so much waste paper today?" Did someone send something to send your girl? ”

  "Where? The paper was nothing more than a letter from the morning. She looked back at the back before continuing, "Our girl's temper is very strange. Looking at the condition of this letter, I am afraid that people will be killed. ”

  "How?" He looked at the waste paper in the car, flicked it with his hand, and said, "There's nothing here, and what I'm talking about." ”

  "Among our girl's friends, I have never seen a better one than Mr. Chen. Didn't I say anything about him before? ”

  "Yes, you said that his talent, appearance, and demeanor did not resemble ordinary people. Xu is your girl envious of him, like him, he does not want to? ”

  "Where? You're saying the opposite. One day, Mr. Chen sent a letter and a very large diamond, and she had not yet read the letter, saying that she had thrown the treasure out of the window..."

  "Isn't that a pity?"

  "It's a pity, of course. The diamond is still sinking in the sludge at the bottom of the pool! ”

  "What a shame! What a shame! Why don't you scoop it up? ”

  "Nerd, you said it too easily! Such a large pool, where to go? Moreover, the girl deliberately threw it down, who dared to offend her? ”

  "So, what does the letter say?"

  "She rubbed the letter without reading it and handed it to me to burn." I privately spread out the letter and read it, but unfortunately I didn't recognize many words, so I could only read it half guessing and half recognizing. I saw the letter and taught me to sit restlessly for days. ......”

  "And you go on."

  Mr. Chen said in the letter that the diamond was left for him by his father. He had no possessions other than this treasure. Because I envy our girl, I am willing to take it out and give it to her to wear. ”

  "Mr. Chen is really stupid!"

  "Who can say that? I only blame our girl..." She said this, looking back again. The road was very quiet, and it was better to stand aside and talk for a long time, so she went down again.

  Another time, Mr. Chen sent her another painting with a note on the back of the painting. He said that it was the most proud painting of his life, and he had won any gold medal in any meeting. Because I envy her, I want to give it to my most precious things. Who knew that our girl snorted and tore the painting to pieces! ”

  "You girls don't even want diamonds, what is a painting worth?" Didn't he despise you girls? If I were to be your girl, I would be angry too. You say that Mr. Chen is smart, and he is actually dumber than me. He should honor your girl with something more expensive than diamond. ”

  "No, otherwise, you wouldn't..."

  "I said, why should Mr. Chen do this?" If you want to marry a wife, exchange the diamond for money, and marry a hundred, why do you want to be a girl! ”

  "Mr. Chen never said he wanted our girl, he only said that he envied our girl."

  "So, what happens next?"

  "Sending paintings is only a matter of the first ten days." The last thing that came was this letter. ”

  "Oh, this letter." He picked up the paper in the car, raised it, looked at it, and said, "This is pure white paper, there is no word!" ”

  "Not really. This letter is very strange. When I came in the morning, I saw the letter on the face that said, 'If you respect me, please take the trouble to open the letter, or you will destroy it with fire.' Our girl still didn't look at it, and taught me to take it and destroy it. I always had to see what was inside, so I opened the letter. I dismantled it, and it was all blank sheets of paper. I was impatient and wanted to take it and throw it into the fire, but when I looked back, I couldn't bear it, so I kept tearing it down. To the end is a small picture he painted himself. She reached into the car and turned the little photo out and showed it to her husband. She said, "Look, what a handsome man! ”

  "What's so beautiful about this black and white face?"

  "You really don't understand,...... You look at the words next to it..."

  "I don't recognize the words, or you just tell me."

  Ling Ma pointed her finger at nian: "Honorable girlfriend: I have given you everything, and what I have given you has been rejected by you." Now I have only this one life left, which can be given to you, as my last gift. ......”

  "Who asked him if he was going to die? You say he's smart, he's a fool! ”

  Ling Ma didn't answer, and went straight down: "I know you like it." But before I go back, I'm going to send you this..."

  "Ling Ma, Ling Ma, the girl called you." The voices shouted out from the steps of the garden, breaking through their chatter. Ling Ma put the small photo in the car and said, "I have to go in..."

  "You have to tell the girl about this human life."

  "Who dares? Not only did she not teach me to open the letter, but she ordered me to burn it. If I had told her, wouldn't I have chased the ants around! I didn't bother to burn it. You push away quickly, and after a while, it will be inconvenient for her to know. When she finished, in a hurry, she closed the iron door of the sparse.

  The servant led the garbage truck to another house. Fang Cai's small photo was blown to the ground by the unintentional wind, and with the falling flowers, it was trampled on. However, this is still the luck of the little photo. Wandering on the road, it may be better to pick up offerings for the soldiers and women who come and go; it is better to pick it up for the ignorant child, to fiddle with it, and to tear it up, than to let the husbands carry it and bury it in the garbage gang.

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