
He joined the revolution at the age of 17, served as deputy prime minister and secretary of the Secretariat, and lived to the age of 77

author:Russo-Russian Liaison

The Yao family in Liujie Village, Chizhou, Anhui Province, was an incomparably prominent family in the early days of the Republic of China, and this was the ancestral home of the old revolutionary Yao Yilin. Yao Yilin is a typical representative of the patriotic students of the prominent family, and also a burning revolutionary fire in the feudal family.

We all know that Yao Yilin embarked on the revolutionary road from a patriotic student. Through the tempering of the melting pot of revolution, he gradually became an important leader of the party and the state. He experienced the agrarian revolutionary war, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the War of Liberation, and was the founding hero of New China and an outstanding leader in China's economic work in New China.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17, served as deputy prime minister and secretary of the Secretariat, and lived to the age of 77

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yao Yilin served as minister of commerce, head of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, vice premier of the State Council, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, member of the Standing Committee and other important positions. It is worth mentioning that in the future, his assistant and son-in-law were also at the level of the state. So, in Yao Yilin's 60 years of revolutionary career, what are the legendary experiences?

On an ordinary day in September 1917, Yao Yilin was born in Hong Kong, his original name was Ke Guang, "Ke" originated from generations, and "Guang" pinned on his mother's expectations for him. He was a very bitter child, and just three months after his birth, his father died suddenly and unfortunately. The top pillar of the family suddenly collapsed, and the grief-stricken mother could only hold back her grief and support the family with her weak shoulders.

In order to let the children get a better education and living environment, the grief-stricken young mother took a pair of children and moved to Wujin, Jiangsu Province, after several trips, to join Yao Yilin's second uncle and live a life under the fence.

Because his well-educated mother was reluctant to entrust the family's life to her relatives, her mother left her relatives' homes to work as an English teacher at a Western school to support the family with a meager salary.

When the children reached school age, Yao Yilin's mother came to Shanghai with a pair of children and sent them to the academy to study. Later, his mother relied on a little savings from the past, and the money she had pooled together to buy a house in Hangzhou, and then relied on her husband's pension and rent, as well as the money earned by her own work, to maintain the tuition fees of her children, and her life was very hard.

When he was a teenager, Yao Yilin witnessed his mother's hardships and pains, and his heart was greatly touched, so he matured faster than ordinary children. He read hard, hoping to become a talent as soon as possible. After some hard study, he was admitted to the Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Guanghua University with excellent results.

It was also here that Yao Yilin came into contact with Marxism, read progressive books and periodicals such as Capital, was deeply influenced by it, planted the seeds of revolution in his heart, and actively participated in progressive student activities and propaganda of the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

In 1934, Yao Yilin was admitted to the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University to study, and became acquainted with Zhou Xiaozhou, a Beijing normal student, and the two often discussed the current situation together. Under Zhou Xiaozhou's introduction, he joined the China Armed Self-Defense Association, a peripheral organization of the party, and became an activist on the Tsinghua campus who secretly distributed and posted leaflets to win over his classmates to join the association.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17, served as deputy prime minister and secretary of the Secretariat, and lived to the age of 77

In 1935, Yao Yilin joined the Communist Party of China, and from then on, he began his new revolutionary journey. After joining the party, he served as the secretary general of the Peking Federation of Students and was one of the main leaders of the "129" movement.

In 1935, after the Japanese army occupied the northeast, it launched a new invasion of north China, and the entire north China was in danger. He, Peng Tao, and other comrades, under the leadership of the party organization, specifically organized and directly commanded thousands of patriotic students in Peiping, broke through the obstruction of the Kuomintang reactionaries' military and police, and held the famous "129" and "129" and "12," "16" student demonstrations to resist Japan and save the country.

Subsequently, he organized Pingjin students to go south to propagate, to the workers and peasants, and to the people, to expose the conspiracy of the Japanese and The Kosovars to annex China, to publicize the Anti-Japanese propositions of the Communist Party of China, and to promote the arrival of a new upsurge of the national anti-Japanese national salvation movement.

In 1936, Yao Yilin was assigned by the party organization to go to Tianjin to engage in underground party work. He successively served as the editor of the party's publication "The Great Wall", the propaganda director of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, and the secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, and led the anti-Japanese national salvation movement of people from all walks of life.

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yao Yilin was ordered to go to Hebei and serve as secretary general of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and propaganda minister, and participated in organizing the Jidong Uprising. After that, he served as the propaganda director of the newly established Party Committee of Jirecha District, and made great contributions to upholding and developing the anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in eastern Hebei.

In 1939, Yao Yilin served as the director of the Jin-Cha-Ji Northern Branch bureau and the secretary general of the Central Bureau, and participated in the construction of the anti-Japanese base areas and the construction of local political power, as well as the decision-making and policy formulation of mass work, and did a lot of fruitful work, making outstanding contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In 1946, Yao Yilin took up the leading position of the economic department, actively developed the economic undertakings in North China, ensured the fruits of the victory of the War of Resistance, and delivered outstanding results. He led the technical personnel in the border areas to rapidly improve production technology, pay close attention to the manufacture of weapons and ammunition, and provide strong support for our army's reserves for the liberation war.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17, served as deputy prime minister and secretary of the Secretariat, and lived to the age of 77

Later, he was reappointed director of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region Industry Bureau and minister of industry and commerce of the North China People's Government, developing production, ensuring supply, effectively allocating materials for use, eliminating the hidden danger of shortage of materials in the border areas, and making great contributions to the economic development of the North China Liberated Areas and ensuring the victory of the Liberation War.

Whether in the struggle against the enemy in the white areas or in the building of political power and economic development in the base areas, he unswervingly implemented the party's line, principles, and policies, made great contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, and the birth of new China, and was the founding father of the republic.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yao Yilin continued to work in the financial and economic departments that he was best at, contributing to the economic construction and development of New China. When New China was just founded, the country was facing serious financial and economic difficulties, and it can be said that it was in ruins to be rebuilt.

In order to break the imperialist blockade and forbidden area and restore and develop the national economy, Yao Yilin has done a great deal of pioneering work in establishing a state-run economy, cooperative commerce, using, restricting, and transforming the development of private industry and commerce, and foreign trade, and has played an important role in establishing the status of state-run commerce as the main channel in commodity circulation, stabilizing market prices, cracking down on speculative capital, and stabilizing the people's livelihood.

During the three-year period of difficulty, serious difficulties occurred in the national economy and the market commodities were very scarce, and Yao Yilin actively participated in the readjustment of the national economy and devoted his main energy to stabilizing the market and stabilizing the people's livelihood.

He seriously studied the financial and economic difficulties at that time, put forward the idea of price policy at the stage of national economic adjustment, meticulously organized and arranged the purchase and rational distribution of non-staple food, and ensured the most basic supply of non-staple food for residents in large and medium-sized cities and industrial and mining areas.

During the special period, Yao Yilin suffered serious persecution, but he adhered to principles and waged a tenacious struggle. After his comeback in 1973, he served as vice minister of foreign trade, and made great contributions to opening up export sources, introducing advanced foreign technology and equipment, and restoring and developing foreign trade.

In 1977, Yao Yilin served as the head of the State Council's financial and economic leading group, minister of commerce, secretary of the party committee, etc. He corrected the chaos, rectified unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, and implemented the cadre policy. Later, he served as deputy secretary general of the CPC Central Committee, director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and secretary general of the Financial, Economic, and Economic Committee of the State Council.

In 1979, Yao Yilin became vice premier of the State Council, in charge of economic work. Later, he concurrently served as the director and secretary of the Planning Commission, and the head of the central group for introducing intellectual labor, and presided over the preparation and organization of the sixth, seventh, and eighth five-year plans for national economic and social development.

He attached great importance to strengthening key construction, paying attention to agricultural development, emphasizing the food issue, participating in the establishment of special economic zones, and opening up coastal cities and coastal belts to decision-making and implementation. Later, he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and made major contributions to maintaining the country's social and political stability, deepening reform, expanding opening up, and promoting the development of the national economy.

Humen has no dogs, and Yao Yilin's descendants are also extraordinary achievements, and the husband of his daughter Yao Mingshan, who is also very important in today's Chinese political arena, is Wang Qishan, who, like his father-in-law, is also an official to the rank of zhengguo.

He joined the revolution at the age of 17, served as deputy prime minister and secretary of the Secretariat, and lived to the age of 77

In 1994, Yao Yilin died of illness in Beijing at the age of 77. Elder Yao's life is a life of revolution, a life of fighting, and a life of selfless dedication; the meritorious deeds he has built for the country and the people are always worth remembering, and his revolutionary spirit and lofty demeanor are always worthy of our study.

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