
100-year-old Yang Zhenning, the spirit is still very good, he shared the secret of longevity, worth learning

author:Women's Encyclopedia

China's Nobel laureate, Yang Zhenning, is now 100 years old, but when he was interviewed by the central media some time ago, his mental state was still very good, and he could not see a 100-year-old person at all. Physically fit and energetic. During the interview, the reporter praised Mr. Yang Zhenning for his good maintenance, and Yang Zhenning did not hesitate to teach and shared his longevity secret. This longevity secret is worth learning.

100-year-old Yang Zhenning, the spirit is still very good, he shared the secret of longevity, worth learning

A few longevity secrets, may wish to learn

1. The book has its own golden house, and the mental movement is indispensable

Yang Zhenning said that when he read the book, his mood was very stable, and he would feel happy in the process of absorbing knowledge. Therefore, not being irritable and maintaining pleasure is a typical longevity secret. The old man has loved to read all his life, and he believes that the ancients said that "there is a golden house in the book, and there is a Yan Ruyu in the book" is indeed true. In the process of reading books, you can not only improve your knowledge level and vision, but also improve your impetuous mood state. Otherwise, the long-term mood is impetuous, it is easy to affect the endocrine health, and the physical fitness will also decline. And the concept of longevity and health care is contrary to the road.

"Peace of mind" has always been a health concept pursued by the old man. The combination of mental stillness and physical movement can play a multiplier effect with half the effort. Therefore, in addition to reading, the old man also likes to go for an outdoor walk, and there is nothing to bask in the sun, which can play a role in dredging the meridians and protecting the bones.

100-year-old Yang Zhenning, the spirit is still very good, he shared the secret of longevity, worth learning

2. Harmonious family relations and balanced diet

The family environment, the social environment, and the working environment are all crucial to the health of the human body. Why do many people say that the birth family affects the health of a child. That's because if you are in a depressed environment for a long time, it is easy to suffer from mental illnesses, such as depression. In this case, not only will the psychology be distorted, but it may also affect the health of the body.

And Yang Zhenning and his wife can be described as loving and happy. Yang Zhenning's wife not only takes care of him in life, but also strongly supports his career. Yang Zhenning's body and mind have been comforted, so it also has certain benefits for physical health. If the two people often quarrel, anger and depression will affect the circulation of qi and blood in the body. It is easy to cause stagnant blood stasis and affect the metabolism of the body. In this case, it is easy to get sick.

In terms of diet, Mr. Yang Zhenning does not drink alcohol or smoke in normal times. He didn't touch either of these two typical carcinogenic foods. If you often smoke and drink heavily, it will damage the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, and it is easy to suffer from lung cancer, stomach cancer, bowel cancer and other diseases. Secondly, Mr. Yang Zhenning also maintains a nutritionally balanced diet in his daily life. It will not blindly eat a certain food because of its high nutritional value, but pay attention to balanced collocation. Usually meat and vegetarian food are eaten, and coarse grains and fine grains are wet with rain and dew. When eating, you will not overeat, but chew slowly. Otherwise, overeating will not only increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, but also affect the health of the throat, esophagus and other parts.

100-year-old Yang Zhenning, the spirit is still very good, he shared the secret of longevity, worth learning

3, do not blindly believe in health care products

Mr. Yang Zhenning believes that the most important way to maintain health is to start from daily life habits, rather than blindly buying some health care products. There are many health care varieties on the market now, and the effects are various and dazzling. However, the old man believes that it is a three-point poison of medicine, and he does not believe that eating these health care products can prolong life. Therefore, he never eats health supplements. If there are symptoms of discomfort such as waist and leg pain, you will choose to go to the hospital for professional diagnosis and treatment. Timely medical treatment is much more reliable than eating health care products. If you eat too many health care products, it may cause a burden on the body and backfire.

In addition, in addition to these three health tips, Yang Zhenning also said that his good body may also come from the genetic genes of his parents. Because his father is relatively long-lived, there are 4 brothers and sisters in the family, and the youngest sister is now more than 80 years old, but her physical condition is still very good. Mr. Yang Zhenning underwent heart bypass surgery at the age of 75, and his good physical fitness made him recover quickly after the operation, and until now, his heart is still very healthy. Therefore, it has to be said that the genetic genes of parents also have a certain impact on the child's physique. If the mother falls ill during pregnancy or if she is born prematurely, it can lead to congenital low physical fitness. In this case, it is even more necessary to do a good job in the usual health work. Otherwise, the odds of getting sick yourself may be much higher than others.

100-year-old Yang Zhenning, the spirit is still very good, he shared the secret of longevity, worth learning

After seeing the interview of the 100-year-old Mr. Yang Zhenning, I have to admire that the old man's current mental state is still so good, and his usual efforts are inseparable. In the face of these longevity secrets shared by the old man, I hope that the majority of health enthusiasts will learn from them. Usually do not blindly buy health care products, may treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Daily also to adjust their mentality, living habits and eating habits, more exercise, this is the correct way to maintain health and convenience.

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