
From "making decisions for the people" to "making decisions by the people" - the voting system for people's congress deputies of the Puyang Municipal People's Livelihood Practical Project was approved

author:Great River Network

Henan Provincial People's Congress Rong Media Center News (reporter Gao Liguo) "In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, practice the people-centered development thinking and the major concept of people's democracy in the whole process, and anchor the work goal of creating a Puyang model for the innovative development of the work of the People's Congress in the new era, the 28th session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Puyang City decided to implement the voting system for people's congress deputies at the meetings of the Municipal People's Congress from 2022, and promote the people's livelihood projects from 'being the master for the people' to the people's congress' Let the people decide' transformation. Liang Hong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Puyang Municipal People's Congress, said in an interview.

On October 28, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Puyang Municipal People's Congress on the Implementation of the Voting System for People's Congress Deputies for Practical Projects of People's Livelihood and the Opinions of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Puyang City on the Implementation of the Voting System for People's Congress Deputies for Practical Projects of People's Livelihood (for Trial Implementation) were adopted by the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Puyang City.

From "making decisions for the people" to "making decisions by the people" - the voting system for people's congress deputies of the Puyang Municipal People's Livelihood Practical Project was approved

Liang Hong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Puyang Municipal People's Congress, was interviewed

The voting system for people's congress deputies on practical projects of people's livelihood refers to the system in which the people's government, on the basis of extensively soliciting opinions from all quarters, puts forward candidate projects for people's livelihood matters in accordance with laws and regulations, and after the people's congress deputies decide on the people's livelihood practical projects for that year by means of a differential vote at the meeting of the people's congress, the people's government organizes and implements them, and accepts the supervision of the people's congress deputies and the people. Liang Hong said that in principle, the implementation of the people's livelihood practical projects should be completed in the current year, and if it is really necessary to implement them step by step across the year, the annual phased targets should be clarified. The annual people's livelihood projects are generally not less than 10, and the proportion of candidate projects shall not be less than 20%.

"The annual people's livelihood practical project people's congress deputies vote, divided into three stages, six links, divided into three stages of project collection primary, project deliberation and voting, project implementation supervision. Implement this system and introduce the collection, decision, supervision, and evaluation of practical projects for people's livelihood into the track of the people's congress system. Liang Hong said.

The operation process of the system is: the Puyang Municipal Government carries out the project collection work through various channels, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress forwards the opinions and suggestions of the representatives collected to the government, and the government selects and forms candidate projects and submits them to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress for review, and after the deliberation and approval of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, it is submitted to the Municipal People's Congress for deliberation and voting. After deliberation and vote by representatives, the formal items are determined in proportion to the difference. The government shall form a project implementation plan report and submit it to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress for the record. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress will include the implementation of the project in the annual supervision plan, decompose the supervision tasks into the relevant working committees, organize representatives to carry out inspections and inspections, listen to the progress of the project in the middle of the year, carry out satisfaction evaluation at the end of the year, and strengthen supervision in various forms to form a closed loop.

One vote weighs a thousand. "Whatever the masses want, we do." The purpose of our implementation of this system is to collect the things that the masses have the highest voice and the most urgent needs, so that the people's livelihood projects are no longer sung by the government, and the process of the projects from being determined and implemented to the final 'blossoming fruit' is more grounded, which is also an important embodiment of the implementation of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, the practice of the people-centered development concept, and the use of the system system to ensure that the people are the masters of their own affairs. Liang Hong said.

From "making decisions for the people" to "making decisions by the people" - the voting system for people's congress deputies of the Puyang Municipal People's Livelihood Practical Project was approved

Ma Shiguo, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Puyang Municipal Development and Reform Commission (left), and Liu Yiguang (right), member of the Standing Committee of the Puyang Municipal People's Congress and director of Henan Changgeng Law Firm, were interviewed

As the person in charge of the leading department of the city's key people's livelihood practical planning and promotion, Ma Shiguo, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Puyang Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said, "Carrying out the work of the people's livelihood practical project people's congress deputies voting system is a major progress in promoting grass-roots democracy, so that the people's livelihood practical projects are changed from 'government departments themselves to do it' to 'the masses propose, deputies decide, the government does, and the people's congress evaluates', so as to achieve accurate docking and high integration between government decision-making and the needs of the masses, so that the people's livelihood practical matters can be done on the 'heart' of the masses." We will bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the development of people's democracy in the whole process, adhere to the civil people's deliberation and civil people's decision, take the initiative to open the door to solicit advice, scientifically demonstrate and screen the candidate projects for people's livelihood, and form an annual report on people's livelihood candidate projects as soon as possible to report to the municipal government and the municipal people's congress for deliberation; at the same time, in the process of implementing the people's livelihood, regularly report the progress of work to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, accept the supervision of people's congress deputies and the people, and ensure that practical things are done and good things are done well. ”

Liu Yiguang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Puyang Municipal People's Congress and director of Henan Changgeng Law Firm, said in an interview: "The facts of people's livelihood reflect the people's concerns and reflect the people's will. The voting system for deputies of people's livelihood practical projects is the basic requirement for the people to be the masters of their own affairs, and it is also another vivid practice of people's democracy in Puyang in the whole process, which will surely promote the people-centered development thinking to take root and blossom in our city. ”

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