
The Youth Force Behind China's Aerospace Industry for 60 Years: Youth Casts Swords, Aerospace Serves the Country

author:Bright Net

Youth casts swords, space serves the country

——The youth force behind China's aviation industry for 60 years

In 9 years, what kind of story can you write?

As a post-90s generation, Guo Sidong chose the key word in his life 9 years ago as "China Aerospace". At that time, he had just graduated from the technical school, and even he himself had never thought that these 4 words made him feel like a new student. In 9 years, he and his team won the technical research and manufacturing simulation of the core components of many major models in one fell swoop, at the same time, "National Excellent Communist Youth League Members" and "National Technical Experts" came one after another, and all of this stemmed from the connection with China Aerospace 9 years ago.

Yungang, Beijing, the seat of the West Compound of the Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China, where Guo Sidong works. When he first walked into the Three Courtyards, he was attracted by the "Beyond" sculpture standing in front of him, this sculpture taken from the shape of a phoenix, looked like a sharp sword piercing the blue sky, and from a distance looked like a flying missile with a bow ready to attack.

Since 60 years ago, it is in this land that one after another self-developed domestic missiles have come out one after another: the first type of shore ship missiles of New China, the first type of air-ship missiles, the first type of supersonic missiles... Behind these heavy weapons to protect the family and the country are young people from all over the motherland, who have surrounded a yard and built several factories, and China's aviation industry has taken root.

60 years later, this group of people has long been old, but they also have the same youth, the same feelings and goals as Guo Sidong - to sharpen the sword for the big country.

Forge a divine weapon to protect the family and protect the country

"Even if you are hungry and fighting for your life, you must also get the missiles out!" This is the common voice of the first generation of people in the three houses when the hospital was first established.

At the beginning of the business, during the critical period of the development of the first type of shore ship missile "Seahawk II", Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated, aid experts withdrew, and drawings and materials were taken away. The harsh living and working conditions and the tight technical blockade did not make the pilots flinch, but on the contrary stimulated their high work enthusiasm.

Soon, Liang Shouyu, who was the chief designer of the "Seahawk II" at the time, was inspired by the structure of the basketball and conquered the key technical bottleneck of corrosion resistance of the engine fuel tank material in one fell swoop. The success of the "Sea Eagle II" made Marshal Nie Rongzhen, then vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, excited: "The People's Navy finally has its own design and manufacture of missile weapons!" ”

"Everyone calls the 'Sea Eagle II' a 'gas bomb,' which is intended to compete for the spirit of starting a business in the three courts, the strength of the navy, and the spirit of the Chinese nation, and is determined to shake off the 'foreign crutch' and break out of an independent road of missile development." Shi Xinxing, secretary of the party committee of the three courts, still held his breath when talking about this history.

In October 1973, a group of young researchers from the Third Institute conducted experiments in a deserted ditch.

They buried the missile's engine head in the ground and tested the ignition of the flaming butt in the air. The researchers stood on the cliff of the ditch a hundred meters away, staring at the ignition. The trial was ultimately successful.

At that time, the missile was not officially approved, because of its small size and a "black household", it was called "small two black" by researchers.

In 1984, when it appeared at the military parade marking the 35th anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, foreign guests exclaimed that it was a "Chinese flying fish." It hit the target ship in one fell swoop in six shots and six shots in the Yellow Sea test area, and its prestige has spread far and wide since.

Behind this is the dedication and sacrifice of China's pilots.

Academician Liu Yongcai has worked in the Three Academies all his life, and he led the cruise team to spend more than ten years breaking the technical blockade of many foreign countries and successfully developing China's first generation of land-based cruise missiles with 70% technological innovation.

Once, he was also a young and handsome young backbone, because of overload work, the stomach was removed three-quarters, and later busy troubleshooting at the test site, resulting in a recurrence of stomach disease and heavy bleeding. By the time he was pushed into the operating room, his blood pressure had dropped to zero.

Once freed from the entanglement of illness, he returned to work, running back and forth, picking up lights and fighting at night... The phrase "work matters" always makes the staff around them both admired and helpless.

"Live to do, die to count." This is Liu Yongcai's mantra, and it is also a portrayal of the original intention of the flying people to serve the country.

Don't be a guest, don't be a visitor, and be a pioneer

Combat task planning and the restoration of the real battlefield by means of informationization are at the forefront of national defense equipment construction. In the face of this field, Wei Xiangyuan, a post-90s senior engineer of the Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China, is like a "robot" who has been pressed the start button, running forward non-stop.

Wei Xiangyuan consulted a large number of literature and professional knowledge, exploring and delving at the same time. For a while, in the courtyard of the three courtyards in the early morning, I could always see him carrying baked cakes and soybean milk in his left hand and a notebook in his right hand. He often said: "Astronauts must carry forward the spirit of revolutionary pioneers who are not afraid of sacrifice and struggle hard." ”

In the past 6 years of work, Wei Xiangyuan has heard countless flying stories, among which what impressed him the most was related to the difficult starting point of everything to be rebuilt.

In the early days of the establishment of the Three Courts, Political Commissar Yuwen said in the first class of admission education: "The work we are engaged in cannot be told to parents at the top, and we cannot tell our wives and children at the bottom. "'Living in the Third Branch, dying in Yungang Village, buried in BabaoShan.'" We must strive for the cutting-edge cause of national defense of the motherland all our lives and be willing to be an unsung hero for a lifetime. Since then, the revolutionary spirit of patriotic loyalty has reverberated in the common oath of the older generation of pilots.

After more than 5 years of hard work, the ancestors completed the imitation task of "Upstream No. 1" and built the first production base of coastal defense missiles; in a large soil pit with wild grass on the mountain behind Yungang, the "Little Two Blacks" carried out a hot test of the main engine that can be recorded in history.

"We pilots must not only not be afraid of being tired, but also not afraid of making mistakes, only by adhering to a strict, cautious, meticulous and practical work attitude can we transform experience into knowledge and do our work to the extreme." Wei Xiangyuan said.

As the general manager of a number of major projects and projects, he is responsible for leading various units to promote the progress of the project, the intensity of work is the norm, this post-90s has his own "relief artifact" - humming a song or drinking a favorite drink, which can make him more inspired.

The road of scientific and technological innovation has never been a smooth road. On Wei Xiangyuan's work computer, there is an area that he names as the "Experience Pool", which is dedicated to recording the mistakes he made and summarizing in the process of work and study, and treating every engineering practice and scientific research practice as an opportunity to improve himself.

From the fiery scene of the decisive battle of key models to the research and development base of major scientific research and development, from the production line of the workshop team to the fiercely competitive commercial market, from the emergency assault against the epidemic to the forefront of the struggle against major crisis challenges... On the stage of the aviation industry, these major events are like towering stairs and cornerstones, supporting a group of young scientific and technological workers, including Wei Xiangyuan, to cut through thorns and thorns.

85% of young people under the age of 35 in innovation teams

A crack of a "joint tactical-level mission planning problem" has improved the key performance of the traditional system by 50 times; a target aircraft model has completed 9 flight tests in 81 days, filling a number of technical gaps in the field of domestic unmanned aerial vehicles...

The scientific research team that cracks these innovative technologies is the proud "treasure" of the three hospitals. It is worth mentioning that the proportion of young people under the age of 35 in this innovation team is as high as 85%.

The relevant person in charge of the Youth League Committee of the Three Academies said that every year, a large number of outstanding young employees stand out in key technology research and independent innovation design; even more than half of the "golden ideas" in the field of pre-research and innovation are reported by young employees alone or jointly.

To this end, the three hospitals have also established an association of young scientific and technological workers, investing 10 million yuan in innovation funds every year, and more than 1,000 young people have signed up. For those young people with independent technology and innovative ideas, innovation platforms and creative incubation support are the most urgent needs at present, and the Youth Science and Technology Association of the three academies has given them such opportunities and platforms. At the same time, the three courts have also formulated 21 specific measures to establish a dual innovation system such as the Youth Innovation Room, the Youth Innovation Competition, the Youth Training Camp and the Youth Science and Technology Association, and continuously enrich and expand the platform and opportunities for youth growth.

Zheng Yi is a member of the "Future Combat System and Technology Professional Group" of the Youth Science and Technology Association, and she told reporters that the members of the Youth Science association closely dock with the young talent pool, smooth the conversion and exchange channels of various sequences horizontally, and break the "ceiling" of career development. All these efforts are so that young people can inherit the fine traditions of the older generation of pilots and make new contributions.

To this day, there is still a classic story among the young pilots of the three courts: one autumn, in a small station in Gansu, a certain type of test bomb entered the field, and the self-owned missile carriage was unloaded on the platform and had to be transferred to another train, but the two trains were not on the same track, the small station had limited resources, and there was no extra locomotive to assist in the transfer.

In a hurry, the test team members made a surprising move - pushing the train.

Therefore, on the small station of the Gobi filled with yellow sand, a shocking picture appeared: dozens of "weak scholars" shouted neat slogans, took steps, and pushed a carriage slowly forward...

Looking back, the young figures were strong beliefs and wills converging into an indomitable torrent of steel. This strong belief and will is the mission of this group of pilots: to strengthen the army with science and technology, and to serve the country by spaceflight.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Qiu Chenhui Source: China Youth Daily

September 01, 2021 Edition

Source: China Youth Daily

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