
News 1+1丨 To ensure that the epidemic situation is "not spread", what should border city Ruili do?

Source: CCTV news client

Ruili, connected with Myanmar mountains and rivers on three sides, villages are interdependent, the border line is 169.8 kilometers long, is the densest concentration of China-Myanmar boundary monuments and the largest number of ferry passages, only there are 10 port passages. Due to the special geographical situation of Ruili, coupled with the characteristics of the Delta mutation virus, Ruili has always been under the high pressure of border prevention and control, and the forefront of the fight against the epidemic, how can Ruili better win the hard battle of border prevention and control?

Ruili comprehensively strengthened border prevention and control

Li Jianfei: Yunnan Ruili's geographical location is relatively special, the border situation is more complicated, for a long time the border people of the two countries have had frequent exchanges, there was no buffer area for epidemic prevention and control before, the all-round border three-dimensional prevention and control barrier has not yet been fully established, and the epidemic import channel has not been completely cut off. At present, Ruili City is comprehensively speeding up the construction of the border integrated prevention and control system, increasing the investment in border civil air defense, material defense and technical defense, optimizing and adjusting the patrol force on duty, and at the same time severely cracking down on border-related illegal and criminal acts, detecting many cases of border smuggling, destroying multiple criminal chains, strictly dividing the strict control and martial law area, checking and rectifying the surrounding hidden danger loopholes, and the border epidemic prevention and control buffer zone has initially taken shape. At the same time, Ruili City is also making every effort to do a good job in joint prevention and control with Myanmar, and has donated 400,000 doses of new crown vaccines to Mujie district in Myanmar, donated anti-epidemic materials and engineering materials worth more than 20 million yuan, supported the mujie area of Myanmar to carry out epidemic prevention and control, and supported the new crown pneumonia medical center in Mujie district was officially opened on October 1.

The psychological pressure and economic pressure of residents of Ruili, Yunnan under the epidemic situation are increasing

Li Jianfei, reporter of the main station: Before and after the outbreak of the epidemic, I interviewed Ruili in all aspects many times. Ruili as the largest port city in Myanmar has a high degree of economic activity, such as Ruili's jade jewelry trade, mahogany market was very prosperous before, and has a unique ethnic customs and natural ecological environment, is also a famous border tourism city, here engaged in business catering and border trade personnel are numerous. Since the outbreak of the epidemic at the end of March this year, Ruili is facing a severe risk of importing the epidemic from abroad, and after taking strict prevention and control measures, factories and restaurants have been closed, and the jewelry market has been temporarily closed, and it has been 6 to 7 months since then, and its business activities and normal work and life have been greatly affected. Some wood and jewelry merchants have reflected to me that there are indeed many months of not opening for business, such a large façade, so many employees, wages, rent, bring psychological pressure to everyone, these pressures are more prominent in some isolation points, everyone understands and supports prevention and control measures and prevention and control policies, but it is inevitable that there will be anxiety.

What are the relief policies of Ruili City for the people in need?

Li Jianfei, a reporter from the General Station: (1) Distribution of relief funds: Temporary assistance to the people in need, distribution of anti-epidemic relief funds for key groups and fallow subsidies for peasant households in strict control and martial law areas, and full protection of people's livelihood, in accordance with the standard of 1,000 yuan per person subsidy, for the border villagers, low-income households, poor households with established files, disabled people, seriously ill families, laid-off workers, natural disaster masses, enterprise workers and other 8 categories of difficult groups, a total of 68,780 people, 68.78 million yuan of relief funds. (2) Distribute urban and rural minimum guarantee funds, temporary relief funds, as well as special hardship support funds, basic living expenses for orphans and subsidies for the disabled. (3) It also distributed 23,000 copies of daily necessities such as rice, noodles, edible oil, meat and vegetables to permanent residents and floating populations living in difficulty during the epidemic period, 3 million yuan of consumption coupons for catering, agricultural trade supermarkets and daily necessities, and more than 70,000 copies of "love packs" of epidemic prevention materials such as masks and disinfectants.

Do not leave Switzerland unless necessary, and implement a strict policy of leaving Switzerland

Li Jianfei: The policy of leaving Switzerland has been adjusted accordingly according to the division of the "three districts", and the personnel of the city's prevention zone (green area) who apply to leave Switzerland for non-special circumstances such as illness, bereavement, and official duties shall implement 7 days of centralized isolation measures at their own expense; those in the control area (yellow area) who apply for leaving Switzerland for 14 days because of illness, bereavement, and official duties; those who are judged to have the risk of infection and are transferred to an isolation place for isolation and apply to leave Switzerland during the isolation period, after the implementation of the 14-day centralized isolation measures, Close contacts or sub-close contacts who are judged to be infected with new crown pneumonia are transferred to the isolation place for isolation and apply to leave Switzerland during the isolation period, after the implementation of 21 days of centralized isolation measures, they can go through the procedures for leaving Switzerland; if it is true that due to living difficulties, it is impossible to pay the isolation fee, the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters will arrange for isolation in the centralized isolation board room area. At present, the implementation of strict control of measures to leave Switzerland is necessary, but it is also temporary, and the next step will be to adjust according to the epidemic prevention and control situation to minimize the impact on travel and production and life.

Eligible schools reopened on November 5

Li Jianfei: Now Ruili City gives priority to ensuring the resumption of the third grade of high school, and at the same time, the second grade of high school and the third grade of junior high school have also returned to the classroom one after another, and in the next step, Ruili City will follow the maximum resumption of school and the strictest standard prevention and control measures, and arrange for the resumption of schools that meet the closed management conditions in an orderly manner on November 5, and arrange for the resumption of schools that do not have the conditions for sealing and control management in an orderly manner after the incubation period of the city's epidemic has passed through a stable incubation period.

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