
To the little people: Don't be too high, people who take face too seriously, the road will become narrower and narrower

author:Chinese Ghost Valley Think Tank
To the little people: Don't be too high, people who take face too seriously, the road will become narrower and narrower

A post-70s friend said: Compared with the current post-80s and post-90s, when we were young, there were really many opportunities, and the difficulty of starting a business was much smaller, even if we did not want to go to the sea, we could buy a few apartments in the big city as early as possible, and we did not buy a house in the suburbs to build more houses and other demolitions.

However, we always think that the best opportunity will be in the future, and now that we are old, we have found that we were in the golden age of getting rich at that time, and we were all missed. In the best years, we chose our wives and children to play mahjong, drink small wine, think that this is freedom, and now it is too late to regret it.

Today, let's talk about freedom, the freedom of small people.


Everything has a cost, and the choice is difficult, which means giving up some freedom, just like the original primitive people.

The historian Yuval Hararili described the process of human development: the primitive people who once lived in dark caves and starved, although the days were very hard, the primitive people felt very happy, everyone was just as poor, unclothed, hungry, and unhappy in the game world?

Primitive people think that this is called freedom, carefree freedom, free and happy.

But there are some primitive people who feel that something should be done, and living in a dark and damp cave is not always the way to go, and they actually have the idea of getting out of the cave.

However, there are all kinds of uncertain dangers outside the cave, and there are all kinds of natural and man-made disasters. Of course, if you succeed, you can get more food, better clothing, more living resources, and even the respect of your peers.

So the primitive people in the cave advised them not to be whimsical, to enjoy freedom, and their lives were only a few autumns.

Until, some primitive people came out of the cave and bravely took that step, and then faced a huge existential crisis, to accept all kinds of sudden dangers. At the same time, they rejoiced that there were indeed more resources outside the cave than enough to enable them to live a rich, respectable life. Just like Sun Wukong, who jumped into the water curtain hole, he became the monkey king, no longer a wild monkey. They evolved into adults, not monkeys.

Thus the class appeared, and the primitive people in the cave continued to enjoy the freedom of poverty, and ridiculed the primitive people outside the cave for taking risks without their own strength, and in their view life with their own kind, with natural enemies, with nature as unfree. It is believed that lying flat with hunger and cold is true freedom.

To the little people: Don't be too high, people who take face too seriously, the road will become narrower and narrower


May I ask you, who enjoyed true freedom among the primitive people inside and outside the cave? Birds in cages are well fed, believing that this is happiness, and they will never feel the freedom to soar in the air.

Ashin believes that freedom is not what you can do, but what you can choose to do. For example, secular luxury car villas, you can choose not to, this is freedom. But you have to have the strength to have, which is also freedom.

Recommend a novel "The Water of the Waves", the protagonist Chi Dawei is a person who worships freedom, he believes that money and fame are things outside the body, in order to enjoy freedom, he goes his own way in the unit, offends colleagues, confronts leaders, feels that playing chess every day, sleeping and sleeping, living a day is freedom.

Then the problem arose, the price of his pursuit of freedom was excluded by his colleagues, ignored by the leader, and he could bear it. But children want to go to good school. There is no house, only with the wife, mother-in-law squeezed in a room has become a reality. What made him even more unbearable was that the horse ass colleague he despised became his leader.

May I ask, is Chi Dawei free? If you are immersed in the world of chicken soup for the soul, you are indeed free, have no desires and no demands, get by and live a flat life, and Qinggao criticizes the vulgar human beings who "the world is full of people and are all for profit". When encountering setbacks, carry forward the spirit of A Q: people are small in front of the universe, there is no need to make themselves too tired in the short life, it is a big realm not to fight or grab, and it is a step back to the sea and the sky.

Chi Dawei suffered a lot for this, and the unit divided the house to know that he met the conditions, and he applied for it first, and as a result, the former colleague of the horse ass jing was replaced by the current leader. He said with emotion: Sticking to principles and pretending to be high is only a statement, in other words, incompetent people, people who cannot keep up with the times, and society is such a dialectic.

He looked down on his sneaky colleague and ridiculed him for paying so much to live a rich life, selling his time, his dignity, and even his freedom. However, colleagues also gain money, status, fame and fortune, and also get another kind of freedom, what to eat, what to wear, and more freedom of choice, such as giving children the best school.

The same children, why can only their own children go to third-rate schools, while other people's children can go to first-class schools? It is okay to suffer oneself, but isn't it also the price of freedom to suffer a child?

Chi Da asked himself in pain: I am not unable to see the situation clearly, and sometimes I want to enter the situation with the trend, such as fishing in the water, but the heart just can't go along with that trend, the personality is not able to enter the game, the pain of entering the game is greater than the happiness I get, I think why should I bring big pain for small happiness?

Ashin believes that the freedom to live and the freedom to live, one is face, the other is Lizi, if you want face, you can't get Lizi, and if you want Lizi, you can't get face.


Chi Dawei could not take that step, his ex-girlfriend, Xu Xiaoman, who had already been the leader, when he clicked on him, there was a waitress knocking on the door, Xu Xiaoman heard the knock, but did not respond and pretended not to hear, let the waiter stand there and wait.

Afterwards, Xu Xiaoman asked Chi Dawei: Is there a fire in the heart of the waiter who is hanging there? Of course there is, but she still has to force a smile and say, "Please use slowly." This waitress is a weak person, does she have freedom?

So, what should you do if you want to be free? Some things must be in that seat, otherwise there is nothing, not even a sense of dignity. Dignity cannot be built on an empty pride. The world is so indifferent, even shameless. Everywhere, there is no poetic space, in the final analysis, human nature is too shameless.

Survival is the highest law of the age of survival, an absolute command, and there is nothing in front of us but survival. When everything unfolds on the plane of reality, those illusory things, what spirit, are actually very pale, maybe charming, but still pale, and cannot be truly effectively related to reality.

First you have to live, and then ask the meaning of living. But there are too many people, first ask the meaning of living, hard to live. The same people, poor and rich people say "I have no interest in money" meaning differently. Of course, if you are an elegant and noble person, please ignore this article. This article is just trying to awaken some friends who twist their hearts into twists. Don't be too high,And those who take face too seriously will get narrower and narrower.

The world is crude and cannot stand up to your elegance.

To the little people: Don't be too high, people who take face too seriously, the road will become narrower and narrower


The protagonist, Chi Dawei, is happy, with his ex-girlfriend, friends and family telling him the difference between ideal freedom and realistic freedom, arguing the importance of fame and materiality. In the end, he figured it out, let go of Qinggao, took that step towards reality, and rose step by step.

However, there are still many chi dawei in life, high and proud, cynical, shouting all day long about calm and natural, no desire and no demand, thinking that they have been free. As everyone knows, in this secular society, the air of true freedom is not at the bottom, but at the top. As Mr. Lu Xun said: There is no freedom in greed and stability, and to be free is to go through some dangers. so

Can you take this step for the sake of vulgar freedom?

This article is originally produced by Onigu Nobu, more wonderful oniguzi wisdom, please pay attention to the WeChat public account "Ghost Valley Road", to empower your strategy and help you become a contemporary zongheng family.

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