
The "five points" of Pu Songling's "five points" reading method of language learning method

author:Scattered 231238521

Pu Songling's "five points" reading method

This is a reading method that ensures the smooth progress of reading from three aspects: time, books, and methods.

"Writing ghosts and writing demons is superior to others, and stabbing greed and stabbing into the bones is three points", this is Guo Moruo's high evaluation of Pu Songling, the author of "Liaozhai Zhiyi >. How could Pu Songling have such a superhuman artistic skill? This is inseparable from his eager reading with the "five points" reading method. The specific contents of the "Five Essentials" are:

One is to read it every day. Pu Songling took the method of recording progress every day and urged himself to insist on reading every day without interruption. When he was twenty-five years old, he went to Li's house to study for several years at the invitation of his close friend Li Ximei. They "turned to the window" and "lit up at night" and read hard. Pu Songling ordered a book by himself, and every morning after getting up, he marked the date, and wrote down what books and articles he had written during the day. If one day there is a blank space under the date, he will feel guilty, as if he has no place to make up for it. Pu Songling recorded his footprints on the Shushan Trek, blocked the back road of "self-forgiveness", and read a lot of books.

Second, read night and night. Pu Songling lived in poverty, often busy with his livelihood during the day, and did not have much time to spend studying. So, in his decades-long reading career, he paid special attention to the use of "one-third of life"—the time of the night. He was often a book and a lamp, and he buried his head in the night. When he went to bed, he would read a few pages of the book by candlelight. Sometimes I can't sleep in the middle of the night, and I still get up and pick up the lamp to read again. In this way, he won a lot of reading time.

Three to read in the elderly. In his old age, Pu Songling's hair was white, his ears were deaf, his teeth were missing, but his eyes were fine. He felt greatly pleased and wrote a poem saying: "Only one function can fulfill its duties, and it is fortunate to open the mood when turning the book." This means that in his later years, only the eye, an organ, can be used to make himself happy by turning over books and reading. In his twilight years, he still read various books. In the poem "Silent Sitting", he wrote: "I have enjoyed books in my life, and I am as old as I used to be crazy." The middle of the day is the south brain, and the sun is obliquely followed by the west window. ”

Fourth, we must copy books to read. What if there is no book? I had to copy the book. This not only deepens the impression, but also changes from no book to book. Pu Songling had been a tutor in Biji for thirty years and did not want to leave, and one of the main reasons was that the Bi family had many books that could be borrowed and read. Pu Songling believes that "the stack of books on the shelf is rich". He was happy and poor, and was fortunate to borrow books to read and copy books to read.

Fifth, read by category. Pu Songling divided the books into two categories, intensive reading and extensive reading, reading them differently, he said, some books can be "discarded at a time", that is, browse again, understand the general idea, and some books should be repeatedly read, constantly playing, until they are read through. His requirements are: ask for questions, ask for answers, filter out the dregs, do the best, and make a book like a cup of clear water, see through at a glance. He wrote a poem describing it: "Reading and analyzing doubts is like filtering water, so as to make sure that the bottom is clear."

Pu Songling's "five points" reading method involves three aspects: reading time, book source, and reading method. He bought time, copied books and read books, "varies from book to book", and combined essence and generalism, which still have a lot of enlightenment for us.


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