
Mr. Yu Youren's inscription is related to the long-established Ma Mingren

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In the modern calligraphy world, it can be said that there are many masters, Mr. Bai Banana, who is known as "Little Wang Xizhi", mr. Shen Yinmo, who inherited the ancients and has great influence, and there are huang Binhong, Pan Boying, Ma Gongyu, Ma Yifu, Xie Wuliang and other gentlemen. And one of them is known as the "modern calligraphy sage", his calligraphy is outstanding in the forest of the times, and "leading the monument into the grass", creating a new realm of calligraphy, he is Mr. Yu Youren. Mr. Yu Youren also wrote an inscription for Ma Mingren and influenced the enterprise for more than 80 years.

Mr. Yu Youren's inscription is related to the long-established Ma Mingren

Mr. Yu Youren's characters are very rare, Yu Youren is a great poet and a great calligrapher, at that time many people were proud to get his pieces of paper, and other idle people could rarely find his words. In the hutong where he lived, there were often people who did not talk about public morality, so he wrote a few large characters and posted them in the hutong to warn. But it disappeared shortly after it was posted, and it turned out to be secretly revealed. It has also been cut, adjusted and framed. This shows how rare Mr. Yu Youren's words are, not to mention that Mr. Yu Youren took the initiative to write the inscription.

So what is the connection between Mr. Yu Youren and Ma Mingren? Why are you happy to write an inscription for Ma Mingren? The story goes back to the 1940s. At that time, due to the enemy's bombing, the "Ma Mingren Shop" was also spared, and the shops and medicinal utensils were all burned down. Faced with such a predicament, Mr. Ma Mingren was distraught, and while reorganizing the plaster shop, he purchased relief items for the remaining belongings and took in the surrounding disaster victims.

Mr. Yu Youren's inscription is related to the long-established Ma Mingren

In the twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China (1939), Mr. Yu Youren, who was then the head of the Supervision Bureau, returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, heard about this matter, and learned that Ma Mingren was born in Mei County, Shaanxi Province, and even lamented that he had the style of Zhang Zi (Zhang Zai, a hengqu person in Mei County), so he specially rushed to the reopened Ma Mingren Shop and praised: "Suwen Ma's ancestors had a lesson of 'benevolence and filial piety', and as a descendant, they can let the door-to-door patients try first and buy, do not take any points from the poor and lonely, do not humble the powerful and high-ranking people, do not cure the corrupt officials and bullies, and this time they are righteous to save the disaster people. Love others with a heart that loves yourself, then do your best! (Zhang Zai famous sentence)". After the words arose, Mr. Yu Youren waved on the spot and re-inscribed the four characters of "Benevolence and Filial Piety" for Ma Mingrenpu, and made a plaque to give to him.

Mr. Yu Youren's inscription is related to the long-established Ma Mingren

Ancestral training "benevolence and filial piety", Mr. Yu Youren inscription "benevolent filial piety", from more than 160 years ago to the present, Ma Mingren has been following the ancestral precept of "benevolence and filial piety", becoming a warm enterprise with feelings and understanding of returns.

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