
At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

author:Foodie Mo Xiaoyu

Autumn is coming, winter is coming, and at the turn of the seasons, the temperature difference between day and night is getting bigger and bigger, the air is drier, and we are often prone to "fire". In such a season, in addition to drinking more warm water to replenish water and moisten the throat, eating some foods that clear the fire and moisturize the lungs is also very useful.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

Lettuce and lilies are both dishes of the season, and lettuce is well-watered, and both stems and young leaves can be eaten. Lettuce can be eaten raw, cold, sautéed or pickled. Lily is a kind of medicinal and food homologous ingredients, with the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing lungs, purifying the heart and calming the spirit, and the nutritional value is very rich. Today's introduction is a home-cooked dish with lettuce and lilies: fried lilies with lettuce, this dish is crisp and sweet, and it is also a good vegetarian dish for daily home banquets.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > fried lilies with lettuce</h1>

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > ingredients</h1>

1 lettuce (about 500 grams), 150 grams of fresh lilies, 1 small pepper, 20 ml of cooking oil, salt and chicken essence to taste, 1 teaspoon of starch.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > production method:</h1>

1, the lettuce leaves to remove (do not throw away the young leaves of lettuce, you can fry and eat), peel and wash from the middle into two, slash the knife into thin slices for later; small peppers washed and cut into circles (can also not be put).

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:
At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

2: After washing the lilies, cut off the yellow part of the root and leaf tip, peel off the flap and put it in the basin and soak in water for about 30 minutes to drain it.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

3: Add a little salt and a few drops of oil to the boiling water, quickly blanch the lettuce slices and lilies and then cool the water. Mix a water starch with starch and set aside.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

4: Put the cooking oil in the hot pot, pour the lettuce and lilies into the high heat and stir-fry for about 1 minute, add salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly, pour in the water starch to hook the thin mustard, and garnish the red pepper rings to plate.

At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:
At the turn of autumn and winter, it is suitable for making lettuce fried lilies, crisp and sweet, clear fire and lungs and delicious lettuce fried lilies Ingredients Preparation method: Cooking instructions:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > cooking instructions:</h1>

1, vegetarian dishes should be blanched with boiling water, put in a little salt and oil to make the lettuce slices more emerald green, after blanching the water over the cold water can maintain a crisp taste.

3, the general stir-fried stew soup is recommended to use Lanzhou lily, it is the only sweet lily that can be used for cooking. Lanzhou fresh lilies can be eaten raw, cooked vegetables, can also cook porridge, cooking time should be short, up to no more than 2 minutes, otherwise the taste will become greasy.

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