
After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

author:History of Morrh

Defecting to the enemy and treason has always been disgraced by the people, and when the emperor learned that the general had defected to the enemy and committed treason, he was even more eager to kill the general.

However, Huang Quan betrayed Liu Bei in the Battle of Yiling and surrendered to the State of Wei, it should be That Huang Quan was sorry for Liu Bei, but why did Liu Bei say that he was sorry for Huang Quan? In fact, this is related to Huang Quan's experience.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

Huang Quan was originally from Yizhou and served as the master bookkeeper under Liu Zhang. Although Liu Zhang sat in Yizhou, he was a mediocre and incompetent person. Liu Zhang could not defeat Zhang Lu, so he decided to invite his brother Liu Bei into Sichuan and ask Liu Bei to help him fight Zhang Lu together. When Huang Quan learned of this, he immediately advised Liu Zhang not to invite Liu Bei into Sichuan, which was tantamount to luring a wolf into the house.

However, Liu Zhang did not listen to Huang Quan's advice, and he had an iron heart to invite Liu Bei into Sichuan. When Longzhong was right, Zhuge Liang let Liu Bei occupy Yizhou and then plot the world. At this time, Liu Zhang let Liu Bei enter Sichuan, which naturally provided a prerequisite for Liu Bei to seek Yizhou. Sure enough, as Huang Quan expected, after Liu Bei entered Sichuan, he turned against Liu Zhang and led an army to attack Yizhou.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

Liu Bei had already made preparations, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo, attacking the city strategically, and the defenders of Yizhou all over Yizhou fled in anticipation of the wind. The wall fell and everyone pushed, and everyone saw that Liu Zhang was not Liu Bei's opponent, so they turned against Liu Bei and surrendered to Liu Bei, except for Huang Quan, who insisted on holding the city and refused to surrender.

Liu Bei saw that Huang Quan would not surrender, and his heart was full of admiration for Huang Quan, and he sincerely praised Huang Quan. It was through this incident that Liu Bei lamented that he was sorry for Huang Quan after the Battle of Yiling, because he knew what kind of person Huang Quan was. In the face of Liu Bei's offensive, Liu Zhang was powerless to resist and could only go out of the city and surrender.

As the boss, Liu Zhang surrendered, and if Huang Quan, as an employee, resisted again, it would be a fearless sacrifice, because he alone could not change anything, it was better to obey the general trend.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

After Huang Quan submitted to Liu Bei, he received Liu Bei's attention and assisted Liu Bei in capturing Hanzhong together. If nothing else, Huang Quan's position in shu Han was heavy, but heaven made a joke for Huang Quan.

In 221 AD, in order to avenge Guan Yu, Liu Bei personally marched. When Liu Bei personally conquered the State of Wu, in order to prevent the State of Wei from taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, he let Huang Quan lead the army to defend the north of the river, while Liu Bei himself personally led the army along the Yangtze River to attack the State of Wu, thus opening the prelude to the Battle of Yiling.

In the early stage of the war, the Shu army marched forward in triumph and victory, the Wu army collapsed into an army, and it was defeated and retreated, and the victory in front of it overwhelmed Liu Bei's brain, making Liu Bei a little floating.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

At this time, it was summer, the heat was unbearable, Liu Bei in order to sympathize with the soldiers, he set up the Shu army in the dense forest, so that the soldiers were not suffering from the scorching sun, and it was this move that laid the groundwork for Liu Bei's defeat.

Lu Xun saw the opportunity, so he adopted the strategy of fire attack and burned Liu Bei's Baili Company battalion clean. The fire was raging, the Shu army was in chaos, and Liu Bei was powerless to resist and could only flee. Due to the sudden burning of the camp, Liu Bei fled from the panic, but Huang Quan, who was in Jiangbei, did not know it.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

When Huang Quan learned that Liu Bei had been defeated and was ready to withdraw his troops, he found that the way back to Chengdu had been intercepted by the Wu army, and he was deeply surrounded by the Wu army.

Huang Quan was in a dilemma at this time, if he rushed to war with the Wu army, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, if Huang Quan committed suicide and martyrdom, it would be completely singable and weeping, but what about his soldiers? They also have parents, wives and children, and they cannot sacrifice in vain.

At this time, Huang Quan made a surprising move, that is, surrender, but Huang Quan did not surrender to the State of Wu, but to the State of Wei. After Liu Bei learned that Huang Quan surrendered, instead of blaming him, he understood him very well, and Liu Bei thought that he was sorry for Huang Quan.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

After all, the responsibility for the defeat of Yiling lies all in Liu Bei, not in Huang Quan, and Huang Quan's surrender to Wei is not for himself, but for the sake of the generals of the whole army, just like when Huang Quan surrendered to Liu Bei, Huang Quan is not for his own consideration, but for the whole army.

Some people suggested killing Huang Quan's family, but Liu Bei said that he was already sorry for Huang Quan and could no longer be sorry for his family, so he ordered that Huang Quan's family be treated well.

After the Battle of Yiling, Huang Quan rebelled against Shu and surrendered to Wei, so why did Liu Bei still say that he was sorry for him?

Many people say that Liu Bei is a "hypocrite", but through this incident, this paradox can be overturned, Liu Bei is a true gentleman without compromise, a prince of benevolence and righteousness.

Besides, how can someone who can make Second Master Guan look good and worship as a big brother be a hypocrite? What do you think?

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