
Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

Life will have different feelings at different stages, sentimentality when young, both regret spring hurts, but also see rain and sorrow; middle age experience, should have been able to settle down, and live in harmony with nature, because the world's sorrows and joys are normal. However, if a person is always suffering in pain, it is estimated that it will be difficult to calm down when he is old.

In the late Tang Dynasty, there was a poet who did not have The romance of Li Bai, did not have the heroism of Su Shi, and even more lacked the tranquility of Wang Wei and the open-mindedness of Liu Yuxi. This talented man once lived in an empty valley, and often sent people to the fence, tasted the sorrow and desolation of the world, although he was always unable to let go of gains and losses and honors and humiliations, but his life wrote a large number of glorious poems, but also made countless readers cry for it. The following is a rare song of Li Shangyin's Seven Laws, which is shallow and deep, and people can only read it in middle age.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

Leave it to you

Tang Dynasty: Li Shangyin

In the qing dynasty, nothing was played brightly, and no morning frost was sent to the customs.

In the forbidden word chenxiang to lead, Zuo Chuan returned to the guest from the ileum.

Lang Jun wrote a surprise parrot, and the maid blew the phoenix.

Empty mail to the Heavenly Affairs of Da Luo, the immortals chanted on the same day.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

Li Shangyin was an outstanding poet of the late Tang Dynasty, who often wandered around during his life, and had to hold some insignificant positions in various shogunates in order to make a living. In the winter of the ninth year of the Tang Dynasty, Yishan left Zizhou with Liu Zhongyin and arrived in Chang'an in the spring of the following year, when Yishan was 45 years old. Later, Liu Zhongyin entered the dynasty as a military attendant, but Li Shangyin was not immediately appointed.

Shortly after returning to Beijing, Yishan visited his brother-in-law, Han Zhan (字圍之), who was serving as Yubu Langzhong (虞部郎中) at the imperial court. When the poet saw his warm and harmonious family life, he immediately thought of the premature death of his wife, so he grieve in his heart and wrote this seven laws when he was leaving.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

The first link wrote about the scene when there was nothing going on in the sea and the imperial court was idle, "In the Qing Dynasty, nothing played the bright light, and it was not sent to report the morning frost." "When you are idle, you can play the emperor, and you don't have to dispatch the gatekeepers to report on time every morning whether it is frost."

Song Mingguang: Pointing to the Emperor's Courtesy Report; Dangguan: Referring to the Gatekeeper. During the Tang Dynasty, YuBu Langzhong was in charge of the streets and alleys of the capital, the gardens, the grass and trees of the mountains, as well as the vegetables and vegetables of the officials in the capital, the supply of charcoal and other chores, although not as leisurely as Yishan said, but there was no need to worry too much.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

The poet remembers that he often travels and travels, but now he is alone, and the two are compared, which is really a mixture of feelings. Next, the poet adopts the contrasting technique, "The forbidden word is led by the subject, and Zuo Chuan returns to the guest from the ileum." The poet praises Han Zhan for his bright future, but reflects his depressed mood.

"Zhongban Word Minister" refers to the internal positions of the Hanlin Scholar, zhizhi zhen, and Tongping Zhangshi, and here is to wish for the promotion of this concubine; "Zuo Chuan Returns", which is Yishan's self-proclaimed return from Dongchuan. One can "seek guidance" and the future is bright; the other is "self-ileal", and the road is extremely tortuous. The sorrow in the poet's heart can be imagined, but he can only endure it silently alone.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

The neck union is even more envious of Han's wife and children's family fun, "Lang Jun wrote a surprise parrot, and the maid blew the phoenix." The poet praises Han Zhan's son Han Wei for his worldly talent, and his writing is like divine help; and his handmaidens are also talented, and the whole family also presents a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.

"Lang Jun" refers to the fearful prince Dong Lang (Han Wei), who was ten years old and could write poetry, so Yun "wrote a surprise parrot"; "maid", this sentence also uses "Fengsheng" in "Customs", and Lang Yu Shi Xiao Shi Shi Shi, envious of Han's wife's room music.

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

The past is vast, all of them have become phantoms, and they cannot be recalled, and the poet finally sighed with emotion, "The air sent to the heavens of The Great Luo, and the immortals sang the same day." "When Yishan and Weizhi were young, they had ascended to the jinshidi together and married the same to the Wang clan, which can be described as the most proud period of the poet's life.

Li Shangyin had an unfortunate childhood, was diligent as a teenager, was talented in his youth, but fell to the extreme in middle age. When he first entered the career, he was only a nine-pin petty official, and then he walked around for ten years, still a nine-pin sesame official, how not to make this ambitious poet lament that fate was not good?

Li Shangyin is a very rare seven laws, shallow and deep, people can only read it in middle age

The poet lost his father at the age of ten, to the age of sixteen, wen scrolled and did the work, and was taught by Ling Huchu, and Li Shangyin achieved great achievements at this stage. However, since marrying Wang Maoyuan's daughter, he has been caught in the Niu-Li party struggle and cannot extricate himself, and the more talented the poet is, the more he is abandoned, and the sorrow in his heart is unspeakable!

Yishan has been running around for many years, and after returning to Chang'an, he found that his wife was prosperous and prosperous, and his life was happy, "returning to the guests from the intestines", which properly conveyed his inner sorrow and bitterness. He must have regretted that he might as well not have gone to school, and even if he had been a farmer, he might not have been so embarrassed. However, future generations of readers will feel very sorry that they will never read so many excellent untitled poems again!

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