
Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

author:The calm of the old man of the mountain stone
Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

Seventy-six years ago today, on October 30, 1945 (September 25, 1945 in the lunar calendar), "People's Musician" Xian Xinghai died of illness in Moscow at the age of 40. In honor of him, please see the lyrics of "On the Taihang Mountain"...

The red sun shines all over the East,

The God of Freedom is singing indulgently!


Thousands of mountains, copper walls and iron walls!

The anti-Japanese beacon,

Burn on the Taihang Mountains!

The arrogance is enormous!


The mother told her son to fight to the East,

The wife sends the groom to the battlefield.

We are in the Taihang Mountains,

The mountains are high and dense, and the soldiers are strong and strong!

Where the enemy attacks,

We want it to perish somewhere!

Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

Xian Xinghai (1905.6.13-1945.10.30), male, formerly known as Huang Xun and Kong Yu, originally from Panyu, Guangdong, born in Macao, a famous composer and pianist in modern China, entered the Institute of Music Of Peking University in 1926, and entered the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music in 1928 to study music. In 1929, he went to Paris to study work-study under the famous violinist Pani Obedodorfer and the famous composer Paul Ducas. In 1935, he returned to China in Shanghai to participate in the anti-Japanese rescue activities. In November 1938, he went to Yan'an and became the head of the music department of Lu Xun Art Institute. In June 1939, he joined the Communist Party of China. In 1940, he went to the Soviet Union for an expedition. In October 1945, due to fatigue and malnutrition, his lung disease became increasingly serious, and he finally died in Moscow on October 30, 1945.

Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

Xian Xinghai composed nearly 300 musical works in his lifetime, representative works include "National Salvation Army Song", "Only Afraid of Not Resisting", "The Road Is Open", "Vast Siberia", "Midnight Song", "Guerrilla Army", "Go to the Enemy's Rear", "On the Taihang Mountain" and other songs, as well as "Yellow River Chorus", "Production Movement Chorus" and other immortal masterpieces, symphonies such as "National Liberation" and "Sacred War". The orchestral suite "ManJiang Hong", the orchestral "Chinese Rhapsody", the violin song "Guo Zhier Bidai" and so on.

Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

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Today in history, Xian Xinghai passed away in 2021

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