
Cursive calligraphy is appreciated by Yu Ren's works

author:China Culture Finance Online

Yu Youren (April 11, 1879 – November 10, 1964) was a modern calligrapher, politician, and educator, especially known for his cursive writing.

Yu Youren was a native of Sanyuan, Shaanxi, whose original name was Boxun, and the character was seductive, and then he was named "seductive" and "right ren"; he did not sign "Riot Heart" and "Hairdress", and in his later years he called himself "Taiping Old Man". He was a member of the League in his early years and for many years served as a senior official in the National Government. In the last century, the Chinese book world's Dali could carry the top realm, including Kang Youwei, Yu Youren, Li Zhimin, Sha Menghai and several others. He is the founder of Fudan University, Shanghai University, National Northwest Agriculture and Forestry College (now Northwest A&F University), and the director of Fudan University and the private Nantong University. In November 1949, he moved to Taiwan with the Kuomintang government. In August 1950, the Kuomintang Reform Committee of China was established, and he served as a member of the deliberation committee, and successively served as the president of the audit and the chief of supervision of the National Government, and died of illness on November 10, 1964. He was good at calligraphy and loved to compose poetry, and in his later years he wrote poetry with deep affection for the mainland. He is the author of "Right Ren Shi Cun", "Right Ren Wen Cun", and "Right Ren Mo Cun".

Cursive calligraphy is appreciated by Yu Ren's works

Yu Ren Cursive

Interpretation: Gentleman knows: Great virtue is not official, the avenue is not instrumental, the great faith is not agreed, and the time is uneven. Looking at these four, one can aspire to one's own purpose.

"Pen walking dragon snake mai ancient and modern" is the characteristic of Yu Youren's calligraphy, he is a master of Chinese calligraphy, the Shanwang body script, the Northern Wei style book, especially cursive writing. During the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, the convergence of stele and thesis became an increasingly obvious turning point. Yu Youren is one of the representative writers who lived at this turning point. Yu Youren's cursive writing is unique, the pen walks the dragon and snake, the atmosphere is majestic, the majestic and elegant, and both. As early as the 1920s, there was a saying that "north is in southern Zheng" ("southern Zheng" refers to Zheng Xiaoxu), and now it is revered as "contemporary grass sage" and "modern book sage", enjoying a high reputation at home and abroad. The reason why he has a large number of works in his lifetime is that Mr. Yu basically does not refuse those who ask for words. In Mr. Yu's view, "Writing is the best sport and a happy job." People ask for your words, and they always like your words." He devoted his life to the study of epigraphic calligraphy, spared no effort to advocate and promote "standard cursive calligraphy", and achieved outstanding achievements, so he is a landmark calligrapher in the history of modern calligraphy. Although after Yu Shi, although there were those who took the boundary of the stele as a prison, the calligraphic exploration of non-stele non-stele or stele yi ti became increasingly mainstream. This is also the fundamental meaning of Yu Youren's calligraphy.

Cursive calligraphy is appreciated by Yu Ren's works

Yu Right Ren Cursive Five Words Lian

Interpretation: Ji Gu has not been there, and Mao Xiu knows nothing.

In his early years, Yu Youren took the Fa Zhao Mengfu, gentle and elegant, and said to himself that he was "fat and comfortable". Yu Youren broke the boundary of the stele and formed a unique aesthetic characteristic of not stele and non-stele and stele. The pen is moist and simple, the knot body is flat and loose, and the dot painting is strong and frank. And the overall charm is natural and generous. Yu Youren subverted bao Anwu's advertised methods of "counter-trend" and "sudden setback" and the golden needles that later generations of stele practitioners regarded as the standard of the stele school and the degree of people. There are three basic reasons for his success, namely: unique methods of learning and calligraphy concepts; since middle age, he has been "bold" with his profound skills; devoted to the exploration of "calligraphy of stele" and "north stele of xingcao", and the advocacy and practice of standard cursive writing.

Cursive calligraphy is appreciated by Yu Ren's works

Yu Youren Cursive "Wen Guanjun Collects Henan Hebei"

Interpretation: Outside the sword, it was suddenly rumored that Ji Bei was received, and the first smell of tears filled his clothes. But he saw where his wife was worried, and the book of poetry was ecstatic. Singing in the daytime must indulge in alcohol, and youth is a good companion to return home. That is, from the Ba Gorge through the Wu Gorge, it will go down to Xiangyang and luoyang.

Yu Youren said that "you must learn calligraphy without taking the law of the ancients, nor can you stick to the ancients", "Writing without dead pen,...... As soon as there is a dead pen, it cannot be healed"; "Pro is pro to others, and to write is to write one's own; to be pro is to collect materials, and to write is to absorb and digest." "What he wrote about was the charm of the stele rather than the notches of the stele. His calligraphy is simply straightforward, heavy,straightforward and straightforward. His calligraphy is unyielding and unnatural. He is "tempered into a soft finger", with outstanding artistic insight, romantic feelings with the poet's turbulent literary rhyme and the majestic pride of the gully in his chest cultivated by special experience. He devoted most of his life to the research and promotion of standard cursive, "summarizing the past cursive". In 1927, he began to extensively collect and study the texts, brushwork and theories of cursive writing in previous dynasties, and in 1932, he initiated the establishment of the "Standard Cursive Society" in Shanghai and published the "Cursive Monthly", proposing to reform cursive with four standards of "easy to read, easy to write, accurate and beautiful". He believed that "words are the tools of human beings to express their thoughts and develop their lives." Its structure is ingenious, it is difficult to use, and it is related to the future of the nation! ...... In order to facilitate the production of cursive writing in the world, to fulfill the function of culture, to save the time of all the people, and to carry forward the sharp weapon of tradition, it is not the urgent task of today." He linked the research and promotion of standard cursive with the national economy and people's livelihood, which shows his grand desire to "carry the tao with books" and the responsibility and mission of the calligraphy art society. He realized the natural integration and transcendence from the confrontation of the stele and thesis, thus breaking the myth of "stele can not be grass", so that "Yu ti cursive" has achieved brilliant achievements in calligraphy and has pioneering significance.

Today, Yu Ren's calligraphy works have become increasingly precious. In 1996, Sotheby's Hong Kong auctioned a couplet of Mr. Yu's, with a bid of HK$60,000, which has increased greatly in recent years, and a painting of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan abounds.

Author: Chen Xing

Audit: Haiyuan

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