
Novel: "Husband, kiss me." ”

author:Blue read

Silently, two tears dripped on the Coke bottle at the same time.

Looking at the coke bottles that were becoming more and more blurred, Su Wan didn't know how long she could hold on. For her own family, she could only continue to do so. As for when the rope that had been wrapped very tightly around her neck would be loosened, Su Wan didn't know at all. Perhaps all she could hope for was that the rope would not continue to tighten, so that she could at least survive.

Su Wan, who took out a tissue and wiped her eyes, took another sip of Coke and threw the remaining half of Coke into the trash.

After smoking a paper towel and wiping her mouth, Su Wan, who spat out a mouthful of phlegm into the tissue, wrapped the paper towel and threw it into the trash can.

After doing this step, Su Wan, who had plucked the hair that covered her face, pulled out her mobile phone from her bag.

After dialing out the phone and pressing it to her ear, Su Wan said, "Husband, I have already arrived at the bus station, and I can get on the bus in almost twenty minutes." After I went to Shijiazhuang, if you don't want to cook, you can take Xixi to the small fried shop diagonally opposite the community and go to the right, which is more hygienic. Then, if I have time, I will try to rush back this evening or evening. If it is too late, it will only be delayed until tomorrow. ”

"It's better to come back today, after all, tomorrow is Sunday, and the family should get together."

"That's what I thought," Su Wan continued, brushing her hair again, "anyway, I'll be home by tomorrow evening at the latest, so you can think about what to eat tomorrow." After I was discharged from the hospital, I kept saying that I wanted to invite Zhang Jie and Sister Liu, but I have not asked them until now, so it is time to invite them tomorrow. When I'm sure when I'll be back, I'll call them and ask them to come to our house for dinner tomorrow night. ”


Seeing that her husband's tone was so stable, Su Wan, whose eyes were a little red, asked: "Husband, do you love me?" ”

"Love is not something that comes out of the mouth."

"But women just like to listen to sweet words," said Su Wan, whose voice became more gentle, "I know you love me very much, but if you don't hang on your lips occasionally, I will occasionally feel as if you don't love me enough." So, when I ask you if you love me, you should coax me that I am your little woman. ”

"So meaty, does the person sitting next to you have no opinion?"

Su Wan, who looked at the sides and smiled very sweetly, said, "I speak very quietly, they can't hear it." ”

Speaking of this, Su Wan, who covered her mobile phone with one hand, whispered: "Husband, kiss me." ”

"You're not with me, how can I kiss you?"

"Fool, all I have to do is hear you kiss me."

"That's very unrealistic."

Su Wan also wanted to continue lobbying her husband, but before she could speak, she heard a "wave". The noise let Su Wan know that her husband was a duplicitous man, so she had a brighter smile on her face and sent a flying kiss to her husband over the phone.

After chatting for a while, Su Wan hung up the phone on the grounds that she was about to get into the car.

After putting the phone into the satchel, Su Wan, who was carrying the satchel on her back, walked toward the entrance.

After showing the ticket and asking the ticket inspector to tear off the ticket, Su Wan, who smiled, walked to the bus that was about to leave for Shijiazhuang.

After confirming that it was the bus, Su Wan stepped on the bus and sat on seat 3.

It wasn't until the shuttle bus left that the private investigator who had been standing in the waiting hall left and called Li Jian.

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