
Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

author:History is in the dust

In 229 BC, the State of Qin took advantage of the earthquake in the north of the State of Zhao, known disasters, and attacked Zhao on a large scale, and the following year, the Qin army attacked the city of Handan, the State of Zhao perished, and Gongzi Jia fled north with a hundred people of the clan and claimed the title of king in Daidi, but after six years of resistance to the State of Qin, it was destroyed.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

In the eyes of most people, in the late Warring States period, in the military can mix with the Qin state, there is only the State of Zhao, although the Battle of Changping directly broke the backbone of the State of Zhao, but as long as the State of Zhao is not destroyed, the East Exit of the Qin Army will inevitably be hindered, and the demise of the State of Zhao, Li Mu's unjust killing is the most emblematic event.

It can be said that King Qian of Zhao cut off his arm, leading to the overthrow of the State of Zhao, how the State of Zhao was so unrecognizable, when he was caught in the divisive plan of the State of Qin, let Zhao Kuo replace Lian Po, the result was a battle of Changping, Zhao Guo was seriously injured, and now it is in a hurry to take away Li Mu's military power, and even more directly killed Li Mu, which directly led to the great defeat of the Zhao army later, and Handan fell.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

However, if you look at the "Records of History", there will be another perspective on the murder of Li Mu by Zhao Wangqian, that is, Zhao Wangqian's decision is not so stupid, and there are also considerations for his interests.

First of all, li mu really did not support The famous empress dowager of Zhao Moxiang, that is, the mother of Zhao Wangqian, so it is indeed possible that Zhao Wangqian may not be accustomed to Li Mu, but this is definitely not the reason for him to kill Li Mu, after all, he has become a king, this bit of heart is still there, not to mention that the great war is imminent, Li Mu as a general who has defeated the Qin army many times, Zhao Wangqian must be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Don't forget that Li Mu was renamed Wu Anjun by King Zhao, and he was known for his martial arts to rule the world and prestige an anbang, which gave Li Mu a very high status, who can be called a king, that is, people who have their own land and have their own courtiers can.

Therefore, king Zhao's move to kill Li Mu had nothing to do with personal grievances.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

Let's go back to the matter of Qin queuing Zhao itself.

Historia. Zhao Shijia", five years, the land moved, from the west of Lexu, "north to Pingyin, the walls of the terrace house are too half broken, and the ground is one hundred and thirty steps from east to west." Six years later, there was a great famine, and the people said blackmail: "Zhao is the trumpet, Qin is laughing." Think you don't believe it, but look at the earth and grow hair."

Historia. Lian Po Lin is like a biography of Li Mu, a good general in the north of Zhao Zhi. He lived in The Gate of Yanmen and prepared for the Xiongnu.

Before the Qin state attacked Zhao on a large scale, a serious earthquake occurred in the daidi in the northern part of the Zhao kingdom, and a large-scale famine occurred the following year, and the folk rumors were saying that only grass grew in the field, and Li Mu's foundation was in the daidi.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

Li Mu was a general of the Zhao State who commanded the various departments of the Daidi and resisted the Xiongnu, and it can be said that after a long period of management, Li Mu also had capital if he wanted to declare himself king, and it was precisely because of this that this became a reason for the Zhao King to move against Li Mu.

Let's talk about another reason, that is, the existence of Gongzi Jia, he was originally the crown prince, king Xiang of Zhao after marrying The King of Zhao, after the king of Zhao moved, he had the meaning of changing the prince, and as a result, the prince Jia, who could have been the king of Zhao, could only watch the king of Zhao move to succeed to the throne.

But When Gongzi Jia was attacked in Handan, he ran out.

Zizhi Tongjian. Qin Jiyi "Zhao Gongzi Jia Shuai his clan hundred people BenDai, self-proclaimed as the acting king, Zhao's death, the doctor slightly returned, and Yan joined forces, the army on the valley.

There is a problem here, how Gongzi Jia escaped from Handan City, if he could escape, Zhao Wangqian did not need to be arrested when Handan City was broken.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

Don't say that as a king, you should coexist with the country, the first priority of the king is to continue the state, no matter how to rely on the land, you can still breathe for a while, you can also drag out the time, wait for the opportunity, when the state of Qi was not beaten by the State of Yan, there were only two cities left, and in the end it was not restored, and there was still hope for retaining strength.

Therefore, Zhao Wangqian should not be able to escape, and since this is the case, Gongzi Jia should have left before Handan was besieged. Otherwise, it would be nice if he himself could flee north, and he could still flee with hundreds of clans? When Wang Qi is eating dry rice.

Moreover, we can get some news from the march route of the Qin army to destroy Zhao.

Zizhi Tongjian. Qin Jiyi (秦紀一) Wang Qi (王翦) sent the Shangdi soldiers down to Jingxing, and Duan he and the Hanoi soldiers jointly attacked Zhao. Zhao Limu and Sima Shangyuzhi.

At that time, the Qin army was divided into two roads, one was led by Wang Qi, out of Jingxing County (Jingxing County, Hebei), crossed the Taihang Mountains, attacked the northern part of the Zhao Kingdom, and the other was led by Yang Duanhe, out of Hanoi, which is today's Xinxiang, Henan, two Qin troops one north and one south, two roads sandwiched Handan.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

At the same time, didn't King Qian of Zhao send Zhao Liang to replace Li Mu to unify the army? After the defeat of the Zhao army, Wang Qi took advantage of the situation to pacify the Dongyang region (about the present-day Xingtai region in Hebei), and from that map, the Qin army had already moved south from Jingxing, in other words, the Qin army had basically cut off the connection between Handan and Daidi.

If Gongzi Jia fled north after the siege of Handan, the chances of success were almost zero.

Therefore, I personally believe that Gongzi Jia may have fled to Daidi with hundreds of clans when Li Mu was still alive, and this is another reason why King Zhao was eager to kill Li Mu.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

Probably at that time, the King of Zhao saw that the situation was unfavorable, and wanted to dispatch Li Mu back to defend Handan, relying on the city defense in Handan, to fight another Battle of Handan, after all, the Zhao state had successful experience before, after the Battle of Changping, the Qin state was anxious to destroy the Zhao state, and was repelled by the Zhao army in Handan.

Therefore, it is not excluded that Zhao Wangqian also had such an idea, which also explains that when Zhao Liang was defeated, the Qin army directly pacified the Dongyang region, and Zhao Wangqian wanted to shrink the defense in order to fight again.

However, Li Mu would not agree, which was contrary to his tactics of defeating the Qin army many times, not to mention, the troops he led, the generals should be mostly Daidi people, the original Daidi encountered natural disasters, at this time, let Li Mu abandon the Daidi, lead the troops to the south, once the Qin army went north, directly took the Daidi, Li Mu led the troops, the army's heart will inevitably waver.

Li Mu was wrongfully killed, and Zhao Wangqian was not extremely stupid, and these two points became the reasons for his attack on Li Mu

Therefore, Li Mu must have opposed Zhao Wangqian's orders, and at this time, Zhao Wangqian would think more about it, in case Li Mu was impulsive, with his troops to return to the north, to help Gongzi Jia as the king, what to do, is just a matter of drumming in Zhao Wangqian's heart, so when the Qin State implemented the anti-plot, it is not ruled out that Zhao Wangqian wanted to replace Li Mu by means of this excuse.

It is only said that Li Mu was well aware that once the generals were changed, the Qin army was bound to break through the northern defensive line of the Zhao state, then the Zhao state was in imminent danger, coupled with the grievances, it was inevitable that there would be some resentment, and as a result, the Zhao king moved even more ruthlessly and killed Li Mu, which directly led to the floating of the military heart of Li Mu's old army, coupled with The lack of command ability of Zhao Onion, the Zhao army was defeated, the Qin army then attacked Handan, and the Zhao state perished.

References to The Chronicle of History. Zhao Shijia", "History. Lian Po Lin is like a biography of The Zizhi Tongjian. Qin Jiyi

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