
TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang


Note: This ranking is selected from the 100 Celebrity Rankings that have influenced the course of human history

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >10</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Isabella I (22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) was Queen of Castile. Her father, Juan I, died when she was 3 years old, and Isabella's half-brother Enrique IV ascended the throne, driving Isabella and their stepmother out of the palace to live in poverty. Enrique originally wanted his daughter Juana to take the throne, but it was rumored that Juana was not Enrique's biological daughter, so she was deprived of the right to inherit, and then wanted her brother Alfonso to take the throne, but Alfonso was killed in the civil war of Enrique, so he had to appoint Isabella as crown prince, but Isabella's marriage must be arranged by himself. Unyielding, Isabella married Fernando II of Aragon and was crowned immediately after Enrique's death. After Isabella ascended the throne, the Castilian Civil War broke out, and Isabella and her husband Fernando jointly managed the military, achieving great victories, consolidating their rule over the south, and completely relieving the military threat from the north. When Isabella became king, she weakened the power of parliament, strengthened the royal power, consolidated the authority of the royal family, established her own cabinet, reclaimed the royal fiefdom and rent, and strengthened the royal control over the church. She strictly forbade the export of gold and silver currency, and also devalued her own currency, increasing the value of gold, favoring Castigna, which stored gold early, and greatly increasing Castile's annual income. Isabella died on 26 November 1504 at the age of 53.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9. Gaius Caesar</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Gaius Caesar (July 13, 100 BC – March 15, 44 BC) was a prominent military commander, statesman, and founder of the Roman Empire at the end of the Roman Republic. During Caesar's reign, he eliminated the aristocratic republican system of the Roman Republic and concentrated military and political power on himself, so he was considered the uncrowned emperor of the Roman Empire. Caesar also abolished the privileges of Rome, raised the status of Italian towns and surrounding provinces to the parity of Rome, and then expanded the scope of citizenship granted to Rome. Caesar invented the new Julian calendar and invented the first encrypted means of communication. In terms of military affairs, and using political and military means, Caesar divided and disintegrated and annihilated the enemy, emphasized the coordination of infantry and cavalry, established reserves in the deployment of troops, conquered all of Gaul in 8 years, occupied Rome, defeated Pompey, and implemented his dictatorship. On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by republican parliamentarians at the age of 56. After his assassination, his adopted son Gaius Octavian founded the Roman Empire as the first head of state, and within 3 years nearly eliminated all republican parliamentarians involved in Caesar's assassination.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >8</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Ashoka (303–232 BC) was the emperor of the Peacock Dynasty in India. Ashoka was a brave hunter who was said to have killed a lion with a stick. The Peacock Dynasty inherited by Ashoka was a dictatorial state, and he himself had absolute authority in terms of administration, military, and justice. After Ashoka's succession, he traveled extensively, and all of India was unified except for the Myrso region, but it is said that Ashoka saw the bloody scene of the massacre during his conquest of the karinga kingdom and stopped the expansion of force. After the war, Ashoka converted to Buddhism, he established Buddhism as the state religion, built his own temples, gathered monks from all over the world to compile, perfect, and sort out many Buddhist scriptures, and ordered people to spread Buddhism to neighboring countries. In 232 BC, Ashoka died and the Peacock Dynasty began to decline, and less than half a century later, the Peacock Dynasty collapsed, but Ashoka's influence on Buddhism was immortal, before him, Buddhism was only popular in northwest India, and it was he who spread Buddhism to the world. In addition to Shakyamuni himself, Ashoka was the one who contributed the most to Buddhism.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 7</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Umar I (586–644), originally known as Umar ibn Khattab. Umar I came from the Hashemite tribe of the Arab Qulai tribe to which Muhammad belonged, and was Muhammad's most loyal companion and comrade-in-arms, Umar and Muhammad were born and died, after Muhammad's death, Abu Bakr became The heir of Muhammad, and after Burkel's death, Umar became the second heir. Umar launched an unprecedented conquest movement in Arab history, Umar led the Arabs to destroy the Persian Empire, crushed the Byzantine Empire, occupied the Syrian capital Damascus, ancient Egypt, changed the beliefs of 1/3 of the inhabitants of the Old World, and became the person who had the greatest influence on the process of Arab history and culture besides Muhammad. In 644, when the Arab expansion was in full swing, Umar was assassinated by a pagan at the age of 58, but the Arab expansion did not end with Umar's death, and the momentum of Arab development was known to stop in 750 years.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >6</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Napoleon Bonaparte (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) at the age of 30, at the age of 30, under the influence of the people, staged the Coup d'état of the Misty Moon, became consul of the First French Republic, promulgated the Napoleonic Code, and later changed to a lifelong rule, and the plebiscite adopted the 12-year constitution of the Republic, and the French Republic became the French Empire. Napoleon was crowned emperor. He led an army to break the anti-French alliance formed by Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia and other countries, won more than fifty large-scale battles, opened up many territories for France, and became the king of Italy by relying on the famous Napoleonic Wars. In 1814, Napoleon was forced to abdicate and exile due to defeat, and after the establishment of the Hundred Days Dynasty, he was again defeated at Waterloo and exiled again, and on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died of illness on the island of St. Helena at the age of 52. Napoleon dealt a heavy blow to the feudal systems of the European countries and defended the gains of the French Revolution. Napoleon also formulated the national education system that has been preserved to this day, because of his concern for scientific and cultural undertakings, it can be said that the Napoleonic era was one of the richest periods of scientific achievement in French history.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > 5. Alexander the Great</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Alexander the Great (356 BC – June 13, 323 BC) was one of the four great military commanders of the Western history of a Greek king. Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedon. Having studied with the philosopher Aristotle from an early age, Alexander led troops at the age of 16 to suppress the revolt of Μαίδοι in northern Macedonia. In 336 BC, Philip II was assassinated while attending his daughter's wedding, and at the age of 46, Alexander was elected king. When Alexander ascended the throne, the treasury of Macedonia was empty, but he traveled extensively, sweeping through Asia Minor, the Middle East, and the Iranian plateau, occupying all of Egypt without a single soldier, and annexing the Persian Empire in 330 BC. In 13 years, Alexander conquered about 5 million square kilometers of territory, establishing a large empire from Greece and Macedonia in the west, to the Indus Valley in the east, to the first waterfall of the Nile in the south, and to the Syr Darya River in the north, making Macedonia the largest country in the world at that time. Alexander's influence not only created an empire and developed ancient military scholarship to a new stage, but also Made Greece's trade with West Asia, Central Asia, India and other places closer through expeditions, during which time Greece flourished with academic achievements. Alexander died in 323 BC at the age of 33.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. Constantine I</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Constantine I (27 February 272 or 274 – 22 May 337), also known as Constantine the Great. Constantine, the son of Constantius I, the ruler of the western part of the Roman Empire, fought against barbarians in Britain in his early 30s. After the death of Constantius, he fought with four men and eventually received the right to inherit. Constantine's conversion to Christianity during his tenure led to the Christianization of the European world from then on, the strengthening of bureaucracy, the division of civil and military rule, the use of dominion in the dominance of dominance, the introduction of fixed money in order to combat inflation, the adoption of class solid economic policies, believing that the lives of slaves were not guaranteed, and any employer could whip disobedient slaves to death. Constantine's rule led to a sharp deterioration in the living conditions of the working masses and ordinary freedmen, and even the right to liberty of the middle class was denied. Constantine died on 22 May 337 at the age of 65 or 63.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Genghis Khan (1162 – August 25, 1227), originally known as BoerJin Temujin, was emperor of the Mongol Empire. Temujin lost his father at an early age, defected to the leader of the Krebu tribe, Thali, accumulated strength, and was elected as the Khan of the Mongol Qiyanbu in 1189, and then after a series of wars, unified the various departments of the Mongolian plateau. In 1206, he took the throne at the source of the Nan River, that is, the emperor," and established the Great Mongol State. Genghis Khan declared himself empress, appointed his adoptive brother Qiu Ji Ku Kuo as the highest judge, presided over the division of households and the punishment of thieves, fraud, and other matters, and recorded the number of households assigned to the kings of the clan and the number of households assigned to each thousand households, and the cases of judgment were recorded in the green book, and no one was allowed to change them, and also promulgated the "Code of Genghis Khan", and there are still many laws in Chinese and foreign laws taken from this book. In the military, Genghis Khan used the cowardly system and invented several military strategies. Genghis Khan also divided the "people with felt tents" who were originally subordinate to the nobles of each ministry into 95,000 households, and delimited the fiefs for his sons and brothers. In 1227, Temujin died of an illness on the way to the Xingbing Dynasty at the age of sixty-six.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2. Gaius Octavian</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Gaius Octavian (23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 BC), one of the Last Triumvirates, was the first head of the Roman Empire. Octavian was Caesar's adopted son, and Octavian studied oratory and humanities diligently from an early age, accumulating a wealth of knowledge. He was also appointed captain of Caesar's cavalry for a year and took part in Caesar's civil war with Pompey. In March 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated, Octavian marched to Italy, and recruited Caesar's old army to expand the army, and currying favor with the Senate, united with Caesar's old ministry, purged Caesar's murderers and personal political enemies, and defeated Pompey the Younger, who had caused the price of grain in Rome to soar, and won the support of the people. After taking office, Octavian paid attention to the cultivation of the army, provided effective countermeasures for different battles, was good at finding favorable terrain, and in order to isolate and divide the enemy, Octavian used strategy and strategy to divide and disintegrate other tribes that were numerically superior but were ape-hearted. Octavian also implemented a pro-people policy among the people, practicing benevolent government, which won the hearts of the people of the Roman Empire. Octavian created the fuehrer system in the Roman Empire, dictatorializing the military, economic, religious and other aspects, and under the implementation of the fuehrer system, the economy of the Roman Empire made rapid progress and conformed to the development of the times. He also allowed the Roman government to self-control the provinces, renovated the capital, set up many entertainment activities, enriched the amateur life of the civil aviation general, and protected the artists.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1</h1>

TOP10 The most influential emperor, Caesar is the second to last, Alexander is only fifth10.Isabella I 9.Gaius Caesar 8.Ashoka 7.Umar I.Napoleon Bonamar 5.Alexander the Great 4.Constantine I 3.Genghis Khan 2.Gaius Octavian 1.Qin Shi Huang

Qin Shi Huang (259 BC – 210 BC), originally known as Yingzheng, was the first emperor of China. Qin Shi Huang was born in handan, the capital of the Zhao state, and then returned to the Qin state, at the age of 13 he became the king, at the age of 21 he put down the rebellion of Yan Yi, reused Li Si, Wang Qi and others, from 230 BC to 221 BC, successively destroyed the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completed the great cause of unifying China, and established a centralized unified multi-ethnic state - the Qin Dynasty. Qin Shi Huang established a centralized system and political institutions. The central government set up official positions such as chancellor, lieutenant, and imperial master, adopted Li Si's suggestion, abolished the sub-feudal system, changed to the county system, unified currency, weights and measures, unified transportation, built the Great Wall up to 5,000 miles, and ordered Li Si and others to unify the font.

In 1978, scholar Mike Hart's "List of 100 Celebrities Influencing the Course of Human History" was first published, in which Qin Shi Huang ranked 18th, the highest-ranked monarch.

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