
The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

author:Stone doctor He Minggang

Clinically, when the preoperative condition is informed and the operation is talked about, whenever the double J tube is mentioned, the patient's face is always confused: "The operation is done, why should I put a tube?" What exactly is a double J tube" or "Is there any harm in putting a tube in it?"" Isn't this pipe going to be left alone in the future?" And so on, and so on. Today I will tell you more about it.

01、 What is a double J tube?

A double J tube is a catheter routinely used in urinary stone surgery, mainly after the end of surgery, a double J tube is inserted into the ureter. It is a flexible hose.

Clinically, according to the age, height, gender, etc. of the patient, the outer diameter and length of the double J tube are planned into different specifications. Adults generally use Fr5/26cm double J tubes.

The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

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02. Why do you need to put the tube after surgery?

Facilitates drainage of hydronephrosis, especially in cases of infection secondary to long-term obstruction.

It is conducive to the repair of the ureteral wall after surgery and prevents inflammatory narrowing of the ureter.

It can stimulate the dilation of the wall of the ureter, which is conducive to the excretion of stones from the body.

For patients with large stone residues that require secondary surgical treatment, good surgical conditions are provided to prevent postoperative stones from blocking the ureters again, secondary to renal colic and hydronephrosis.

The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

Postoperative patients in our hospital

03. What are the physical reactions or side effects of placing a double J tube?

Lower abdominal distention and discomfort, especially when trying to relieve defecation, may also have low back pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of urinary tract irritation, including urinary frequency, urgency, and dysuria.

Post-activity hematuria (bleeding from the mucous membrane of the bladder by rubbing the double J tubes of the bladder segment in the active state).

Some of them will have a feeling of tenesth and heavy weight (always trying to solve the stool).

Most of these symptoms will gradually lessen after slow adaptation.

The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

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04. Do the placed double J tubes need to be removed? How to pull?

The double J tube is to be pulled out, and the specific removal time will vary according to the situation of each patient, and the extubation will be returned to the hospital according to the doctor's instructions at the time of discharge (ranging from 1-3 months).

The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

Simply remove the double J tube, do not need to be hospitalized, follow the doctor's instructions and return to the surgical hospital on time for removal.

05. What are the precautions for placing double J tubes?

Do not hold urine: normal people ureter in the bladder opening has an anti-reflux effect, urine in the bladder can not return to the kidney along the ureter, after placing the double J tube, the renal pelvis and bladder pathway open, if the urine will make the urine return to the kidney along the double J tube, easy to cause waist swelling and urinary tract infection, long-term urine reflux oppression of the renal pelvis and even affect kidney function.

Drink more water: Keep the daily urine volume of more than 2000ml, not only can prevent infection, help some small stones to pass, but also to avoid the formation of double J tube wall stones.

The urinary stone surgery is done, why do you still have a tube in the body? The doctor comes to tell you the answer

Avoid strenuous lumbar activity: Strenuous lumbar activity may cause the double J tube to rub against the tissue, causing bleeding in the urine, and do not suddenly squat and stand up, because gravity will cause the double J tube to shift and fall out. When changing position, move slowly.

Common discomfort symptoms after catheterization: low back pain, hematuria, urinary pain, etc., most of which are normal phenomena, generally do not need to be treated, if there is obvious hematuria (still can not improve after drinking a large amount of water) or fever, low back pain is unbearable, etc., it is recommended to come to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

#Double J Tube ##Headline Health ##Knowledge Science ##尿结石 #

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