
Entrepreneurs look into the Bo | AstraZeneca Wang Lei: The Expo is a highlight moment to show the results

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Li Xiaoxiao

From November 5th to November 10th, the 4th China International Import Expo will be held in Shanghai, and among the many exhibitors, many of them have participated in the Expo for the fourth time, and AstraZeneca, a world-renowned multinational pharmaceutical company, is one of them.

Entrepreneurs look into the Bo | AstraZeneca Wang Lei: The Expo is a highlight moment to show the results

In the interview before the Expo, reviewing the changes felt in the past few sessions of the Expo, Wang Lei, executive vice president of AstraZeneca Global, President of International Business and China, said that in the first year, AstraZeneca participated in the Expo focusing on product display, and the second year began to consider the mode of integrating diagnosis and treatment of partners, and in the third year, it began to sign a large number of contracts with local governments to create a cooperation between government, industry, academia, research and medical investment.

"The annual CIIE is not only a finish point for reporting on the results, but also a starting point for negotiating new cooperation, and AstraZeneca regards the CIIE as a platform that starts with the end and ends with the beginning." Wang Lei said that the Expo is a highlight moment for AstraZeneca and its partners to show their achievements, "The people you have met and talked about in the past few days are likely to take a year to do, because this is a place with high efficiency." ”

The surging news reporter learned that AstraZeneca's booth area in the fourth CIIE reached 1100 square meters, which is one of the largest booths in the medical device and healthcare exhibition area, in addition to showing the development achievements of AstraZeneca in China for 28 years, it will also unite cross-border partners such as politics, industry, academia, research, medicine and investment for the first time to jointly display a multi-level health innovation ecosystem, accelerate local innovation services in China, and benefit the world.

"Ecosystem" is a keyword frequently mentioned by AstraZeneca and Wang Lei recently, and the Expo includes a variety of displays such as independent research and development and cooperative research and development ecosystem, cross-border integration of innovation incubation ecosystem, and primary medical ecosystem. In the grassroots ecosystem section, the exhibition area will show the progress of the county medical ecosystem in the construction of the county medical community, share the experience of working with dealers to accelerate rural revitalization, and empower community hospitals and family doctors through science and technology to help the development of disease follow-up and home rehabilitation services.

Wang Lei told the surging news reporter: "The Expo gives people the feeling that it is tall, and many of the technologies in the exhibition are also very high, but no matter how high the technology, no matter how good the products, if China's vast grassroots, including community, rural and county patients can not use, it is not the purpose of the Expo."

"Things that are not grounded are certainly not vital, and many of the products displayed by AstraZeneca in the Expo before are very in line with the grass-roots application scenarios, and they have also gone deep into the grass-roots level." Wang Lei revealed that during the Expo, AstraZeneca will also hold a number of activities with the participation of county institutions or experts in medical and health care across the country, that is, hoping to establish comprehensive cooperation with medical institutions in the county, so that our efforts can be made to serve grass-roots medical institutions and patients with high efficiency.

It is worth mentioning that AstraZeneca also set up a 100-square-meter "Regional Biomedical Industry Cooperation" booth at the Expo this year. The special area is composed of industrial cooperation and exchange sections such as exhibition area, activity area and negotiation area, which will display local industrial characteristics, hold industrial recommendation activities, carry out industrial exchanges and negotiations, carry out innovative enterprise roadshows and other activities, help regional economic development, and help build a medical industry highland with regional characteristics.

Wang Lei believes that for exhibitors, making good use of the Expo is not only to expand their own influence, but also to work with partners to make common achievements better and better every year, which is the ultimate goal. I believe that AstraZeneca must shine at the Expo this year, which will once again prove that the Expo is an important opportunity for local enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, or foreign-funded enterprises that want to do a good job in the local area.

Editor-in-Charge: It's Winter

Proofreader: Yijia Xu

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