
Li Yundi's prostitution has aroused heated discussion that public figures should not ask the law for privileges

author:Comrade Fang Fang

Literary and artistic people produce spiritual food, be literary and artistic people, and first be noble people; public human physics should become a benchmark and moral model for the public to abide by discipline and law, otherwise what is the significance of its existence?

"Everyone is equal before the law" is a basic principle and bottom line that must be adhered to in ruling the country according to law, and it is not allowed to be broken at will. Li Yundi, an international pianist, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Standing Committee of the All-China Youth Federation, and a vice chairman of the Hong Kong Youth Federation, was punished by administrative detention for prostitution, which is a real illegal act, not a so-called "wrongful act.". If this is the case, there will be a Li Yundi today, and Zhang Yundi and Zhao Yundi will appear tomorrow... Hasn't impunity for prostitution become the prerogative of certain special groups?

Li Yundi's prostitution has aroused heated discussion that public figures should not ask the law for privileges

Privacy should also pay attention to the "principle of proportionality". It is true that the violation of prostitution is a special kind of illegal act, which involves not only the law, but also personal privacy, family feelings, social stability and so on. In this regard, in practice, law enforcers have fully given "consideration", such as the statutory "notification of relatives" link, without notifying the spouse, but notifying the offender to "trust" other relatives. Similarly, the names of those involved in the Chaoyang police notice were also recused. However, some people say that the "punishment" has lost its "proportion". For example, the public figure's age, physical characteristics, marital situation, hobbies and other privacy can not be known to the public, how can he become a public figure? Where does the honor and income of public figures come from? When he wants to be famous, he is eager for everyone in the country to remember him and praise him; when he wants to be profitable, everyone in the country is eager to pay for tickets to watch him perform... Violating the bottom line of the law, it should be known to the public within his well-known range, which is the "principle of proportionality". Instead of hoping that the public will forgive him, minimize the impact.

Li Yundi's prostitution has aroused heated discussion that public figures should not ask the law for privileges

"To be an official and a teacher to be a moral model, these three types of people can be demanding high standards, and prostitution is unforgivable!" What a strange story! The law was originally customized by "seeing the dishes and eating the meal" and measuring people. People other than "officials and teachers" can "forgive" and "have low standards", so what else does the Law on Public Security Administration Punishment do with this law? It is directly clear in the "Public Service Law" and the "Teachers Law". Officials can't speak up to participate in the discussion, and I don't know what the teachers think about this high argument?

If prostitution does not hurt others, should she let a horse go? On the surface, prostitution and prostitution do not harm each other, but it violates the basic social norm of the law, violates public order and good customs, and violates the order of social management. Most drivers running red lights do not hurt others, shouldn't they be punished?

Li Yundi's prostitution has aroused heated discussion that public figures should not ask the law for privileges

"Single, hormonal excess" has also become a reason for prostitution, so can the poor steal and rob the bank be forgiven? Can couples who have been separated for many years also go to prostitution? Is there a scientific basis for "hormonal excess" being a particular physiological phenomenon of musicians? The tiger bites a dead man, and the law will not sentence him to death, because it is not a human being, but a human being must have the basic rationality and restraint of a human being, no matter who it is.

It is true that "it is not easy to train a pianist of world standard", and it is a loss to lose him, but, as a result, the law loses its unique attribute of fairness and justice, and the loss is even greater. Of course, public opinion must also have a bottom line, and we should discuss things on the basis of facts, and Li Yundi's prostitution should be dealt with according to law. Adding oil and vinegar out of nothing, pushing the wall down and accelerating its "social death" should also be resolutely opposed.

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