
Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?

author:China National Geographic Travel

Stork Stork Wagtail 䴓 Ibises

Quail Wren Wren


There seems to be a lot of strange words next to the bird word

Have you ever thought about it?

Take them and those pretty birds

What about one-to-one correspondence?


Sandpipers have the characteristics of "three longs":

Long mouth, long neck, long legs

They can be found on beaches and in shallow water areas

Look down at food as you walk

Spoon-billed sandpiper

Spoon-billed sandpiper beak base flattened

The apex enlarges in the shape of a spade

This is the most distinctive feature of its shape

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?
Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?

Anti-billed sandpiper

The beak of the regurgitated sandpiper is black

Slender and upturned

You can recognize it at a glance

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?
Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



Stork is a common name for a large water bird family

They are widely distributed in warmer areas

Usually storks have very long legs

There are also webbed claws

Some species of storks have almost no feathers on their heads or necks


The "net red" whale-headed stork is huge

The mouth was as big as a shoe

At every turn, he put on an innocent look

Looks very cute

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?
Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



It is mainly distributed in eastern and southern Eurasia and Africa

Among them, there are a total of 142 species of storks distributed in China

50% of the total number of world stork records

China is therefore known as the Kingdom of the Storks

And the storks are mostly singers in the forest


The eye circles of the thrush are white

It's like an eyeshadow drawn

The call was particularly loud

It was as if it was singing melodiously

It is also the city bird of Guangzhou

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?


The bunting family is a large family of finches

The biggest feature of birds in this family is

The beak is conical and pointed

And there is a gap between the upper and lower beaks when the beak is closed

Yellow-breasted bunting

Common name "Grass Flower Sparrow"

It is about the same size as a sparrow

They fall into the nets of bird catchers during their annual migration

It is sold to restaurants and traders

Therefore, in recent years, the yellow-breasted bunting has become rare in some areas

I can't even find it anymore

Such a beautiful grass finches are eaten raw and endangered

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



Ibises are found in warmer regions

Feeds on aquatic and amphibians

Features a slender, downward curved beak

Due to the deterioration of the living environment, the threat of natural enemies and other effects

Some ibises have become endangered species

Crested ibis

The crested ibises were widely distributed in China, Japan, Russia and other places

Later due to environmental degradation and other factors

This leads to a sharp decline in populations

At one point it was on the verge of extinction

Currently, only Wild Crested Ibises are found in China

As of 2018

The wild population of crested ibises has exceeded 1700

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



It is widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Australia

It is said that they like to build nests in holes

In the autumn, food is also stored for the winter

It is also the only bird that can climb trees head down and tail up

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



Storks live in tropical oceans

They often nest in groups on the island's steep cliffs

Dive into the water to catch fish and squid

The most distinctive feature of the stork is its extra-long central pair of tail feathers

This sets it apart from seagulls, frigate birds, etc

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?

hé hé


The legs of the plover are slender

The feet have front toes and no hind toes

Especially suitable for wading

The name plover derives from the Latin word for "rain"

There are two reasons for this

One is that plovers often appear after heavy rains

The second reason is that the feathers of some plovers are mottled in color

It was like being drenched in rain

It is said that the young birds of the Plover are particularly strong

Soon after hatching, you can run with your parents

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



It is widely distributed around the world

Most species of birds in China are summer migratory birds and traveling birds

Only a few species breed in China

The squid that breeds in China is representative of the genus Thrush

It was pitch black

Much like a crow

However, the mouth and eye circles are yellow

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



The bustard is not good at flying

Because of its large body

So when mating in heat

Easily observed by humans

So it fell into a reputation of "fornication"

In fact, it likes to eat locusts, caterpillars and other pests

It is beneficial to human beings

Male great bustards during the breeding season

Bundles of gray whisker-like feathers grow from the chin and larynx

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



Most grebes are distinguished by a wide and flattened mouth

The feet are relatively small

It prefers to live in warm forests

There are about 60 species of grebe worldwide

Among them, the Tahitian Wren is rare in number

Listed as an endangered animal

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?



There are many types of quails

One of the most familiar is the bald eagle

This is what we often call the bald man

It gets its name from the clear white color at the back of the male's head

Bald eagles are not too afraid of people

And it can eat a large number of agricultural and forestry pests on a daily basis

It is beneficial to birds

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?




The name Partridge sounds strange

But it is actually the scientific name of the myna

The base of the upper beak is distinctly clouded

Partridges are good at moving on the ground

And walked with arrogance

Flying looks a bit clumsy

It's actually very dexterous

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?




The wings are not well developed

The ability to fly is not strong

The tiny, very small man moves clumsily on land

But diving is great

It can breathe simply by sticking its head out of the water

And the whole body is in the water

This gave him the nickname of "King Eight Ducks"

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?





The partridge is what we usually call the black-naped oriole

It is similar in size to the Golden Oriole

The body is mostly golden yellow

The wings and tail are black

There is a black band on the headrest

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?





The grebe is commonly known as the little owl

But there are no horn-like feathers on the head

There are some superstitious claims about the people of the Wagtails

In fact, it likes to prey on mice, rabbits, etc

It is an absolute bird of prey

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?





The Wren's territorial awareness is very strong

The male is primarily responsible for repelling intruders

It flaps its wings and flaps its back

Constantly shake the tail feathers to intimidate

The female is the last line of defense

Responsible for hindering intruders trying to enter the nest

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?


What other exotic birds do you know?

- END -

Pictured from: 123rf, Visual China

Edited / Jackie

Partridge Wren, Do you know the Grebe?

Their sleeping appearance is the most adorable

Suppose animals could write poetry

(WeChat: dili360)

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