
Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

author:Home of Asian Entertainers

When I heard her singing, I fell deeply...

"I want to wander with you to the edge of the sky, I want to accompany you on adventures, to the fields, to the seashore, to eternity... If you also like to be around me and like the feeling of being with me, I am willing to reach out and let you hold. Listening to the sweet melody, it was as if I had returned to the original heartbeat.

She is the powerful new singer who makes Lin Junjie moved and Xiao Jingteng shout for it - Tong Jun.

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

In 2016, it appeared on the stage of Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Sound of Dreams", and a song of "Piano" made all the judges applaud one after another. Later, after becoming a Kugou live singer, his popularity soared. Sometimes people sing sweetly, sometimes the air pressure on the whole scene, will always give people unexpected surprises.

Tong Jun was not from a science class, but he never gave up for his dream. "I majored in public service management in college, and then I was introduced by a friend and sang in a well-known chain of bars. Because I like music very much, I started to be a musician by chance with a friend of my manager. ”

She never wavered in making music, and even if reality crushed her, she would get back on her feet. "The shape changed a lot during the time of giving birth, and it was very physical to make music, and I considered changing lines at that time, but I couldn't do it, because I loved music too much, and I especially enjoyed the feeling of being on the stage, so I continued to stick to it."

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

"Music can heal. When I wanted to change careers before, I sat in the office and felt like I saw the end at a glance, which was very depressing. At this time, I listened to the song with my headphones, although I had forgotten what song I listened to, but I always remember that the special feeling at that time was that I still wanted to make music, and the concert gave me a lot of motivation. "Music is everything about Tong Jun, in reality, she is quiet and does not express herself, but she will use music to vent her feelings and express what she wants to say." There is no substitute for the pleasure that music brings me, except for my son. ”

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

Tong Jun always remembers her original intention of making music. Whether the song can be fired or not is not the most important, the important thing is that if you want to do your own music well, you must stick to it, don't be too judgmental in the unexpected world, time will test everything. "Making music is a lifelong thing, if this song is not satisfactory, then the next one will be good to do, and people who really love music will pay more attention to the music itself."

In this society that chases fame and fortune, everyone will have a restless heart. At this time, Tong Jun will stop his pace, read books and movies, ring an alarm bell for himself, and then continue to go down.

Although he is not from a science class, Tong Jun's blood has always flowed with artistic talent. "I think my musical talent comes from my parents, my father is an orchestra conductor, the artistic aesthetic is particularly high, my mother sings very well, Peking Opera, opera can sing anything." My blood is all their musical genes, although I have not trained me since I was a child, they do not want me to engage in this industry, but from a young age, I have learned a lot. ”

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

In order to exercise her singing ability, Tong Jun will absorb a lot of singing skills from singers she likes in the process of listening to songs. When she was a child, she would often sing and record it herself, and then listen to it repeatedly, discover her own shortcomings, learn lessons, and then change them. Later, Tong Jun met a teacher in Taiwan and taught her a way to breathe, which also played a crucial role in her future musical path. Tong Jun's recording song never relies on the later stage, and her recording teacher laughs and says, "It is not without reason to love her." Regarding recording skills, Tong Jun said: "There is no special skill, that is, practice makes perfect, musicians should protect their voices, do not stay up late, smoke less and drink less." ”

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

When Tong Jun participated in "The Sound of Dreams", she was the first contestant in the first episode of the first season, and challenged Xiao Jingteng as a vegetarian. She was nervous. She covered her mouth and smiled at this part, then said to us, "We were all nervous. The way I soothe my emotions is to drink a little wine before going on stage. Slightly drunk would make people relax and open my throat a little, so I drank half a bottle of wine. Enjoyed that stage very much. Perhaps it is her bold move that will bring the audience the most shocking singing voice, and also let the audience know this "small body" and "big energy" girl.

Tong Jun likes ancient style songs, has tried and covered them, and has attracted a group of fans for herself. "66 and I met when we were recording a song last year, and she was small, cute and righteous. Later, she released "Ronin Pipa", and I liked this ancient genre song very much, so I covered this song at that time. Sent to the short video platform, I did not expect that many people liked it. I've done this style myself, but I haven't promoted it much, and it's not very popular. ”

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

Maybe you know she's a musician, but you can't imagine that she's also a hot mom, a recipient of The Diguroma's Senior Sommelier Credential from the ISG International Sommelier Association and a lecturer in China. As a mother, she can juggle her career and life; as a dreamer, she can juggle her hobbies and music. She will live her life to the fullest and never get tired. Here's what she told us: "During my pregnancy, I went through the sommelier's beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses, and I loved to drink, so I didn't want to waste this hobby, and the whole pregnancy was fulfilling." It is said that a pregnancy is stupid for three years, I think it is because of lack of sleep, so it may lead to poor memory; there are also said that the mother is steel, that is because seeing the child is very weak, even if you are young, you want to carry it up to protect him. When I play with my child, I am his partner, and when I make rules, I am his mother. As for women's choices in family and career, this society is very demanding of girls, and girls especially need to balance their mentality. In the face of difficulties, the solution may be different. Allocate time well and there will be no big problems. I think you can have both. ”

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

Regarding music, Tong Jun also said: "A competent musician, I think we must first have an artistic aesthetic, many people do not know whether it is good or bad when they rush to try, it is very bad. Then there is musical literacy, and the basic things must be understood. The mentality should be calm, let your heart be calm, and let nature take its course. I like Michael Jackson the most, his music is very good, he is a real musician, he inspires me a lot in every way. No one can surpass his achievements. Many people will also cover his music, which is very classic. ”

Now Tong Jun is still insisting on making her own music. Soon after, Tong Jun will release a new song called "Three Words". "The new song is a collaboration with a record label, the first attempt, expressing the lover's thoughts, regrets, etc. after they are separated. This song will also express some of my inner state of mind at that time. ”

Let's look forward to the new song of "Soul Singer" Tong Jun!

Artist's House Interview with Tong Jun: Drinking half a bottle of red wine on stage to "shout" Xiao Jingteng, but was praised?

The following is the content of the interview quick question and answer

Q : What is your most desired wish?

A : Sudden riches

Q : Do you believe in love at first sight or love over time?

A : Long-term love

Q : What happens when you are stressed?

A : Sing K, drink

Q : Do you prefer a wolf dog or a small milk dog?

A : Both

Q : What do you like guy do to you that you can't control?

A : Show muscles

Q : What is your favorite movie to watch?

A : Forbidden Island

Q : What's the boldest thing you've ever done so far?

A : Donate bone marrow

Q : What would you most like to do if you saw your loved one sleeping in front of you?

A : Count his eyebrows

Q : Have you ever had a pet?

A : In custody

Q : What's your name?

A : Big Brother

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