
Cool dog live singer Tong Jun was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: In my dreams, in my singing

author:Pickpocket father

"I feel like I'm probably a little luckier than others to be able to turn something I'm really, very passionate about into my (own) profession and let more people hear my singing voice through live streaming." In an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, singer Tong Jun described his fate with Kugou Live.

Cool dog live singer Tong Jun was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: In my dreams, in my singing

In the past two years, Tong Jun has been a hot circle fan with popular singles such as "The World Has a Lover (Chinese Version)" and "First Sight", and she has released more than 20 singles in 2019 alone. Not only has it won over 100 million plays in Kugou Music, but it has also become a popular anchor of Kugou Live and a mentor of Kugou Live Academy. In Tong Jun's body, there is a flash of desperate Sanlang-style blood and independent and optimistic tenderness, which is a microcosm of the thousands of singers in the new era of Kugou Live Broadcasting.

Cool dog live singer Tong Jun was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: In my dreams, in my singing

In music, Tong Jun has always been very "fighting". A few years ago, Tong Jun gave up the stable life of a music teacher in her hometown of Guilin to come to Guangzhou, and joined Kugou Live after many trips, opening her own dream road. Tong Jun was not knocked down by the cruel question of "how do women take care of family and career", she precipitated her touch on life and emotions in her heart and turned it into the most touching song.

Tong Jun said that she was "lucky", born in such a good era, able to communicate with the audience in real time through live broadcasting, because they established a different connection with each other's favorite music. This is also the most charming place that Tong Jun finds Cool Dog Live. Indeed, the Internet entertainment industry is booming, and platforms with huge user scales like Kugou Live have provided more options for countless young people to flexibly employ and bravely pursue their dreams.

Cool dog live singer Tong Jun was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: In my dreams, in my singing

In fact, Tong Jun is just one of the dream-chasing representatives of Cool Dog live singers. By building a good circular ecology of live broadcasting and music, Kugou Live has empowered and assisted musicians' dreams, and has attracted thousands of musicians with musical dreams to "settle down" on Kugou Live. In 2019 alone, Kugou Live broadcasted more than 500,000 singers, with a cumulative live broadcast of more than 60 million hours, and the platform held thousands of live broadcasts of high-definition performances, covering more than 100 million users.

Cool dog live singer Tong Jun was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency: In my dreams, in my singing

In this slightly difficult winter, may the cool dog live singers sing and be able to pass on warmth and hope to you.

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