
"In the Clouds"

author:KWITHU Movie Channel
"In the Clouds"

The immutable life, the cold interpersonal relationships, suddenly, the monster of feelings broke in, and Ryan's heart began to crack.

The film begins with all sorts of faces, either angry or desperate or sad, and the protagonist of the story, Ryan, is the one who sits across from them and fires them.

Cold work, cold life.

Ryan, just like that, lives in the clouds.

Ryan, with one goal—a mileage of 10,000,000 kilometers—imagined the arrival of this glorious moment, imagined the captain talking cordially with him.

Ryan also gave a talk about backpacking, putting all the things in his life, all his relationships, in his bag, carrying it on his back, and feeling the weight of life.

Ryan is such a cold man living in the clouds.

But when did things start to change?

Was it the humanoid plaque he received from his sister and brother-in-law from his sister? Was it his encounter with Aliken? Or his argument with Natalie?

"Have you ever had a moment when you looked at someone

Feel like the other person can see through your soul

And the world stood still for that moment. ”

I always felt the sight of Ryan looking at Aliken in the gymnasium, and he saw his own lonely soul.

Ryan's process of persuading his brother-in-law is actually the process of persuading himself. When those moments are important, are you willing to do them alone?

So, Ryan changed.

When he rushed to Chicago to find Aliken, although the result was disappointing, I believe that after this, he began to think about the true meaning of life.

When he reached 10,000,000 km, he was stunned, but I'm sure he would remember Natalie's words and fly to a random corner of the world.

“Call me when you get lonely。 ”

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