
"Ghost Tower": Edogawa's chaotic steps are another world constructed with horror, suspense, and love

author:I'm here

"When the world is at peace, my descendants will take this treasure. At that time, the bell will ring green and move up and down. There are lost paths, there are pictures to learn", the treasure is moving. In an eerie bell tower. In this terrible environment. But there are beautiful women and wealth, whether it is a blessing or a curse, whether it is a sexual encounter or a devil! Edogawa's rambling "Ghost Tower" brings us into such a strange story space.

"Ghost Tower": Edogawa's chaotic steps are another world constructed with horror, suspense, and love

Edogawa, the father of Japanese detective mystery novels, pioneered the Benguet school of speculative fiction. However, this "Ghost Tower" is not a masterpiece of his speculative fiction, but there are also more breakthrough progress, and the story has added horror, pornography, romance, and other elements that have nothing to do with reasoning, but making this novel more readable.

"Ghost Tower" is not the original Edogawa's rambling, but the image of the female ghost is an inherent trait in Japanese culture. Female ghosts are originally synonymous with mystery and desire, and are destined to play a special role in this story.

"Ghost Tower": Edogawa's chaotic steps are another world constructed with horror, suspense, and love

When the protagonist, Mitsuo Kitagawa, is entrusted by his uncle to inspect the bell tower he bought, he encounters the beautiful Nomo Akiko, and at The place where Nomo Akiko is, the bell of the lower bell tower begins to work. Mitsuo Kitagawa has an irredeemable admiration for Akiko Yan in between. But the mysterious Nomo Akiko must have a secret that no one knows, which involves a series of strange events at the beginning of the construction of the bell tower. First its builder mysteriously disappeared, then there was a case of the adoptive daughter killing the adoptive mother, and now Mitsuo's fiancée has mysteriously disappeared again, and has become a corpse when she is found. What the hell is going on here? What is the truth? Mitsuo Kitagawa also has various misgivings about Akiko Nobuki. As the Edogawa river walks in a chaotic manner, the mystery of the story is revealed little by little. What will be the end of Kitagawa? And what is Akiko's true identity? How did the events of that year happen? Everything will be revealed.

In this way, Edogawa Uses "Ghost Tower" to bring us into such a thrilling world, in which some horror suspense novels have all the elements, weird, strange, terrifying, and confusing. Those who like Edogawa Rambling will always like these styles. And in this novel, Edogawa's chaotic steps also made the elements of love appear in his novels, although he portrayed love is still slightly immature, and it is only for the sake of suspense reasoning, after all, Edogawa's chaotic steps have always been known for reasoning, but he at least made a bold attempt.

"Ghost Tower": Edogawa's chaotic steps are another world constructed with horror, suspense, and love

Edogawa has been away from us for half a century, but the world of reasoning he left behind has always attracted us to explore. Everyone who loves suspenseful reasoning can't get around this peak, and "Ghost Tower" is another peak I have crossed in the process of reading Edogawa's chaotic steps, looking forward to reading his next novel. #Dry Goods Sharing Book Club##National Book Recommenders##推理小说 #

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