
Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

author:A grain of rice balls

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level!

Drinking soup is a healthy way of life, especially drinking old fire soup for the purpose of health, not only allows the body to better absorb nutrients, but also strengthens the body, nourishes the stomach and intestines, and promotes the absorption and digestion of the human body.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

The old fire soup is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients. The old fire soup is delicious, and its pot tools are also very exquisite, and the tools for boiling the old fire soup are simmered in aged crock pots for the best effect. The aeration and adsorption of the crock pot are excellent, and it also has the characteristics of uniform heat transfer and slow heat dissipation. When cooking fresh soup, the crock pot can transfer heat to the internal raw materials in a balanced and lasting manner, and the relatively balanced temperature environment inside is conducive to the mutual penetration of water molecules and food, and the longer the time of mutual penetration is maintained, the more mellow the taste of the soup will be, and the more crisp the food material will be.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

The key to boiling old fire soup is to select the ingredients, and attention should be paid to the selection of raw materials with umami, small odor and small bloody taste when purchasing. Today, I would like to share with you a few old fire soups made with home-cooked ingredients, which are delicious, nutritious and full of flavor.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

Bitter melon red bean pork rib soup

Red beans can not only tonify blood, but also have antibacterial and detoxifying effects, often consumed, slimming and beauty effect is very good. The bitter melon can enhance the vitality of the skin and make the skin become delicate and toned.

【Ingredients】 200 grams of bitter melon, 100 grams of red adzuki beans, 500 grams of ribs

【Seasoning】 Ginger slices, salt


Wash the ribs, blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove; wash the red adzuki beans and soak for 4 hours;

Wash the bitter melon, remove it and cut it into thick slices, salt it for a while, then soak it in water and wash it to remove the bitterness;

Bring water to a boil, bring bitter melon slices, red adzuki beans, ribs, ginger slices and salt to a boil in a casserole dish, reduce heat to 2 hours and season with salt.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

Lotus root pork rib soup

Lotus root pork rib soup is a traditional dish that belongs to the E-cuisine family. The nutritional value of lotus root is very high, and it has the effect of eliminating food and diarrhea, appetizing and clearing heat. Lotus root pork rib soup can not only moisten the intestines, clear heat and eliminate phlegm, but also can effectively strengthen the spleen and stomach, is a good soup for health, suitable for regular consumption.

【Ingredients】400 grams of pork ribs, 200 grams of lotus root

【Seasoning】 Shallots, sliced ginger, cooking wine, pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate

Pork ribs are washed and chopped; lotus root is peeled, washed and cut into pieces;

Add water to a boil in the pot, put ginger slices, green onion, cooking wine, pork ribs, blanch the blood water, fish out and wash, drain;

Put the pot on the fire, pour in the appropriate amount of water, add the remaining ginger slices, pork ribs, lotus blocks to boil, turn the heat to a low heat for about 2 hours, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper to taste.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

Lotus root pork bone marrow soup

Lotus root pig bone marrow soup has a very good effect of tonifying vitality, for people with weak limbs, shortness of breath, and strong sense of physical fatigue, proper drinking of some lotus root pig bone marrow soup can enhance physical fitness by nourishing yuan qi.

【Ingredients】 Pig bone marrow, lotus root 100 grams each, red dates 20 grams

【Seasoning】 Salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, green onion, ginger slices, vegetable oil, broth

Pig bone marrow is blanched in boiling water and then fished out for later; lotus root is washed, peeled, cut into strips, and soaked in water; red dates are pitted and washed and set aside;

Heat oil in a pot, sauté chives, slices of ginger, add broth, pork bone marrow, lotus root strips, red dates, salt, cooking wine, simmer over low heat until cooked, add MSG to taste.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

Corn mushroom bone broth

Corn mushroom bone broth is a home-cooked dish with balanced nutrition and delicious taste. The carotene contained in corn is absorbed by the body and converted into vitamin A, which can digest symptoms such as angular cheilitis, glossitis, and diarrhea. Pig bone is warm and sweet, and has the effect of tonifying temper and moisturizing the stomach and intestines. Shiitake mushrooms not only have a unique flavor of fragrance, but also contain rich ingredients that are beneficial to the human body.

【Ingredients】 500 grams of pork cavity bone, 300 grams of corn cob, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms

【Seasoning】 Salt, chicken essence, coriander, ginger slices

Wash and chop the pork cavity bone, put it in a pot of boiling water and blanch it to remove the blood and remove the fishiness; wash and cut the corn cob; cut the coriander into sections; soak the mushrooms, wash and cut the pieces;

Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the cavity bone pieces, corn segments, shiitake mushroom pieces, ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a boil for about 1.5 hours, add salt, chicken essence to taste, sprinkle with coriander segments.

Home-cooked ingredients old fire soup, slow boiling, fragrant overflowing, nourishing health to a higher level

The old fire soup is not the longer the nutrition is better, if it is boiled for too long, the more concentrated the soup, it will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, which is not good for people with excessive stomach acid, gastric ulcers, gastritis or recent gastric bleeding. In addition, when making soup, add an appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, cooking wine, etc., which can remove fishy, fatty, cheeky and other peculiar smells, relieve greasy and refreshing, and increase the delicious taste of the soup.

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