
Seven gangs of stars: seven fairies pure play, Faye Wong gang pure eating, Yang Mi is right to leave the Teddy family

{"info":{"title":{"content":"明星七大帮派:七仙女纯玩,王菲帮纯吃,杨幂离开泰迪家族是对的","en":"Seven gangs of stars: seven fairies pure play, Faye Wong gang pure eating, Yang Mi is right to leave the Teddy family"},"description":{"content":"思考:明星中有分帮派吗?针对这问题,妹妹觉得咱们普通老百姓玩的好还分帮结伙呢,就像学生时代一下课就找她陪自己上厕所的人一...","en":"Think: Are there any gangs in the stars? In response to this problem, my sister thinks that we ordinary people play well and gang up, just like when I was a student, I asked her to accompany her to the toilet after class."}},"items":[]}

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