
Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

author:Beautiful little kitchen lady

Recently Meimei likes to eat green beans, before used to fry snow vegetable minced meat, today Meimei used to fry tofu, did not expect the taste of special delicious, more delicious than the usual Mapo tofu, and did not put pepper, pork will eat more flavorful, children can also eat, before always think that tofu must be burned heavy taste is delicious, did not expect to change a little is another way to eat, meat and vegetarian collocation, absolutely let your taste buds open, worth a try, if you also like to eat green beans or tofu, it is better to follow the method of beauty, simple and easy to learn , a hundred eating is not tired, Xiao Bai can learn to make this dish, try it together!

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

Green beans are rich in a variety of antioxidants, but also eliminate inflammation. Green beans can provide the human body with catechins and epitechins, two types of flavonoid antioxidants. These two substances can effectively remove free radicals in the body, prevent diseases caused by free radicals, delay the aging rate of the body, and have anti-inflammatory, broad-spectrum antibacterial effects. Green beans also contain two types of carotenes: α-carotene and β-carotene. In addition to containing protein and fiber, green beans are also one of the main sources of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as vitamin B. Green beans also provide small amounts of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, thiamine and riboflavin.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

Tofu is extremely nutritious, containing iron, magnesium, potassium, niacin, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin tofu (6 photos) B1, lutein and vitamin B6. Each 100 grams of firm tofu, the water accounted for 69.8%, containing 15.7 grams of protein, 8.6 grams of fat, 4.3 grams of carbohydrates and 0.1 grams of fiber, which can provide 611.2 kJ of calories. The high amino acid and protein content in tofu makes it a good supplement to cereal. 78% of tofu fat is unsaturated fatty acids and does not contain cholesterol, known as "plant meat". The digestion and absorption rate of tofu is more than 95%. Two small pieces of tofu can meet a person's daily calcium needs.

Main ingredients: a large piece of tofu, 100 grams of green beans, 120 grams of pork, a little cooking wine, a little soy sauce, a little salt, a little chicken essence, a little soy sauce and a little chives, etc.

Preparation steps:

1, buy the pods at the supermarket, remove the shell of the green beans.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

2, Cook the green beans for 3 minutes, remove them with cold water and set aside.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

3, the tofu over the cold water, tofu to remove the bean smell, so that the tofu is more delicious.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

4, chop the pork into minced meat, add a little soy sauce, add some cooking wine, grab a little starch, and marinate the minced pork for a while.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

5: Add a little oil to the pan and sauté with shredded ginger for a while.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

6, add minced pork and stir-fry together, sauté the green beans for a while, add a little water and cook over high heat.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

7, after boiling, add tofu to stew together, add a little soy sauce, a little salt and some chicken essence.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

8. Stir-fry evenly for a while and wait for the three ingredients to taste.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

9, sprinkle some chives, plate and eat, fresher than chicken soup, hurry up and make it for your family

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

Tofu is a tonic and detoxifying health food, regular food can supplement the qi, clear the heat and dryness, quench thirst, clean the stomach and intestines. More suitable for hot physique, bad breath and thirst, unclear stomach, fever after the nourisher to eat, tofu in addition to increasing nutrition, help digestion, enhance appetite function, the growth and development of teeth, bones is also quite beneficial.

Secretly tell you that green beans and tofu are fried together, the taste is more delicious than chicken soup, and children eat more calcium supplements

Healthy Living Tips :

1) Adding clothes is the most direct way to keep your knees warm. If you do not pay attention to the warmth of your legs in cold weather, over the years, it will cause waist and leg pain, sciatica, knee pain and other diseases. Autumn pants can be worn if the temperature is below 10 °C.

2) Usually eat foods containing more calcium, calcium supplementation can effectively protect the knee joint. It should be based on food supplements and pay attention to nutritional balance. Eat more dairy products (such as fresh milk, yogurt, cheese), soy products (such as soy milk, bean flour, tofu, tofu, etc.), vegetables (such as carrots, cabbage, rapeseed) and seafood such as seaweed, kelp, shrimp, fish, etc., and bask in the sun to promote calcium absorption.

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