
The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

author:Kitchen seat

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

The time of the weekend is coming on time again, I don't know what delicious food you eat for breakfast when you are resting at home? Xiaobian guessed, everyone must not have eaten well, this is not OK, after all, the body is our own, resolutely can not be too simple Oh, if there is no time to make food, may wish to use the rest time today to make a little more, convenient breakfast or afternoon tea time to eat it. Today we will teach you a sweet bread, that is, coconut cube bun, its taste is sweet and not greasy, the taste is soft and moderate, when you have leisure time to take a little time to make, and then sealed, with the heating of eating, the taste is still delicious. The point is that it is convenient and simple, especially for young friends and friends who like baking, without further ado, let's start making it!

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

If you say bread, you will not be unfamiliar with it, because bread has many flavors, and according to different practices, a variety of categories will be developed, and coconut cube bun is one of them, and it is also a classic dessert delicacy, which is loved by young people. The main ingredients of coconut cube buns are high gluten flour, milk powder, sugar and coconut paste, which are mixed together and baked, and the chicken pasta is soft and has the fragrance of coconut paste, the two are mixed together, the taste is super wonderful.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Coconut cube bread belongs to a kind of pasta, for people with bad stomach, eating pasta once in a while can play a role in digestion and improve the weakness of the stomach. In addition, the nutritional value of this bread is also very high, which adds eggs and milk powder, the two ingredients are rich in a large number of proteins and vitamins, moderate consumption can play a role in strengthening the body, tonic effect.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

If you are a young man who has just entered the society, does not have time to just make breakfast, and wants to add a little fun to life, then make this coconut cube bread with me, it will definitely make you fall in love with life.

【Dishes】: Coconut cube buns

【Cooking ingredients】: 1/2 kg of high gluten flour, milk powder, 1 egg, caster sugar, a little salt, butter, yeast 3g, coconut 80g.

【Cooking steps】:

Step 1: First of all, we knead the dough, prepare a cooking machine, turn on the high gluten flour, milk powder, caster sugar and egg liquid, turn on the machine together and stir into the glove film state, and then put the softened butter and yeast at room temperature together, continue to knead, and then ferment for a while.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Step 2, during the process of dough fermentation, you can start to make the bread filling, prepare an empty basin, add the appropriate amount of butter to soften well, then sift in the powdered sugar and stir well, then slowly pour in the egg mixture to mix some, and finally add the coconut and milk powder together to stir well, and then divide into multiple small balls for later.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Step 3, then the dough is almost fermented, take out the exhaust, and then divide into even small dough, make a cake shape, wrap a filling in the middle.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Step 4: Then roll it out into the shape of a cow's tongue as shown in the picture, and then roll it up into a pattern.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Step 5: Prepare the bread mold, put the dough in it, put it in the oven for fermentation, and then brush it with a layer of egg liquid and bake it.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

Step 6: Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 18 minutes.

The first choice for breakfast and afternoon tea: coconut cube buns, soft and sweet in taste, fragrant lips and teeth

【Cooking Tips】:

Tip 1: When making dough, do not add butter in the early stage, but wait until the butter is softened at room temperature before putting it in, so that it is better kneaded into a dough.

Tip 2, when adding egg liquid to the filling, divide it into small amounts and multiple times, do not put it all at once, otherwise it is difficult to form a ball.

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