
A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

author:Strait Shinkansen

According to Taiwan media reports, the Kuomintang and Taiwan legislature of the Chinese Kuomintang recently put forward resolutions in the Taiwan legislature on "establishing diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States" and "requesting the United States to assist in the defense of Taiwan." The party group's general secretary Lin Weizhou recently threw out the party name "go to China." This has continued to arouse controversy in public opinion.

Although the KMT Central Committee has explained to the outside world that the name change is not the current focus, and has emphasized that the main intention of the two proposals is to attack and defend politically, and the purpose is to embarrass the DPP's Tsai "government," all kinds of acts still reveal a strong smell of qualitative change, and the loyalty of the members of the military department and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese is shaken.

On the afternoon of October 10, Ji Lin, chairman of the Alumni Association of Taiwan's military academies, led the people to the streets to express their views on "safeguarding the constitutional regulations of the Taiwan region and opposing Taiwan independence," and held a street-stepping carnival with the theme of "defending China" in the square in front of the Taipei City Government. Xu Linong, a big man in the island's military circles, and other retired generals attended the day's activities.

It is worth noting that this street stepping activity was originally only openly invited by Han Hanyu, but it was not until the late night of the 9th that Han Hanyu was contacted to confirm that he could not attend. However, the current party leader Jiang Qichen and successive party chairmen were not invited.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Although the organizers explained to the outside world that "because the party members of the military department have opinions on a small number of chairmen and consider the convenience, they simply do not invite them", but such a move also reflects the lack of recognition of the current Kuomintang by the party members of the military department.

According to Taiwan media analysis, after Jiang Qichen took office, he constantly appealed to the KMT to "not fight among themselves and to unite."On the other hand, in the process of promoting the reform of party affairs, he actually angered many ideological factions and iron plates because of the adjustment of the political line. Therefore, the "military departments" and party members of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, who were extremely loyal to the Blue Camp in the past, have recently shown disgust. Compared with the historical context of the previous division of the New Party and the People First Party by the Blue Camp, has the Kuomintang re-emerged a splittist crisis at this time? If the current situation continues, with the outbreak of a wave of party members leaving and the Kuomintang's strength losing sharply, it may indeed become a major crisis.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Zhang Xianyao

In view of the controversy over the KMT's adjustment of its line, Zhang Xianyao, former vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan and chairman of the Cross-Strait RoundTable Forum Association, said that it is impossible for the KMT to change its cross-strait policy and cross-strait position, and it will not change it unless the KMT is crazy.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Guo Rongzhen

Guo Rongzhen, a big gangster of the Kuomintang's Taichung taichung black faction and vice chairman of the Taichung City Party Department, said that the Blue Camp's sacrifice of this political offensive and defensive strategy is like playing a "seven-wounded fist." Although it embarrassed the DPP, at the same time deviated from the core values, I am afraid that the ideological party members and deep blue supporters will be lost, and it will not help the party to unite, abolish its own martial arts, but lose the energy to oppose the Green Camp.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Zheng Liwen

As for whether the KMT line has caused a split, Zheng Liwen, a kuomintang national, said that she does not approve of believing that because of an election setback, she believes that there is a problem with her core values, and the real problem that should be faced is that the KMT will not fight an election war. Or is the claim wrong? Otherwise, supporters will only have doubts about the KMT becoming the tail party of the DPP. Zheng Liwen stressed that where there are votes, it will run wherever there is a party, such a political party is kitsch and has no self, she does not believe that such a party will be trusted by the people, and it cannot last long.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Han Hanyu wants to make a comeback?

Although there have been many different voices in the Kuomintang, on October 10, another voice has attracted everyone's attention. On October 10, Han Kuo-yu, a former mayor of Kaohsiung who is a member of the Chinese Kuomintang, spoke through a Facebook video that grossed more than 600,000 views. According to the voice statistics of the online community, it is second only to Tsai Ing-wen, which has aroused concern. Veteran media person Zhou Yuke suspected that Han Hanyu's move was to re-emerge from the jianghu, and veteran media person Chen Minfeng also bluntly said, "Han Hanyu is warming up!" ”

In this regard, Wang Qiudong, a member of the Han Municipal Government team and former director of the Kaohsiung Municipal Labor Bureau, said that this also means that Han Hanyu is recognized by the Zhenglan ethnic group, and he does not deny that this may be used as a reference indicator for the popular candidate for the party leader next year. As for whether Han Hanyu is likely to run for the party chairman election next year? Wang Qiudong said with reservations that this is an observable indicator, and at present, Han himself has not expressed his position, and there is still some time before the election of the party leader, and everything will go naturally.

Han Hanyu has not lost attention since he withdrew from Taiwan's political scene, and the media wants to know what the former mayor of Kaohsiung Will do after he "retires." However, Han Hanyu's every move has always been exaggerated by the pro-green media, and pro-Koreans do not want Han Hanyu to participate too much in today's Taiwanese politics.

Yunlin Vegetable Farmer Lin Jiaxin, a person from the roks near South Korea, once revealed to reporters that taiwan's politics are sensitive today and the DPP authorities are "pro-US and far away from the mainland," which has led to the increasing freezing of cross-strait relations. Han Kuo-yu really did not need to wade through muddy waters at this time and "fight against the DPP." Lin Jiaxin believes that now is not a good time for Han to come back, and Han Hanyu's team should also be restrained and sober, and not do some "unruly" things, so as not to cause political associations and even harm Han Hanyu.

A new crisis for the KMT or facing a split? Teppanyaki Blue Watch disappointment is looking forward to Han Hanyu's comeback

Judging from the current situation, only by standing still is the best policy. For more content, please pay attention to the Southeast Satellite TV "Straits Shinkansen" broadcast tonight at 22:11!

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