
Chinese university freshman quality ranking: Tsinghua first, Beiqing second, third place is not Fudan

author:Li Muxiao

The strength and quality of a university depends to some extent on the quality of its students.

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) has only been operating as an undergraduate university for a few years, but in recent years has achieved record high rankings in various university rankings due to the very high quality of its students.

If the quality of students is not good, it is difficult to change the status quo no matter how good the university lecturers are Tsinghua University and Peking University are the first ranked institutions in China and the strongest institutions in China, a big reason is that Tsinghua University and Peking University attract the largest number of top students in the country and are one of the highest quality students.

Chinese university freshman quality ranking: Tsinghua first, Beiqing second, third place is not Fudan

When volunteering for the college entrance exam, many students are moving towards the ranking of the university, but what really deserves our attention is the quality of college students.

Good student quality in universities means a good learning environment, by studying with excellent students, you can progress faster, which universities in China currently have better quality students? Now let's take a closer look at the quality of first-year students at china's top 100 universities.

Chinese university freshman quality ranking: Tsinghua first, Beiqing second, third place is not Fudan

According to the 100th place in the quality ranking of Chinese university freshmen, Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China, National University of Science and Technology, Fudan, Shanghai JiaoTong University, People's Congress, Nanda University, Tongji and Beihang became the top ten schools with the highest quality of freshmen in Chinese universities in 2020.

Among them, Tsinghua University's first-class student quality ranks first, Peking University's first-class student quality ranks second, China's outstanding students in the college entrance examination either choose Tsinghua, or choose others, in the ranking of university freshman quality, Tsinghua University's freshman quality is higher than Peking University.

In recent years, among various academic newcomers, Tsinghua has also appeared more prominent rookies and rising academic stars, why is Tsinghua widely regarded as the world's top university, and even ranked in the world's top 20 in some world university rankings? One reason for this is that they have one of the highest quality freshmen in the entire country.

Chinese university freshman quality ranking: Tsinghua first, Beiqing second, third place is not Fudan

In the ranking of the quality of new students in Chinese universities, the third place is not Zhejiang University, not Fudan, not Shanghai Jiao Tong University, but a newly established national university: the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences has not been established for a long time, but in just a few years, its attraction to new students has surpassed that of "fujiao Zhejiang", and even the University of Science and Technology of China (CSU), which fully demonstrates its attractiveness to new students.

THE UNIVERSITY of Science and Technology is a research university whose mission is to train researchers, and job seekers interested in the career of scientists can learn more.

Chinese university freshman quality ranking: Tsinghua first, Beiqing second, third place is not Fudan

"Zhejiang University" is juxtaposed with "Beiqing" and "Fudan"

In the rankings of some universities, most of them have successfully reached the "first echelon" of China's university rankings, entering the top three.

In the 2021 Chinese University Humanities Rankings, Zhejiang University ranked third, however, in terms of the quality of new students alone, the quality of new students of Zhejiang University is currently ranked not in the top ten, but in the twelfth place in the country, not as high as the quality of new students in Nankai, and Zhejiang University has achieved the 3rd place in China's comprehensive ranking with the quality of new students in China's 12th place.

Today's topic: What university will you choose if you know about the above universities? Leave a comment below to share your choices and opinions

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