
A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

author:Department of Education of Henan Province

Class of 2021 little cute newcomers


I've become an official college student!

Leave the familiar environment and enter a brand new university

Have you ever been confused and wandering?

Don't worry

The College Freshman Guide for these 4 teachers is for you!

I hope to be able to live a university life full of opportunities and challenges

Cut through the thorns and ride the wind and waves

College Freshman Admissions Adaptation Guide

A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Henan University Business School

Li ping

At the beginning of the semester, college freshmen are facing a change from relatively learning-oriented to rich learning life in colleges and universities, from a relatively centralized one-dimensional evaluation of academic performance to a comprehensive quality multiple evaluation, and a huge change in the growth process from other disciplines to self-discipline. College freshmen urgently need to understand themselves, adapt to the environment, improve their abilities, solve the problems of "thought" and "behavior" after enrollment, realize the spiral cycle of thoughts and behaviors, and complete the important task of self-adaptation and transcendence.

The first is to temper the mind, improve the realm, and build a solid spiritual foundation. Draw spiritual nourishment from the school history and school conditions, draw moral nourishment from the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and "buckle the first button of life". Study the basic theory of Marxism, strengthen Marxist belief, practice the core values of socialism, strengthen the quality of will, and realize the value of their lives in the struggle and practice of devoting themselves to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream.

The second is to adhere to rational criticism and cultivate an innovative scientific spirit. Adhere to the combination of theory and practice, actively participate in the scientific and technological innovation practice activities of schools and social organizations, on the basis of seeking truth from facts, try new methods, take the initiative to think, use scientific thinking, scientific methods, scientific knowledge, integrate and process knowledge, and change from a recipient of knowledge to an active learner.

The third is to improve the ability to manage emotions and establish a positive psychological support system. Actively participate in the work of community organizations and classes, not only to learn to express their own opinions and opinions, but also to learn to listen, understand and respect others, sincerely tolerate others, unity and cooperation. Participate in activities such as advanced deeds report meetings, theme class meetings, and experience exchange meetings, and solve practical difficulties encountered in life through the demonstration and interaction of peer role models, and adapt to university life as soon as possible.

The fourth is to establish a sense of environmental adaptation and create an interpersonal circle of friends. Familiarize yourself with the campus environment as soon as possible, treat the new environment scientifically, clearly understand yourself, and smoothly achieve self-adaptation and social adaptation. Participate in clubs and organizations according to interests and hobbies, cultivate interpersonal skills, strive to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and promote physical and mental harmony.

The fifth is to build a solid academic core system and scientifically plan personal development. Fully understand the characteristics of university life and learning methods and methods, grasp the differences in learning mode, learning autonomy requirements, learning ability requirements, knowledge acquisition channels, etc., and gradually explore and form effective learning methods suitable for themselves. According to their own abilities, personality and interests and other psychological characteristics, scientific planning of personal development, to ensure that their own ability to meet the requirements of the profession.

Adapting to the university has a "strategy" to start a new life with one click

A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

Director of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee of Henan Normal University and Director of the Student Affairs Department

Ge Zhaojin

Class of 2021, college life is about to start, are you ready? Let's familiarize ourselves with the following "tips" and start a new university journey together!

Strategy 1: Familiar with the environment, more love

Most college freshmen are far away from their parents, far from home. Faced with a new environment, start your own independent life for the first time. The first step to adapt to university life is to fully familiarize yourself with and understand the campus environment, go to the restaurant to taste it, taste the taste that belongs to you, go to the supermarket, pick out your preferences, take a walk around the beautiful campus, take the initiative to ask the knowledgeable teachers for new knowledge, actively learn from the seniors who are both good at character and learning, often exchange insights with the students around you, and increase your love for university life.

Strategy two: get rid of dependence and be more independent

College life is not like middle school life, where our lives are basically managed by our parents. After entering the university, we must get rid of dependence and learn to be self-reliant. Make your own bed, wash your own clothes, and learn to solve the trivial matters of life. Entering the university, first of all, we must clarify the role of college students, to higher requirements for ourselves, take the initiative to adapt to the new environment, and live independently. Lay the foundation for the future to go to society, and be a real "independent bearer".

Strategy three: use good time, more fulfilling

After entering the university, many students will feel "very free" and think that they can "lie flat" in bed for a day without class, which is actually an illusion. College is only a relatively free stage, in fact, you will face a lot of practical problems, these problems are related to the future development of the individual, all of which require you to spend a lot of time to seriously manage. Students can choose to join a suitable student club according to their hobbies and interests, or participate in a social practice that can show their value, so as to make themselves more fulfilled!

Strategy 4: Plan your studies and be more autonomous

As a college student, always remember that your main task in school is to study well. The middle school stage is "cramming" teaching, as long as you understand the teacher's lectures and complete the homework assigned by the teacher. Universities, on the other hand, are a model of completely autonomous time-based and self-directed learning. The teaching objectives, content and methodology of the university are completely different from those of the secondary school years. A big shift in learning styles will cause most students to be less comfortable at first. Therefore, as a college student, we must first have a clear college student plan, start from ourselves, combine the actual situation, clarify our learning goals, and make practical short-term plans and long-term plans for ourselves.

University, only learning, only reading!

A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Finance, Henan University of Economics and Law

Xu Bin

At the best age of life, students entered the university and began the most important, exciting and decisive journey in life. In the face of the university's study life, every student has a lot of expectations and thoughts, and there may be some confusion and confusion, but as long as you remember the zhengzheng oath issued countless times before the college entrance examination, and the ideals and pursuits that motivate themselves to work hard countless times, our study life will not be biased. In the face of college, I hope that students will do three things well:

First, always maintain the passion of pursuing dreams. 18 is the age of most of our classmates, and it also means that we have opened the adult stage. Adults must have adult thinking, vision, responsibility and pursuit, and they must have adult learning status and lifestyle. The importance of college is to establish our stable standard of values and codes of conduct in life. To this end, as long as we maintain the pursuit of life dreams and the yearning for a better life before entering the university, maintain a pure and flawless initial heart, and maintain an indomitable attitude of struggle, we can continue to achieve new achievements, we can cope with any future challenges, and we can lay a solid foundation in the most important stage of life.

Second, always maintain the desire to absorb knowledge. After going through the college entrance examination, many parents and classmates will have a feeling of relaxation and rest. And when we enter the university door, this feeling cannot continue. University is still the most important learning stage in our lives, and even the importance of university learning is more important than any stage of learning in life, which has the role of inheriting the past and opening up the future. I've told my freshmen countless times: If you go to college and you don't know what you're going to do today or what's going to happen tomorrow, then you're going to do something and go to the library and read a book. If you read 1 book in 3 days, there are more than 100 books a year, and no more than 500 books in four years. Compared to the hundreds of thousands of books in the university library, we are far from enough. University, only learning, only reading!

Third, always maintain the piety of diligent thinking and sensitivity. "To learn without thinking is to be reckless, and to think without learning is to perish." Learning, living, socializing, interpersonal, emotional... It seems like college life we need to adapt too much, is that really the case? We have been reading books for more than ten years, and one thing we have learned is "learning". If in the past, we studied in order to find standard answers and improve grades; then when we entered college, we were precisely to discover problems and think about problems. "What", "Why", "How"? Constantly asking questions, discovering problems, and solving problems is the most important goal of the university. Therefore, the university does not have so much confusion and confusion, the university seniors, counselors, teachers, experts and professors, will help you in your academic planning and career planning.

When you walk into the university, in such a campus with love, dreams and passion, you will fall deeply in love with here! Welcome, new students!

Live up to Shaohua The future can be expected

A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering and Materials of Xuchang University

Yu Xiaohan

First, the will is firm and the spirit is independent

To establish a correct concept of life, we must first be ideologically independent. You must clearly and clearly tell yourself to learn to be independent from now on, do your own things, make your own ideas in everything, correct your mentality without comparison, and believe that you have the ability to make college life full and exciting.

Second, familiar with the environment, into the campus

Fully familiar with the campus environment, understand the approximate location of the library, canteen, teaching building, shop, each canteen to try, find the best one; each supermarket to go around, better than which one is more affordable. Make full use of the "new student report column" information set up by schools and colleges in new media public accounts such as WeChat and Weibo to solve problems for the new semester.

Third, clear planning, and strive for development

For the upcoming challenges of learning content, less teacher supervision, and unstable classrooms, the "free-range" learning method may make you unable to adapt for a while, so from now on, you must clarify the goal path, strengthen the ability to learn independently, abandon bad learning habits such as procrastination and sloppiness, and enjoy the fun brought by "immersive learning".

Fourth, pay attention to relationships and expand interpersonal relationships

In the face of students from all over the world, we must learn to get along well with others and master the necessary social communication skills. In the dormitory: roommates are like family, active communication and mutual accommodation are very important; in the class: active participation in class activities, courage to take responsibility, helpfulness is very important; student organizations: take the initiative to undertake tasks, comprehensive development is very important.

Fifth, enrich culture and enjoy life

College is a golden accumulation period in life, making full use of spare time to cultivate hobbies and interests and improve comprehensive quality. Science experiments, basketball, photography... Learning one more skill a little more can also broaden your interpersonal circle. Try something new and add color to campus life.

Dear new students, university life is free and beautiful, I hope you will enter the university with the goal of growth and self-discipline, cherish the university time, and strive to enrich yourself. We are all on the road to dreams, we are all dreamers!

A must-see for college freshmen! A guide to help you quickly adapt to the university is coming!

Coordinate | Zhu Rongyu

Audit | Yang Xiaoxuan

Editor-in-charge | Huang Faqiang, Jia Yuange

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