
Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

author:Little e education

Freshmen are about to enter college

Many parents began to worry

How much is appropriate for the child's living expenses?

More afraid of children not being restrained

Less and afraid of wronged children


Actually, during college

The standard cost is three meals a day

About 800 a month

Charge the phone bill and buy some fruit

Whole clothes, skin care products

About 500 a month

The total is 1500

Of course, some students feel

400 a month is also enough

Then don't say 400

To survive

You can survive without giving money

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

Available to come to the university

No matter how work-study

Some of the places where the money should be spent still have to be spent

Where is it spent?

Take a look at it

Proportion of daily expenses of college students

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

Daily expenses of university living expenses

Rice is to be eaten!

Three meals a day + snacks

■ Breakfast: 5 yuan (eggs, porridge, side dishes) in the canteen * 31 = 155 yuan

■ Lunch: Canteen 10 yuan (one meat and two vegetarian) * 31 = 310 yuan

■ Dinner: Canteen 10 yuan (one meat and two vegetarian / flour) * 31 = 310 yuan

■ Additional meals: Occasionally buy snacks / fruits / takeaway, etc., 50 yuan

Basic cost:

155 + 310 + 310 + 50 = 825 yuan

This is just the most basic cost

When you want to have a milk tea

Please open your phone to see the balance

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

Social, travel expenses!

For example: "Campus Card" recharge + phone bill, Internet fee + travel fee

■ Water and electricity card recharge: There is a difference between the university and the home, students need to pay personal utility bills, so it is necessary to recharge our "campus card".

100 yuan (water fee) + 50 (electricity fee) = 150 yuan

■ Phone bills and Internet fees: Everyone can't do without mobile phones and networks, so this also needs to be spent, and some students may have parents to pay for them.

50 yuan (phone bill, campus calling card is cheaper) + 30 yuan (network fee) = 80 yuan

■ Travel expenses: There is more free time at the university, and it is inevitable that you will need to leave the school (except for the round-trip ticket from home and school).

50 yuan (bus card + taxi)

Additional living expenses: 150 + 80 + 50 = 280 yuan

Total: 825 yuan (basic expenses) + 280 yuan (additional living expenses) = 1105 yuan

Take a look like this

It is calculated according to the daily expenses of ordinary college students

About 1100 per month is about that

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

After enrollment

Students also discover a phenomenon

In high school, everyone had about the same pocket money

But get into college

The cost of living varies widely

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

Mainly because

There is considerable flexibility in the cost of living

It is related to the city and the major studied

Hobbies and other interests are related

The following is for your reference

1. The city where it is located

The school is located in a first-tier city

Such as the north of Shanghai And guangzhou, etc

The level of urban consumption is high

The cost of living is naturally more

But this cannot be blindly guessed

When sending a child to school

Parents can find out

The standard of living in the city where the child's university is located

2. School location

The campus is located in the city center

The cost of living is a little more

Consumption levels in the suburbs are low

There are fewer places to consume and less to spend in general

3. Major studied

In addition to tuition fees

Daily learning costs are also quite large

Some majors want to buy reference materials

Such as language, law, accounting and other majors

I want to buy a textbook

This part should also be taken into account

4. Club activities

Many college students enroll after enrollment

Will combine their own positioning, hobbies

Join a variety of clubs or student organizations

There are many club activities

Gatherings incur overhead

Investigate: How much is the monthly living expenses for college freshmen? It turns out that the spending is mainly here...

5. Hobbies

"Interest is the first productive force"

Universities develop hobbies

The best times

Those who like to read want to buy books

If you like sports, you need to buy equipment

If you like photography, you have to buy a camera, etc

It's all an expense

But likes to play games

To buy a computer

It's not a hobby

Be sure to consume sensibly

6. Family conditions

All kinds of expenses

Or to the family's economic conditions


The family is relatively wealthy

You can give more living expenses as appropriate

But neither can it be unrestrained

"On the unfined" living expenses

It will make college students addicted to hedonism and lose their original intentions

It is necessary to cultivate children to learn to consume reasonably

and develop financial habits

7. Frequency of going home

Many college students are studying outside the home for the first time

Because lovers will often come home

This will require increased expenditure on travel expenses

Student tickets can be purchased for half-price tickets

But there are only four chances a year



How to arrange your living expenses reasonably

Under the tone of thrift and thrift

Live a quality life

Come and listen to the advice of the senior student

@Woohoo: Give the students a little opinion! Be sure to keep an account! No bookkeeping never knows how much you spend money, don't know convergence!

@ Thirteen Xiang: The cost of living depends on the family's economic situation, can not beat the swollen face to fill the fat, the general conditions can be less points.

@Irving: I have been in college for a year, I feel that there is no fixed number of living expenses, if you save, 1200 a month is completely enough, if you use a little casually, 2500+ a month I have also used, because it is the hard work of my parents, or to restrain their own consumption.

@Charon: the cost of living is two thousand, but it includes all, the clothes are bought by themselves, and the book money is deducted from the living expenses.

@ Little Apple: It doesn't matter how much money you have, mainly to see how to spend it, it is not a waste to spend it in a meaningful way, and there is no blind comparison.

The cost of living is not enough to spend

There is no such thing as an exact standard

Just within your own means

No extravagance and waste, that's enough


How much do you spend per month?

You can share the source of the message below: This article is comprehensively organized by the Henan Sunshine College Entrance Examination from the Henan Provincial Department of Education and Sichuan Education

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