
Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan watch north Korean large-scale group exercises and art performances


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CCTV News (News Network): On the evening of June 20 local time, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, accompanied by Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the State Affairs Commission, and his wife, Lee Seok-joo, watched large-scale group exercises and art performances with the north Korean masses from all walks of life at the "May Day" Stadium in Pyongyang.

That night, the "May Day" stadium, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people, was full. Slogans such as "Warmly welcome Comrade Xi Jinping and Ms. Peng Liyuan" and "Pyongyang-Beijing" are particularly eye-catching. At about 9:40 p.m. local time, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, accompanied by Kim Jong-un and his wife Lee Seok-joon, came to the podium of the stadium. The audience stood up and welcomed the arrival of the Chinese guests with warm applause and cheers.

The show kicked off with brilliant fireworks. North Korean culture gave a welcome speech. Tens of thousands of North Korean actors participated in the performance. The performance is very distinctive of the Korean nation, divided into four chapters: "Socialism Our Homeland", "Echo of Victory", "For a Better Tomorrow" and "Unbreakable Friendship", the performance praises the development achievements of the DPRK's socialist cause, expresses the Korean people's yearning for a better life, the ardent desire to inherit and develop the friendship between China and the DPRK, and the warm welcome to Xi Jinping's visit. The three major orchestras of North Korea, the National Symphony Orchestra, the Meritorious Choir, and the Samjigaon Orchestra, performed on the same stage for the first time. The background of the performance scene is beautiful and changeable, the lights are brilliant, the performance is wonderful, and the cheers and applause rise and fall, resounding through the clouds. The whole performance was magnificent and shocking.

The performance ended with a large-scale song and dance performance with the theme of "Friendship Between The DPRK and China Is Eternal and Everlasting". Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un joined the audience in delivering unceasing applause to the superb performances of artists and actors. Fireworks bloomed again over the stadium, and they were magnificent. After the performance, the Chinese side presented flower baskets to the North Korean side to congratulate the success of the performance. Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, together with Kim Jong-un and his wife Lee Seok-joo, stepped onto the stage to thank the North Korean artists and the masses once again.

Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi, He Lifeng and other Chinese entourage, as well as Choi Longhae, Park Fengzhu, Kim Chae-yong, Lee Yong-ho, Lee Wan-jian, Park Kwang-ho, Lee So-yong, Kim Ping-hae, Choi Hui, Wu Shouyong, Ahn Jeong-so, Park Tae-deok, Park Tae-sung, Kim Young-chol, Kim So-gil, Tae Hyung-cheol, Lu Doo-chul, Choi Fu-il, Jeong Kyung-taek, Cho Yong-won, Nu Kwang-tie, Kim Deok-hoon, Lee Long-nam, Kim Kwang-ho, Kim Neng-sun, Kim Yoo-jong, etc. also watched the performance.

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