
Notes on Reading Qi Gong and Mr. Qin Yonglong's "Common Sense of Calligraphy" (1)

author:Chai Daguan who accompanies you in practicing words

The first question is about writing.

1. The size of the pen should be moderate, both to hold steady, but also to take loose, loose and tight; with different size of writing and different stroke force and natural changes, do not blindly tight and tight. Xi's statement of plucking the pen is a fallacy. The method of holding the pen does not have to be stuck in one kind, but it is always necessary to be flexible in the operation of the pen and facilitate the expression of the artistic effect of its dot painting.

2. When to lift the wrist and the elbow, to what extent, there is no fixed standard, should be determined with the size of the word and ink needs.

3. The art of calligraphy pays the most attention to the knot, the use of pens, the line of qi and the rules, and these can only be judged and grasped by looking straight and straight, and the partial strabismus must produce illusions, and the desire to be straight and oblique.

4. Qi Gong criticized various suspenseful writing theories, and the key lies in exerting the natural exercise of the arms, wrists, and fingers, and being flexible.

After reading the feeling: In the past, I always felt that writing was a big problem, but now that I see that all the writers have their own methods, I think it is still the most important for themselves, including many people criticizing He Shaoji's return wrist method, but the old man is a habit, and it does not prevent people from making a name for themselves, so as long as you play the pen on the basis of the real palm and flexible force, it is suitable for you to play the pen of the pen. Don't be too superstitious or too paranoid.

The book is just common sense, and I am just a person who has not yet started, record notes, just share and communicate with everyone, what is not in place, but also welcome more advice. Thank you.

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