
The opening season | the youth field Spring breeze is full of road fragrance The new semester of Dazhou Middle School starts from the "heart"

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Luo Xuan photo report

On September 1st, autumn was high and refreshing, and it was the beginning of the school year again. On the playground of Dazhou Middle School in Sichuan Province, more than 10,000 teachers and students gathered together to make a vow for the new semester to go out again.

The opening season | the youth field Spring breeze is full of road fragrance The new semester of Dazhou Middle School starts from the "heart"

Guo Debo, secretary of the party committee and principal of Dazhou Middle School, put forward hopes to the students

A new semester opens up new hope

In the past academic year, Dazhou Middle School has achieved fruitful results. Whether it is the results of the middle and high school entrance examinations, or various competitions, the results of Dazhou Middle School are obvious to all, especially Li Peiran, a senior student in 2022, won the first prize of the 2021 National Biology League for Middle School Students (Sichuan Division), and achieved the best results in the biology competition category in Dazhou City in the past 20 years.

The results belong to the past, Guo Debo, secretary of the party committee and principal of Dazhou Middle School, said that the new semester must have new progress, and the new semester must open up new hopes and let the dream shine into reality.

Guo Debo hoped that the students should cultivate themselves and cultivate morality, learn to think and act; be grateful and see the wise and think together; they should adhere to their original intentions and be unswerving; they should bear in mind the country and bravely undertake the mission. "The country is not prosperous without virtue, and people are not standing without virtue, and learning is the right way to Matilda." Learning is endless, only by learning to accept new knowledge in a down-to-earth manner can we get out of ignorance and achieve great virtue. ”

Guo Debo said: "Youth is brilliant because of grinding, life is sublimated by struggle, and the realization of all dreams is inseparable from down-to-earth efforts and hard work." Every little effort and every bit of effort you make today will make you have one more choice and one more road tomorrow. ”

The opening season | the youth field Spring breeze is full of road fragrance The new semester of Dazhou Middle School starts from the "heart"

The scene of the opening ceremony

The away juvenile court is full of spring breeze

Teachers are the leaders of students' learning and growth, and the teachers of Dazhou Middle School also said "heart-to-heart words" to the students, at the same time, they are well aware of the heavy responsibilities on their shoulders and put forward higher requirements for their work in the new semester.

Especially for the students who are about to face a new round of challenges in the fate of the third year of high school, Teacher Tan Jing of Dazhou Middle School said: "We are no longer children who tiptoe outside the wall of the college entrance examination and look inward, we have entered the most fierce trenches, please bring self-confidence and strength, take out the confidence of 'I am born to be useful', 'blow out the yellow sand from the beginning to the gold', the courage of 'hanging on the clouds and sails to the sea', to meet the baptism of life's wind and rain, after all, only by experiencing wind and rain, we can see a beautiful rainbow." ”

The opening season | the youth field Spring breeze is full of road fragrance The new semester of Dazhou Middle School starts from the "heart"

The students listened carefully

"The away boy field, the spring breeze is full of incense." Tan Jing said, thank you for choosing this place, not every teacher has the luck to meet you. Mencius said that to be talented in the world and to be educated is a great joy in life, and I have a relationship in my heart. You are happy, we are happy; you are progressive, we are pleased; you are successful, we are excellent.

Live up to the youth and strive for thousands of miles

Youth is the theme that never ends. However, there are ten thousand choices for how to spend your youth. For students who are in the golden age, they must love life and pursue their own flowers and glory in order to live up to their youth and dreams. Yin Zhihan, a student of the 16th class of the 2020 class, used "not to live up to the youth, the strategy of ten thousand miles" to plan his youth.

The opening season | the youth field Spring breeze is full of road fragrance The new semester of Dazhou Middle School starts from the "heart"

At the opening ceremony, students raced against the clock to learn

Yin Zhihan said: "In the wonderful journey of youth, there is a vast world waiting for us to explore. We study hard, sweat, make progress in school, at the same time, meet like-minded friends, learn the skills of youth, and write the big word 'no complaints and no regrets' for our youth. ”

At the same time, when we are doubtful and confused, please believe in ourselves: "Strike for the king, and peng will strike for nine days." "From the first day we stepped into Dazhou Middle School, we had dreams, cut through thorns and thorns, and worked hard for many years, just for the college entrance examination. The thick stack of books, the countless pens that had finished writing ink, the cursive books that piled up into hills, and the name of the ideal school outlined in ink in the corner of the table were all symbols of our youth blooming.

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