
As of November last year, the province had treated a total of 196,700 low-income patients with 30 major diseases

author:Nine factions view the world

"Recently, I feel energetic, I want to eat, and I have energy." Lying in the oncology ward of Taizhou City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 75-year-old Uncle Shen has a loud voice. Uncle Shen's family lives in Beixu Village, Taizhou Pharmaceutical High-tech Zone, and two years ago, he suffered from pancreatic cancer and went to the hospital for surgery. "At that time, I was hospitalized for more than half a month, and I spent more than 100,000 yuan before and after reimbursement, and I paid more than 20,000 yuan after reimbursement. Thanks for the good policy now, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to do surgery! Uncle Shen said. A while ago, he felt uncomfortable again, went to the hospital for examination and found that the cancer cells had metastasized to the liver and intestines, and began chemotherapy, while using traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

In the view of Tan Jing, director of the oncology department of the hospital, with the development of new technologies, there are ways to deal with incurable diseases in the past, medical insurance policies are getting better and better, and the burden on rural patients is getting lighter and lighter, which is the biggest change in recent years. "In the past, targeted drugs used to treat tumors, often 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a course of treatment, and now many chemotherapy drugs have entered the national special drug list and can be reimbursed." Tan Jing said, "Like the first-line drug osimtinib for the treatment of lung cancer, the annual drug cost is at least more than 200,000 yuan, and now it can be reimbursed 90%." ”

The reporter learned from the Provincial Health and Health Commission that in the past 5 years, around the goal of "two worries and three guarantees" for the low-income population in the establishment of a file and a card, in accordance with the health poverty alleviation policy of being managed by people, treating diseases, being reimbursed for treatment, and providing assistance for serious diseases, the Provincial Health and Health Commission has improved the policy system with poverty alleviation, medical insurance, finance, civil affairs and other departments, and has made efforts in "convenience, cost control, and quality improvement" to ensure the basic medical care of the low-income population in Lika. As of November last year, the average cost of hospitalization in the county of the low-income population in the province dropped from 1364 yuan in 2016 to 367 yuan, accounting for 7.56% of the total hospitalization cost from 32.05% in 2016.

Major diseases are an important cause of people returning to poverty due to illness and becoming poor due to illness. In 2017, our province began to organize special treatment for 20 major diseases such as childhood leukemia, congenital heart disease, and breast cancer. In 2018, our province took the lead in expanding the number of diseases to 30 in the country, and took measures such as establishing expert guidance groups, formulating special disease diagnosis and treatment plans, and establishing a consultation mechanism for difficult and serious diseases to improve the quality of medical care.

On October 23, at the Donghai County People's Hospital in Lianyungang City, a special cardiac ultrasound was underway. Of the 45 children who came for medical examination, 20 were diagnosed with congenital heart disease, and then they will go to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University for further examination and choose the opportunity to undergo surgery. Li Qingguo, the initiator of the "Xinyou Project" and vice president of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, told reporters that in recent years, the team has carried out more than 300 free medical screening activities in more than 200 townships in shuyang, Siyang, Guanyun, Binhai, Funing, Xiangshui and other economically weak areas in the province, and the number of free screenings has exceeded 50,000. Thanks to the special rescue and treatment action for health poverty alleviation carried out by the Provincial Health commission, up to now, more than 400 children with difficult families have received free surgery in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University.

As of November last year, our province has treated a total of 196,700 low-income patients with 30 major diseases, of which 69,200 have been cured or improved, and 77,600 have been transferred to rehabilitation and are being treated.

Without the health of the whole people, there will be no well-off for all. In the past 5 years, our province has achieved full coverage of family doctor contract services for low-income populations and implemented grid management through various forms such as active door-to-door and free signing, in accordance with the principle of informed consent. In the province, a total of 11,100 family doctor teams are continuing to provide "one-on-one" health services for low-income people, gradually shifting the focus from "seeing a sick doctor" to "treating a disease before it happens".

According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, in the next step, our province will consolidate and expand the effective connection between the results of health poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, establish and consolidate a long-term mechanism to prevent poverty due to illness and return to poverty, and consolidate the results of "two worries and three guarantees". By 2025, the basic medical and health services of the rural low-income population will be effectively guaranteed, and the whole life cycle health services will be gradually improved. The three-level medical and health service system in key areas, counties and villages will be further improved, the facility conditions will be further improved, the construction of the medical and health talent team will be further strengthened, and the fairness, accessibility and effectiveness of services will be significantly improved; the harm of major diseases will be controlled and eliminated, the health environment will be further improved, and the health literacy of residents will be further improved; the results of basic medical care will continue to be consolidated, and the construction of healthy villages will achieve obvious results.

【Source: Jiangsu Provincial People's Government_Department Information】

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