
Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

author:Golden Sheep Net

On the morning of October 31, Hangzhou City detected a positive nucleic acid case of the new coronavirus from the interception of people from transiting Hangzhou trains outside the province.

Zhan Moumou, female, took the G1382 train from Shangrao to Shanghai on October 29, and returned to Shangrao from Shanghai on October 30. During the K287 train, because he was told that he was a close contact of the case reported by Jiangxi Province a few days ago, the conductor asked him to get off the train temporarily in Hangzhou with his companion Yang Moumou. In the early morning of October 31, the two were transferred to a designated hospital for isolation medical observation.

On the morning of October 31, Zhan X was initially positive for nucleic acid, positive for the municipal CDC, and had symptoms such as fever, combined with clinical manifestations, and was diagnosed as a confirmed case. Yang mou had a negative nucleic acid test and no relevant clinical symptoms. The information of the personnel who took the 8 carriages with Zhan X has been transferred to the relevant provinces and cities for tracking management.

Hangzhou Municipal Prevention and Control Office reminds: Those who have taken the following trains should take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community, unit and hotel, and cooperate with nucleic acid testing and related control measures.

Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

Guangdong Disease Control:

Those who have a history of living in Shangrao, Jiangxi, must report to (return) Guangdong

On October 31, Guangdong Disease Control issued a reminder that a new case was found in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, and Gexianshan Town in Leadshan County of the city was designated as a medium-risk area, so please ask those who have a history of living in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province since October 16, especially those with a history of living in Gexian Village Resort in Shangrao City, Shangrao City, to report to the community as soon as possible, and cooperate with the local nucleic acid testing and other epidemic prevention and control measures.

In addition, in view of the current epidemic situation, Guangdong Disease Control reminds that after traveling and returning to Guangdong from other provinces, it is recommended to take the initiative to do a nucleic acid test and self-observation for 14 days to do a good job of health monitoring.

At present, the health management measures of our province cover the provinces and cities as shown below, and Guangdong Disease Control reminds personnel with a history of residence in relevant areas to take the initiative to report and cooperate with local epidemic management measures.

Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

Guangdong CDC once again reminds the general public:

1. Please try to avoid going to medium- and high-risk areas or areas with case reports, and insist on doing a good job of washing hands frequently, wearing masks, ventilating frequently, and one-meter line every day.

2. Conduct self-health monitoring every day, if there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms, go to the fever clinic of the nearby hospital as soon as possible, and inform the doctor of the travel history, do not use medication on your own; wear a mask throughout the process of medical treatment and avoid taking public transportation.

3. In the absence of contraindications to vaccination, eligible citizens will be vaccinated against the new crown virus as soon as possible.

Jiangxi lead mountain traffic light was once a full-tone red light

The traffic police said that normalcy had returned to normal, with the aim of persuading them to return

Yangcheng Evening News previously reported that on the afternoon of October 30, Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, reported the discovery of a person with a positive nucleic acid test, who was working in a restaurant in the Gexian Village Resort.

On the same day, the "Lead Mountain Traffic Police" WeChat public account issued an announcement that due to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the traffic lights in Leadshan County will be adjusted to red lights from October 30, and the general public is invited to minimize traffic travel and reduce the flow of people and vehicles in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control work. After 21:00 on the 30th, vehicles that run red lights will be punished according to the violation. (Review: "Traffic lights are adjusted to red lights", emergency announcement of one place→)

The staff of a local hotel told reporters that the passengers who had planned to stay at the hotel on the same day had basically called to cancel the order. A restaurant owner told reporters, "There is no way to drive out, everyone basically stays at home except to go out to do nucleic acid." ”

The notice is then not visible. A staff member of the traffic police brigade of Leadshan County told reporters that it is recommended that non-special circumstances try not to go out. "If there is an emergency and you need to drive out, you can only turn right without running a red light."

On the morning of the 31st, the staff of the traffic police brigade of Leadshan County told reporters that the reason for the announcement was that the flow of people and vehicles during the epidemic investigation was large, which has now failed, and the county has resumed normal traffic light traffic, and no punishment will be imposed on those who run red lights on the evening of the 30th, "Our main purpose is to persuade people to return." ”

Jiangxi lead mountain many places overnight nucleic acid

Gexianshan Town was upgraded to medium risk

In the early morning of October 31, the reporter learned from Gexianshan Town, Hekou Town and Hufang Town in Leadshan County that these three towns had carried out nucleic acid testing overnight. From the 30th, Gexian Village Resort will be temporarily closed to the public.

Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →
Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

On the night of October 30, Leadshan County has carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees overnight

According to the "Shangrao Disease Control" WeChat public account this morning, after expert research and judgment, from 00:00 on October 31, 2021, Gexianshan Town, Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, will be designated as a medium-risk area, and residents in the area will strictly implement home isolation.

Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →
Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →
Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

The epidemic in Jiangxi has aroused concern

Yesterday to this morning

Jiangxi issued a number of epidemic notices

Another example!

Jiangxi Jiujiang City Early Morning Notice:

A lead mountain return to Chaisang personnel nucleic acid positive

A colleague who was previously confirmed

According to the Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission on October 31, on October 30, a person returning from Lianshan County to Chaisang District tested positive for nucleic acid, as follows:

Wu XX, male, a native of Jiaotan Village, Bali Lake New Area, Jiujiang City, is a staff member of Gexian Village Resort and a colleague of the confirmed case of new crown pneumonia in Leadshan County. The itinerary is as follows:

At about 14:00 on October 29, take a bus from Gexian Mountain Resort to Shangrao Railway Station, pass the station security check at 16:00, take the G2037 train at 16:40 to take the 3nd car 04D seat, during which time go to car 4 to make up the ticket, go to the toilet in car 5, and then return to car 3. On the same day, he got off at Lushan Station at 18:50, and his wife Ye XX drove to the station to pick up the station, and on the way, at 19:10, he went to the Hongxing Pharmacy next to the First Primary School in Chaisang District to buy medicine without success, and returned to the home of 14 buildings of the south group of Jiaotan Resettlement Area.

At about 10:10 on October 30, Wu Moumou drove alone to the fever clinic of Chaisang District People's Hospital, and the nucleic acid test was positive. At present, wu XX's related personnel have been controlled.

After epidemiological investigation, it was found that Wu XX's travel trajectory highly coincided with the confirmed case in Leadshan County, and experts determined that it was a related case of the confirmed case in Leadshan County.

The general public is invited not to believe in rumors and not to spread rumors, take the initiative to cooperate with the prevention and control work carried out by relevant departments, conscientiously implement various measures for normalized personal prevention and control, and wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not get together, and gather less. Persons who have contact with or crossed trajectories with positive nucleic acid tests and those who returned from Leadshan County after October 13 should immediately report to the local community or disease control agency, actively cooperate and comply with prevention and control regulations.

Urgent search! A transit train in Hangzhou intercepted a person who tested positive for nucleic acid! Guangdong Disease Control important reminder →

Jiangxi Lianshan County:

Many places implement sealing and control management

The county's relatively confined spaces are temporarily closed

On October 30, 2021, a person with a positive nucleic acid test for the new crown virus was found in Gexianshan Town, Lianshan County. In order to further implement the epidemic prevention and control measures, quickly and effectively block the spread of the epidemic, and ensure the health and safety of the majority of villagers (residents), the Emergency Command for the Prevention and Control of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic in Lianshan County issued a notice on the current strict epidemic prevention and control work, which reads as follows:

I. Strengthen personnel control. From now on, GexianShan Town, Hufang Town and Gexian Village Resort area will implement sealing and control management, completely cut off all passages between streets, administrative villages and natural villages, and prohibit people from traveling. Other areas of the county have implemented prevention and management and strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control measures.

Please report to your community (village), unit or CDC in a timely manner to those who have a history of living in the Gexian Village Resort since October 13, as well as those who have intersected with the announced trajectory of confirmed cases, and take the initiative to cooperate with the implementation of nucleic acid testing, isolation and control, health monitoring and other measures. Units and individuals who conceal and fail to report the serious consequences will be seriously investigated for responsibility.

2. Strengthen vehicle control. Special vehicles such as medical ambulances, anti-epidemic work vehicles, vehicles transporting medical rescue materials and residents' daily necessities, fire fighting, emergency rescue, postal services, sanitation, police cars and other special vehicles need to apply for vehicle passes, and other vehicles are prohibited from passing.

III. Strengthen control of key sites. The county's chess and card rooms (mahjong halls), movie theaters, foot therapy shops, massage parlors, game halls, Internet cafes, indoor sports and fitness venues, indoor children's play projects and other relatively closed spaces are temporarily closed. Business units that guarantee village (residence) life such as shopping malls, supermarkets, bazaars, pharmacies, hotels, and restaurants should strictly implement the "three inspections and one wear" measure and implement the "one meter line" requirement.

IV. Strengthen the control of mass activities. It is strictly forbidden to gather for dinner; to suspend gathering indoor performance activities; to suspend all religious activities in all kinds of religious and folk belief sites; to suspend the holding of large-scale conferences, activities, forums, trainings, performances, exhibitions, sales, and promotions; and to suspend mass activities such as garden visits, temple fairs, fairs, folk customs, literary and artistic performances, and square dances.

V. Strengthen the control of educational institutions. All types of educational institutions at all levels, such as primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, and off-campus training institutions throughout the county, have stopped all forms of offline education and teaching activities. After the epidemic is controlled, offline education and teaching activities will be resumed as appropriate.

Sixth, strengthen the management of card points. Public security organs are to crack down on isolation, vigilance, and sealing and control facilities that need to be set up at county and rural entrances and exits due to the epidemic in accordance with law.

VII. Strengthen individual prevention and control. The general public should always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, consciously implement personal protection measures, maintain safe social distancing, develop good hygiene habits such as wearing masks (especially when traveling and moving in public places), washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, not pushing, not gathering, eating less, and sharing meals, and advocating a healthy lifestyle.

This notice will be implemented from 00:00 on October 31, 2021. The county covid-19 epidemic prevention and control emergency command will complete the nucleic acid testing of all staff as soon as possible, and timely and dynamically adjust prevention and control measures according to the results of nucleic acid testing and circulation. Please understand and cooperate with the inconvenience caused to the people and tourists in the prefecture.

Jiangxi Emergency Risk Warning:

I will not travel to Lead Mountain County in the near future

These people need to be quarantined

On October 30, a confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported in Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, as a service worker in Gexian Village Resort, Lianshan County, Shangrao City. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, on the basis of continuing to implement the Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention on October 22, October 24, October 25, October 26 and October 28, the following epidemic prevention and control recommendations are hereby proposed.

First, do not go to Shangrao City, Leadshan County, if you really need to go, please be sure to do a good job of personal protection. After returning to the destination from the residence in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, you should take the initiative to report to the community (village group), unit, and hotel in a timely manner, and cooperate with the local implementation of relevant prevention and control measures.

2. Personnel with a history of living in Leadshan County, Shangrao City since October 13, 2021 (inclusive) should promptly take the initiative to report to their communities (village groups), units, and hotels, and from the date of departure, in accordance with the principle of filling in and completing, implement 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation, and carry out nucleic acid testing at least 2 times. During the first 7 days of the centralized isolation period, nucleic acid testing is carried out every other day.

3. Personnel with a history of living in Shangrao City (except LeadShan County) since October 13, 2021 (inclusive) must take the initiative to report to their community (village group), unit, and hotel at the first time, and from the date of departure, in accordance with the principle of filling in the blanks, implement 7 days of home health monitoring, and carry out nucleic acid testing for not less than 3 times.

Fourth, at present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is still grim, insisting on not leaving the country unless necessary, not going to medium- and high-risk areas and areas with positive tester reports, and temporarily arranging travel to the northwest. When going out, you should maintain a high degree of vigilance, strictly do a good job of personal protection, after coming (returning) to Gan, you should take the initiative to report to the community (village group), unit, and staying in the hotel, it is recommended to carry out no less than 1 nucleic acid test, do a good job of personal health monitoring within 14 days, once fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (taste) loss, diarrhea and other symptoms, under the premise of personal protection, timely go to the nearest fever clinic for treatment, and take the initiative to inform the recent travel history and contact history of related personnel, it is not recommended to buy drugs by yourself. Avoid gatherings for 14 days, avoid taking public transportation, and avoid going to crowded, crowded public places.

V. All hotels, hotels, homestay houses and other units providing accommodation strictly implement the temperature measurement, health code and itinerary code for all occupants, and find that there are medium- and high-risk areas or areas with a history of residence in areas reported by positive testers, and should promptly report to the community (village group) where they are located, and cooperate with the implementation of relevant control measures.

Sixth, airports, stations, wharves and other transportation departments should strengthen personnel investigation and control, strictly implement temperature measurement, check health codes and itinerary codes, and remind those who have a history of living in medium- and high-risk areas or areas with positive testers to take the initiative to report to their communities (village groups).

7. Please pay close attention to the changes in your own and your family's health codes, such as red codes or yellow codes, please take the initiative to report to the local community (village group) at the first time, accept the management of the community (village group), cooperate with nucleic acid testing, health monitoring, centralized (home) isolation management, etc., strictly do a good job of personal protection, avoid taking public transportation, entering and leaving public places, and participating in parties and dinners.

8. Pay close attention to the progress of the domestic epidemic situation, and cooperate with the command to implement the adjustment of corresponding prevention and control strategies.

Source | Hangzhou Release, Guangdong Disease Control, CCTV News Client, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily

Edit: Popcorn

Source: Yangcheng Evening News

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