
Characters in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Liu Bei's mother-in-law, Wu Guotai

author:Pu Shi reads

[Wu Guotai] Wu Junren, Sun Jian's second wife, she married Sun Jian with her sister Lady Wu and sisters, and had a son and a daughter. Sun Quan followed Zhou Yu's advice and, in the name of marrying his sister, wanted to trick Liu Bei into entering the State of Wu and wait for an opportunity to kill him. After Wu Guotai learned the truth from Elder Qiao Guolao, he scolded Sun Quan and said, "If you kill Liu Bei, my daughter will be a widow, how will I say kiss tomorrow?" And insisted on making an appointment with Liu Bei, "If you do not like my wishes, let you do as you please; if you like my wishes, I will marry my daughter to him." The next day, when they met, she took a fancy to Liu Bei and drank away the knife and axe hand that was ambushed in the room. After marrying her daughter to Liu Bei, she became Liu Bei's granddaughter. She is always concerned about her daughter's fate. Sun Quan took advantage of Liu Bei's soldiers to take Xizhou and wanted to send troops to cut off his way back, but she heard it from behind the screen and angrily rebuked Sun Quan: "I have only one daughter, married to Liu Bei." If we mobilize our troops now, what will happen to our women's lives? Sun Quan had no choice but to give up. Wu Guotai was too concerned about his daughter's actions, so that Liu Bei was spared persecution by Zhou Yu and Sun Quan.

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