
Zhao Hui: Build a new pattern of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, pay close attention to implementation, fully affirm the achievements of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, and build a more advanced Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology pattern

author:Digitization of finance
Zhao Hui: Build a new pattern of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, pay close attention to implementation, fully affirm the achievements of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, and build a more advanced Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology pattern

Since the birth of the first rural credit cooperative in Zhejiang Province in 1952, Zhejiang Rural Credit, as the only financial institution in the province that has never been interrupted since the founding of New China, has a history of 69 years. On April 18, 2004, according to the deployment of the State Council and under the personal deployment of Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Rural Credit Union was formally established, undertaking the management, guidance, coordination and service functions of the rural credit cooperatives in the province. In recent years, Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology has also gradually embarked on a development path of "combining unified and decentralized" and suitable for the legal person system at the provincial and county levels through active exploration. In the past five years, the provincial rural credit union has invested more than 2.8 billion yuan in science and technology at this level, built 3 data centers, and the disaster recovery system of "two places and more activities" has become increasingly perfect, effectively supporting the various businesses of 82 banks, and the comprehensive strength of financial technology is at the forefront of the national rural credit system and the financial system of Zhejiang Province.

Zhao Hui: Build a new pattern of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, pay close attention to implementation, fully affirm the achievements of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology Development, and build a more advanced Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology pattern

Zhao Hui, general manager of the science and technology service department of Zhejiang Rural Credit Cooperatives Union

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > vigorously grasp the implementation and fully affirm the development achievements of Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology</h1>

Under the new round of informatization, Zhejiang Rural Credit has always embraced the arrival of the "Internet +" era of mass innovation with an open attitude. In the construction of scientific and technological information in the "13th Five-Year Plan", we will focus on the independent innovation strategy with "finance + Internet" as the goal, accelerate the application of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other science and technology finance, create a new generation of digital banking service system, build a new customer ecological service system, realize the replacement and upgrading of science and technology finance, network finance and smart finance, and vigorously promote the development of people-centered all-round inclusive finance in Zhejiang Rural Credit. As the first initiator of the national development and reform "Digital Transformation Partnership Action" initiative, in recent years, the Party Committee of the Provincial Federation of Social Organizations has led Zhejiang Rural Credit to complete the first phase of scientific and technological system reform and digital transformation, and the relevant work has achieved initial results. Zhejiang Rural Credit's business model, financial products and financial formats have undergone qualitative changes, gradually changing from the traditional amount model to the digital financial model, and the integration of finance and technology has been continuously integrated.

First, fintech empowers online service upgrades and shifts. In 2017, Zhejiang Rural Credit launched its core network financial platform based on distributed architecture, and the "finance + Internet" dual core application architecture was officially completed. On this basis, through the introduction of cutting-edge technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and mobile Internet, "contactless" innovative services such as face brush payment, online account opening, and online loan have been launched. At the same time, we will accelerate the supermarketization of financial products and provide personalized product customization and product portfolio services guided by customer needs. The continuous innovation of financial technology enables customers to enjoy online financial services anytime and anywhere through Zhejiang Rural Credit, from pure online loan products such as "Zhejiang Loan" to "Cloud Campus" and "Cloud Hospital" and other "Five Clouds" smart people's livelihood service "Cloud" platform; from "Green Excellent Shopping" online shopping platform to a series of life services such as takeaway and ticket purchase, Zhejiang Rural Credit's business model is gradually changing to "contactless" financial services through the mobile Internet. The "Internet Financial Platform" was also selected as one of the top ten cases of Zhejiang Fintech in 2018.

Second, digital channels enhance the financial user experience. Zhejiang Rural Credit "Harvest Interconnection" mobile phone APP has become a carrier of mobile financial services and a super entrance to support "finance + life" comprehensive services. "Harvest Internet" has been connected to more than 300 back-end systems in the jurisdiction, and 99% of the services are handled online and on one network, truly realizing 7× 24-hour cross-regional mobile financial services. In addition to financial services, Harvest Internet also provides many aspects of people's livelihood services, including government affairs, life, medical care, shopping, etc., providing more solutions for solving the problem of "difficulty in going out" during the epidemic. A new generation of digital machines - intelligent TELLER machine to achieve card issuance, certificate of deposit expenses, small cash withdrawals, transfer remittances, wealth management, loans and other more than 30 types of business. Artificial intelligence technology has also begun to integrate into Zhejiang Nongxin's intelligent customer service channels, based on a variety of AI technologies such as natural language processing, semantic analysis and human-computer interaction, to achieve 7× 24-hour anthropomorphic intelligent response services.

Third, service innovation effectively improves the ability to pay. Under the scientific guidance of the People's Bank of China, Zhejiang Rural Credit continues to strengthen the scientific and technological empowerment of the payment system. The functions, efficiency and performance of the payment platform continue to improve, the netlink unified payment platform has been successfully migrated to the distributed architecture, and the average daily business volume continues to maintain the leading level of the national rural credit. Credit payment products continue to innovate, establish a unified personal credit account system, realize the seamless integration of "payment + credit" services into small and high-frequency consumption service scenarios such as ETC, urban and rural fees, social security, and scene payment, and provide credit social security, credit medical care, credit payment, and credit consumption services of "first use, post-payment".

Fourth, the foundation of big data supports the blossoming of inclusive finance at multiple points. Zhejiang Rural Credit attaches great importance to digital transformation, constantly explores data applications, and in 2017 built a "smart cash management system" based on machine learning to provide refined guidance for cash management of the bank. Gradually build big data applications such as management cockpit, digital customer management, customer marketing, risk management, transaction anti-fraud, and digital imaging. Deeply use the achievements of their own digital transformation, actively participate in the digital reform process of government affairs and public services, accelerate the integration into the construction of digital government, focus on the list of more than 100 "one-time do not run" government services in Zhejiang Province, extract the three areas that the government is most concerned about and the people care about, and strive to create the first batch of financial technology pilot applications in the country - "Zhejiang Rural Credit Wisdom People's Livelihood Service Financial Cloud Platform", guide the banks under their jurisdiction to give full play to the advantages of flexible management structure, and accelerate access to the services of cities and counties in the province. Strive to build the best service provider in the field of people's livelihood.

Fifth, cloud computing helps the development of science and technology in the industry to a new level. As an important technical facility for digital transformation, Zhejiang Rural Credit Union began to build a harvest science and technology innovation cloud that provides cloud services for the industry in 2018. Based on the open source cloud computing technology architecture, Harvest Cloud has the characteristics of agile, flexible, scalable, low cost and more secure, and takes into account good autonomy and controllability. Harvest Kechuang Cloud takes serving the company as its own responsibility, which is an important measure for Zhejiang Rural Credit to give full play to the advantages of the "small bank + large back office" system, practice the idea of flat and intensive construction, and enhance the competitiveness of the company in the local area. At present, Zhejiang Rural Credit is actively promoting the migration of Internet applications to the harvest science and technology cloud, with significant economic and social benefits.

Sixth, comprehensive prevention and control of scientific and technological risks. Zhejiang Rural Credit takes the digital transformation as an opportunity to prevent micro-aggressions and comprehensively promote the upgrading of information security prevention and control. Platforms such as O&M management, monitoring and early warning, network management and O&M audit, log audit, and one-click switching have been deployed, and O&M monitoring has been upgraded from "human-controlled" to "machine-controlled". Zhejiang Rural Credit is also one of the first batch of units in the national rural credit system to pass ISO20000 and ISO27001 certification. Under the disaster recovery system of "two places and multiple activities", the full coverage of disaster recovery of important systems is realized, and the switching ability of main standby machines of important systems maintains a high level in the industry. Through a number of measures such as closed-loop management of system vulnerabilities, security control of open source software, security protection of mobile APP applications, promotion of data leakage prevention projects throughout the province, and improvement of outsourcing management level, the overall control ability of Zhejiang Rural Credit Security Risks has been effectively improved. Zhejiang Rural Credit Union was awarded the "Annual Advanced Unit of Network and Information Security Information Notification" by the Cyberspace Administration of Zhejiang Province for nine consecutive years, and won the first prize of the National Rural Credit System Network Security Competition in 2019.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > shouzheng innovation and build a more advanced Zhejiang Rural Credit FinTech pattern</h1>

In order to meet the advent of the era of financial technology, Zhejiang Rural Credit has been accelerating the innovation, application and promotion of new technologies, new processes and new concepts in the system with a positive and open attitude. The 14th Five-Year Plan for Zhejiang Rural Credit Fintech formulated by the People's Bank of China under the guidance of the "FinTech Development Plan (2019-2021)" issued by the People's Bank of China adheres to the principles of strategic orientation, independent controllability, open integration, safe and prudent development, implements the financial technology development strategy of "digital, intelligent and open trinity" by deepening scientific and technological reform, enhancing scientific and technological innovation, and building a new pattern of financial technology, and strives to practice a comprehensive inclusive finance with people as the core. The vision of building a national first-class community bank is forge ahead.

The first is to aggregate scientific and technological resources, cooperate with leading IT enterprises and scientific research institutions to form a joint innovation laboratory, actively promote the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, 5G, and biometrics, and carry out platform and ecological construction by deepening external cooperation, combining business development, laying out key scenarios, accelerating the landing of technology applications, and promoting the integration and development of technology and financial innovation.

The second is to implement the "two-place multi-center model", build a new generation of cloud computing data centers at full speed, and realize the intelligent integration of operation and maintenance in all aspects such as service processes, self-healing of fault analysis, and self-scaling of capacity prediction. At the same time, it will build a distributed cloud computing basic platform with an open hierarchical architecture, unified standard service governance, and complete the ability to undertake various applications of banks, complete the construction of distributed cloud computing technology system, achieve more flexible business flexibility, and enhance the basic technical support capabilities of financial innovation.

The third is to explore the application development of microservices and databases under the new distributed technology system, gradually carry out the hierarchical classification and integration of peripheral application systems, and implement it in coordination with data governance. At the same time, based on cloud computing technology, we will work together to build a business middle office, fully realize the target application architecture of fast front desk, strong middle office and stable back office, and strive to enhance the application capabilities of financial technology.

The fourth is to use big data as the basis resource, relying on cloud computing and artificial intelligence as technology, dig deep into the value of existing data, create a full-process digital marketing system, build a risk control hub that integrates data, models and rules, and gradually deepen the digital transformation of applications in the fields of management, decision-making, channels and products.

The fifth is to increase the application of new technologies such as machine learning, face recognition, voiceprint recognition, and OCR, build a three-dimensional innovative experience, meet most of the business needs of online customers through remote video service models, supplemented by new biometric technology, and establish and improve an intelligent service system for mobile, platform-based, intelligent, online and offline interactive development.

In the future, Zhejiang Rural Credit will further deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and further innovate in terms of organizational structure, incentive mechanism and operation model. Explore corporatized operation, establish a scientific and technological operation model that is in line with the market, stimulate the internal potential and vitality of the organization, and further enhance the competitiveness of science and technology and service capabilities. Strive to build a "open integration, data empowerment, agile response, security and controllable" Zhejiang Rural Credit Financial Technology brand, and fully empower Zhejiang Rural Credit to strive for "important window" construction and socialist modernization of the first province of financial pacesetters.

(Column Editor: Lee Myung-fu)

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