
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty

author:Yixin Jaihan portrait art

Cao Hongxun's 48-year-old book "Rebuilding the Inscription of the Yuqing Palace", written by Ou Kai and Hu Zhengjun of the Qing Dynasty, has a total of more than 2500 words. Because its inscription is more than 3,000 words long, the façade of Cao Shu is four, and the inscription is on four sides, which becomes an obelisk, so it is also known as "Four-sided Stele". Originally located in the Yuqing Palace in the north of Weixian County, the original site of the Yuqing Palace was built as the Weifang School for the Deaf and Dumb in 1959, and during the Cultural Revolution, the four-sided stele was finally destroyed.

Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty


Toad Palace Folding Laurel

His grandfather, Cao Fuzhong, served as the Governor of Heshan County, Guangdong. His father, Cao Tangwen, was plain and had no chance to do the imperial examination, and supported his family by doing small business. However, Father Cao was honest and heavy,the gentleman was poor and charitable, so he had a good reputation in Southwest Guan. Cao Hongxun came from a poor family, his father Cao Tang died early, his mother and son lived a hard life, and the young Cao Hongxun often went to private schools hungry, and his enlightenment teacher Ding Xiangting often helped him. Cao Hongxun was diligent and studious in his youth, studied hard, and in 1873 (the twelfth year of Tongzhi), he was promoted to the first class of the Imperial Examination, and was sent to the Punishment Department as a Qipinjing official. In 1876 (the second year of Guangxu), Zhongzhuangyuan, the 102nd Zhuangyuan of the Qing Dynasty, also became the first Zhuangyuan of Weixian County since the Imperial Examination, and after zhongzhuangyuan, he was appointed to the Hanlin Academy to revise and take charge of the revision of the history of the country.

For the officials and for the people

In 1879 (the fifth year of Guangxu), he was appointed deputy examiner of Hunan, and two years later he was appointed as a scholar of vision. During his term of office, in order to improve the cultural situation in the Hunan Border Region, he opened a provincial academy and selected outstanding trainees to be admitted to the academy for further study, so as to broaden his horizons, enrich his knowledge, and greatly change the study style in the border area. In 1887 (the thirteenth year of Guangxu), he went to the upper study to teach Zairun (grandson of Mianyu the Prince of Huiduan, Yi Xiangzi, who attacked Baylor. Brother Guangxu) read. In February of the fourteenth year of Guangxu, the three-year jingcha was held, and Cao Hongxun was listed as the first class, and in the first month of the fifteenth year, he was awarded five titles. In June, he was appointed as an examiner in Jiangxi Township. In the sixteenth year of Guangxu, he was appointed as a teacher at the Hanlin Academy. He is still a teacher in the study. In the first month of the twentieth year, on the sixtieth birthday of Cixi, Cao Hongxun was rewarded with the title of four pins. In the same year, he also ranked first in the Jingcha Examination. Summoned by Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor. He was ordered to serve as a living official with the title of Sipin official, and accompanied the Guangxu Emperor in various major activities to record the emperor's speech. Succeeded to the Right Zanshan of the Right Chunfang of the Eastern Palace of the Eastern Palace. In November, the Chongwu Ying Hall was renovated. In August 21, he was transferred to Zuo Zanshan of Zuo Chunfang in Zhan Shifu.

In July 1896 (the 22nd year of Guangxu), he was appointed as the prefect of Yongchang in Yunnan. Yongchang is located in the border area of Yunnan, where many ethnic groups live together and are difficult to govern. After he took office, he repeatedly investigated every huge case, grasped the facts of the case, and handled it according to law, and the people praised him for strict law enforcement and fair judgment. At the same time, he went deep into the people, understood the people's sufferings, tried every means to solve their worries and difficulties, and was deeply loved by the people and appreciated by the superiors. Soon after, he was transferred to the prefect of Yunnan. In 1901 (the twenty-seventh year of Guangxu), he was promoted to envoy of Yunnan Province. Yunnan reported huge cases, often a backlog of years, he arrived in office more than a month to close more than 10 huge cases, so it is more important to the official, two years later promoted to Guizhou cloth envoy, soon, ordered to temporarily serve as the inspector of Guizhou. When the bandits in Nandan, Guangxi, rebelled, he was ordered to encircle and suppress, and Nandan was pacified. During his term of office, he played "Qian Province's Thin Soldier Fatigue And Adaptation of the Old Chapter Reduction and Salary Fold". Whoever benefits the people's livelihood, Cao is responsible for it. His talents were appreciated by the imperial court.

Daxing foreign affairs

In the first month of 1905 (the thirty-first year of Guangxu), he was transferred to the post of envoy of Hunan Province, and in the same month, he was promoted to inspector of Shaanxi. After Cao took office in Shaanxi, he set up a student affairs office, which enabled the management of the administrative affairs of education in the academies of the whole province to have a special institution; held a patrol police academy and an army primary school, and also opened a criminal training center modeled after Shandong to "teach and use craftsmanship to guide them to be new"; he approved the selection of 31 official students and 17 children of official nationality to study in Japan at their own expense, study various industries on the Gongnong Road and Mines, in order to cultivate talents and open up a good atmosphere; when the incident of local officials and businessmen colluding to steal and sell the "Great Qin Jingjiao Popular Chinese Monument" occurred and the Shaanxi people rose up to "protect the monument", he sent personnel to negotiate. The theft contract was abolished and precious cultural relics were protected. Cao Fushan's main achievements in the past two and a half years were the expansion of the Shaanxi Higher School (shaanxi university hall renamed the predecessor of today's Northwest University) and the drilling of China's first onshore oil well in Yanchang County.

Shaanxi Higher School was renamed by Xia Min, the governor of Shaanxi in the 30th year of Guangxu, according to the Statutes of the Qing Dynasty, from the former Shaanxi University Hall. As soon as Cao arrived, he began to expand the academy. First sent people to hubei province to investigate the school building, and then assigned Zhixian Tu Jiayin to be responsible for the project supervision, it only took half a year to build 73 Chinese and Western lecture halls, houses, libraries, instrument rooms, 252 large and small houses, a total of more than 18,000 silver, compared with his provincial school construction funds "more than hundreds of thousands, less than hundreds of thousands" saved a lot. Since the establishment of the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), the school system of higher education in the country has not been clearly stipulated. After the completion of the expansion task, Cao submitted to the Qing court in the spring of the thirty-third year (1907) that the students of the Higher School of Music should first do the middle school graduation fold at the end of the middle semester of the tuition school, and with the permission of Empress Dowager Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor, the first batch of students admitted to the Shaanxi Higher School finally went through the graduation procedures.

Extract oil

There is oil under the extension, which has long been known to the world. In his "Mengxi Pen Talk", Shen Kuo of the Northern Song Dynasty described the production and use of extended oil, and predicted: "This thing will be widely used in the world." "After that, many people have fixed their eyes on it for an extended period. In the twenty-first year of the Qing Dynasty (1895), there were Germans who went to investigate. In September 1902 (October 1902), Shen Wei, a Shaanxi scholar who was suffering from lack of money to set up a prefecture and county school, asked Shaanfu to open oil and hardware minerals, including Yanchang petroleum, in order to revitalize the entire Shaanxi academic affairs, but it did not attract the attention of the Qing court. Just after the New Year of the following year, Dong Yanbiao, a dali gentleman hired by the German merchant Shichang Foreign Firm, brought the German Hannagen to Shaanxi and signed a "contract" with Liu Dexin, a gentleman of the extension, to sell the right to extend the oil exploitation. Under the resolute opposition of the people of Shaanxi, the former inspectors Sheng Yun, Liu, and others were dismissed from Xi'an to investigate and handle the case, and repeatedly consulted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressing that to extend the self-management of the Shaanxi people, it is necessary to "use Shaanxi's own interests to exercise the right to exercise commercial and political autonomy." Finally, shortly after he left office in the thirty-first year (1905), he was approved by the Qing court to extend the oil mine harvest to "Shaanxi Province to run itself".

Xia Yang, the inspector of Shaanxi who took over as the promoted governor, had only been in Shaanxi for more than two months and had not yet taken care of the affairs of the oil mines. After Cao Hongxun took office, he repeatedly consulted shengyun's exchanges with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the German minister, and deeply felt that it was not easy to extend the oil exploitation "to Shaanxi Province to run it itself", so he made up his mind to try it out. In his note to the imperial court, he wrote: "There is no way to revitalize the habits of the Shaanxi people without immediate opening, and there is no view that outsiders covet them. Cao first grasped the preparatory work from two aspects:

The first is to investigate exploration. Cao sent his alternate Zhixian Hongyin to the outskirts of Yanchang County to take out the oil samples extracted by the local peasants' soil method, and then went to Hankou to invite the Japanese miner Masajiro Abe to the provincial city for testing, and concluded that "the oil quality is very good", "better than the East, can rival the United States". Cao personally verified that its oil was "clean and white, and the burning was exceptionally bright", and was convinced that what the Japanese miner said was not false. At this time, the personnel who explored northern Shaanxi also sent back the news: there are many oil-producing places in the vicinity of Yanchang. Such as Fushi (present-day Yan'an), Yanchuan and other counties, and Yanlian Mountain, the oil quality is like a source.

The second is the cost budget. Cao took the bureau officials and worked with the Japanese miners to estimate the cost of oil extraction. The miner said: Opening an oil mine is different from starting a hardware mine. The hardware ore needs a lot of money, and the non-united people cannot become the work of a factory, and once it fails, the loss is millions of silver. However, oil mines are not the case, calculated by total investment, the purchase of machinery accounts for seven out of ten, the opening of wells accounts for three out of ten, and the machine is prepared. After that, there is no need to be huge, there is no need for more work, and after the well is completed, each hundred catties of refined oil can be used for food, equipment, coal medicine, fine barrels, etc., according to the local price, only need to make money of fifteen or six hundred yuan. This remark greatly increased Cao's confidence. He and his subordinates estimated accordingly: if there is 100,000 silver, it can be done, and 200,000 or 300,000 can be done.

Both preparations have been completed and the trial construction of the mine is about to begin. Cao intends to ask Ina and Koyoshi, a Japanese doctor of chemistry and Abe's teacher, to supervise shaanxi. Ina was unable to separate himself in Hankou and let Abe be his representative. Cao then sent Abe to Han, where he and his teachers bought oil production machines and returned to Shaanxi within 50 days to supervise the repair of the factory's housing foundation. At the same time, Cao sent his alternate Zhixian Cui Yunsheng to prepare for the construction of the road leading to The Extension in Xi'an, and submitted to the Qing court the "Preparation and Construction of Roads for the Trial Operation of The Extension of Oil Mines". He said in the recital: "Extend the rugged Nanshan Road, if you build a small railway to reach the Yellow River, the best strategy, but you can't be in a hurry." He advocated "opening the car road from Lingbei first", because "the Lingbei car road, which had been driven to Tongguan (present-day Tongchuan) a few years ago, extended from Tongguan to six hundred miles, only one of the golden locks was quite difficult, and the rest of the stones were less and more soil, and it was easier to open." By the time he received Zhu's approval from the Guangxu Emperor on October 22, 1905 (November 18, 1905), the road survey had basically ended. In February of the following year, the Inspectorate mobilized more than 10,000 soldiers to go to the prefectures and counties along the way, and together with a large number of migrant workers recruited by the prefectures and counties, the construction was carried out in sections, and the whole line was completed in more than half a year.

In July 1906 (August 1906), Cao sent Hong Yin, a member of the Shaanxi General Bureau of Mines, to Japan and hired six people, including Japanese petroleum technician Yashiro Sato and Japanese petroleum technician Tanaka Hisazo, to be responsible for oil production technical guidance. The Inspectorate also signed a contract with the Japanese side, stipulating that all machinery and equipment would be ordered from Japan by Japanese technicians.

In February 1907, a Japanese mechanic escorted a drilling rig to extend the extension. In March, it was installed at the outcropping of oil seedlings outside the west gate of the county town, and the sinking of the well began on April 25 (June 5). On the second day of August (September 9), the well was completed at a depth of 81 meters, producing 1,000 to 1,500 kilograms of crude oil per day. This is the "Yanyi well" known as "China's first oil well on land". Just as Cao was planning to add more wells and build oil refineries, the Qing court transferred him back to Beijing on August 28 (October 5) of the same year to assist in the establishment of the Senior Government Yuan. He died of illness on the ninth day of the first month of September (October 11, 1910) at the age of sixty-four.

Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty
Appreciation of calligraphy by Cao Hongxun at the end of the Qing Dynasty

Literary achievements

The Compendium of the General Catalogue of the Continuation of the Four Libraries contains two of his writings, slightly cloudy: "Yijian Zhai Poetry" in one volume (Weixian Pei's fine manuscript). Hongxun poems are not much written, occasional chants, letters and pens, no manuscripts are left, and those who get them, every time they attack and hide, those scattered in all directions, do not know how many. It is a collection of seventy-one ancient and modern poems and five texts. The poems are mostly seven, which were obtained by his colleagues Ding Xitian and others, and at the end of the collection, they are attached to the Weixian Xinzhi Manuscript Gong Chuan, written by Gao Geng'en, Chen Fuqing's elegy, and Guo Enqing, Wang Xiantao and others. Hongxun lived a peaceful life, did not live in the name of the teachings, but moved and stopped constantly, bound and upright, widowed and neutral, acting in a humble and sensitive manner, every time the ancient and modern products fell, he did not lose two baht, and he liked to copy big characters, the gods were in the law, traced back to the Han Wei, partial imitation of the Tang and Song dynasties to return to everyone, and The Yuan Ming Zhao Dong, etc., in his later years, the stele version of the golden stone work, more and more refined, every drunken waving, smoke and fog knots, posture bears, and the real Qing Dao Xian since the big people. The poems and poems, especially Jingwei Guxiu, are discarded and not preserved, but Hunan has been abolished, Jiangnan Yidi, Xiang tried to test the ink, and the Xiang Lieutenant Colonel's record, all of which are self-determined. The scholar Zongzhi is contained in the booklets, such as the small statue of the Red Candle Cultivation Book of Kong Fenggu hidden by Sun Peinan, the inscription of Gong di Cui Jin Yin, the four laws of the envoy sent to Gao Mian, and the works of The Temple of The Vinaya, and the poems of HeGao Shi Chang, and the books collected by Li Shilang, all of which are popular among the people,...... Ranji Hikari Katayuki, really rare, and Mizhen Yun. ”

Another is: "The First Collection of the School Scripture Hall in four volumes (Guang continued the Ethyl Unitary Inscribed Edition)." Selected for Cao Hongxun. The scholar of this school was selected by Hongxun Juguan Hunan Xuezheng when he was in office. The provincial capital of the academy of the school of the school of the class art of the students also. The Correctional School Scripture Hall was originally created in Hunan Inspector Wu Rongguangcheng in Zhu Jiuxiang, and the most prosperous in Hongxun, according to hongxun self-order, called Daoguang, Nanhai Wugong, Patrol Hunan, Benxiang Guozhi Yahua, Pu created in Xiangzhong, the xiangshui school scripture hall was built, to guide to learn, the scale of The scale is not grand, the strings and songs are breathless,...... In the past four years, the hall is full of talent, Xian can work hard, adhere to the scriptures and ask difficult questions, written in the chapter, read the writings, and quite enough to record the clouds. The creation of the Hungry Academy was completed after several twists and turns, and the merits of Hongxun were indispensable, and its mountain chief's initial employment bao should become Fuqing's widow. Fuqing Jiangnan Da ru also. After entering the teaching house, that is, taking the teachings of the Zhuzi White Deer Cave priests as the teachings, there are school scriptures that have been recited in about one book, and the 5 scholars of the old institute have led the way to learn and have their own achievements, so the selection of this collection is considerable. Hongxun prefaced himself, and also stated the purpose of his selected essays, which is slightly said to be the study of the comprehensive art of guigui self-establishment. Duan Ci Zhang is in Cangya, Si Nai is not righteous in the exhortation, hu to the void but not real clouds. Words are particularly cut, but a collection of purposes, and it can also be known that it is a great combination. As for the centralized arrangement, the text is followed by the poem. The text has a scripture, a historical theory, a book preface, and a proposed endowment; the poem is prepared in ancient and modern forms. "This shows cao's achievements in learning."

Calligraphy features

Cao Hongxun is good at painting bamboo orchids in calligraphy, learning European characters, old Yi Hun Pu, and Gong Han Li. His calligraphy is swift and fast with the pen, dashing and refreshing, the knot body is flowing beautifully, the staggered is there, the grass is like the sky is a thousand miles a day, the super degree of danger, the pen is even more flying, and the pen is even more flying, and the pen is even more continuous, with a majestic and wild rhyme, reflecting the typical style of his calligraphy. Cao Xi paints bamboo, basket and stone, and his paintings of bamboo are more than vigorous and heroic, humble and upward, and stubborn and unruly are expressed in many kinds of sentiments. His books and paintings are in the same precious and wonderful situation. His inkblots are found in the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Donghua Gate, the Xihua Gate, and the Dashilar Fence. In his hometown, there are stone carvings such as "Rebuilding the Jade Qing Palace Stele" (commonly known as the Four-Sided Stele) and "The Record of the Ten Wat Gardens". Wang Dai was his disciple.

In the county seat of Changle County, a painting was raised and engraved on a stone stele. The monument was smashed during the Cultural Revolution, and Liu Shutai built it before.

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