
Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

author:History control

Speaking of the role of Dong Zhuo in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I believe that netizens do not have a good impression of him, but for Dong Zhuo's strength, people who have learned about the history of the Three Kingdoms should still be quite recognized, in addition to Lü Bu, a fierce general, there are also strategists like Li Ru and Jia Xu, as well as Xu Rong, a fierce general whose strength is not lost to Lü Bu, which is also the reason why it was difficult for the Eighteenth Route Princes to shake him.

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

However, among the many generals under Dong Zhuo, there were two generals who held important positions but had no talent, and who did not have any achievements in merit, these two were Niu Fu and Hu Yun.

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

Hu Yi and Niu Fu served as Zhonglang generals in Dong Zhuo's camp, and Zhonglang in the Three Kingdoms period belonged to a more powerful position in the army, and could dispatch military attaches at the rank of lieutenant, equivalent to the role of regimental commander, but the achievements of Niu Fu and Hu Yi were not worthy of this position at all.

First of all, Niu Fu, who is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, turned over the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and the history books, there are very few records about him, which can be regarded as a highlight moment, and it is only a successful night attack on Li Su, basically no victory. After Dong Zhuo's death, Niu Fu, who originally had a heavy army in his hands, could completely stabilize the scattered military heart, but he thought of escaping for the first time, and finally ended up in a tragic end, if he was not Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, it was really difficult to believe that he could be reused that year.

Looking at Hu Yun again, the reason why Hu Yun can be reused is really incomprehensible, and he has not only achieved nothing in history, but even done a lot of stupid things. For example, he once led tens of thousands of troops and horses to attack Sun Jian, only to be teased by Sun Jian's empty city plan, and the next year, Dong Zhuo sent Hu Yun to lead five thousand troops to attack Sun Jian again, and this time also sent Lü Bu as a "bodyguard" to ensure Hu Yun's success.

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

However, what he did not expect was that before attacking Sun Jian, he shouted everyone to the tent and said, "On this trip, we must cut off a green silk, but tidy ears." Hu Yun's "chopping green silk" is actually a metaphor for chopping Lü Bu. This behavior of his also angered Lü Bu, so Lü Bu deliberately caused civil unrest in Hu Yun's army, resulting in his defeat by Sun Jian.

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

Hu Yun's stupid behavior is now very confusing to many Three Kingdoms fans, even if the commander is replaced by Hua Xiong, who is a warrior, it is estimated that he has done better than him. It may also be because the two of them are immoral and talentless, so there are not many records about them in later generations, and they have almost no chance to appear in the Three Kingdoms theme game. However, recently I found these two people in a mobile game that restores the real ancient war, "The Coast of the Land".

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

"The Coast of the Land" is a sandbox deduction mobile game, in the game's recently launched version of the Dong Zhuo Crusade, players can personally experience the famous Eighteen Road Princes in history to fight Dong Battle. Dong Zhuo in the game will command his nine legions to fight against all players, and these nine legions will be led by Dong Zhuo's subordinates in history, in addition to Lü Bu, Xu Rong and other famous generals, the above-mentioned Hu Yi and Niu Fu are also among them, and the personalities of these warriors will also be restored according to the personalities in the real history, and reflected in the action mode of their games.

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

For example, in the history of Niu Fu is timid and suspicious, the management of the army is scattered, the game he will often neglect its special use to transport materials of the heavy team; and hu Yun history is a good and happy, eager to make a quick profit, the game he will often because of excessive expansion and lead to his own weak combat strength, therefore, the two in the game has also become the weakness of the powerful Dong Zhuo legion, players can use the two of them, as a breakthrough against Dong Zhuo.

However, it should be noted that even if the player successfully crusades against Dong Zhuo, it does not mean that the game is over, because the most difficult enemy in the game will always be other players, in order to compete for the ownership of the world, every player must be useless. You know, there are far more than one or two strategic routines in "The Coast of the Land", which can be used to break through the front of the strong troops, or take unprepared means, and even install undercover agents in the enemy alliance, etc., anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is a good plan!

Dong Zhuo's two great talents! Accomplished but in a position of power? Hua Xiong: I don't deserve it

If you also like this kind of virtual and real wisdom fighting in the ancient battlefield, then "The Coast of the Land" will be the best stage for you to show your wisdom!

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