
The delicious taste of casserole rice

author:Money to take you to eat
The delicious taste of casserole rice

1, fish fragrant meat shredded casserole rice: fish fragrant meat shredded fish flavor seasoning named, the dish color is rosy, tender meat, fresh quality, rich fish flavor. The rice cooked in the casserole is particularly smooth and refreshing in the fish sauce, and it is a favorite dish of casserole rice for children. Ingredients: 1 small piece of pork tenderloin, 3 pickled peppers, 5 dried shiitake mushrooms, 1 young bamboo shoot, 1 bowl of rice. Seasoning: 10 g ginger, 3 chives, 5 cloves of garlic, 10 g sugar, 10 g balsamic vinegar, 10 g corn starch, 5 g soy sauce, 10 g cooking wine, 10 g bean paste. Preparation method 1. 2. Chopped chives and ginger, shredded bamboo shoots, shredded dried shiitake mushrooms, shredded garlic and pickled peppers, shredded pork tenderloin; Mix chopped chives and ginger into a sweet and sour sauce with sugar, balsamic vinegar and corn starch, and set aside; Marinate shredded pork with corn starch and soy sauce for 10 minutes; Add oil in the pot, add watercress sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, add shredded pickled pepper and garlic shredded, sauté the aroma, and sauté the shredded meat on high heat; When the shredded meat is fried until it is white, add the tender bamboo shoots and the shredded mushrooms and stir-fry together, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine and raw soy sauce and stir-fry well, and finally pour in the pre-adjusted sweet and sour sauce and stir-fry, put it for later; 7. Make the remaining juice in a pot to make a sauce and set aside; Cook the rice in a casserole dish, pour the cooked rice with shredded fish and sauce and simmer for another 3 minutes. Delicious link: The story of fish and meat shreds is passed down, a long time ago there was a businessman in Sichuan, this family likes to eat fish, and is also very particular about seasoning, so when grilling fish, you have to put some onions, ginger, garlic, wine, vinegar, soy sauce and other seasonings to add fishy flavor. One night, when the hostess of the family was frying another dish, in order not to waste the seasoning, she put the leftover seasonings from the last time she cooked the fish in this dish, and she thought that the dish might not taste very good, and the man would not like it when he returned. But who knows that after the husband returned, he did not know whether it was because of his stomach hunger or felt that this bowl of dishes was special, and he grabbed it with his hand and sent it to his mouth before he waited for the meal. He couldn't wait to ask his wife how to make this dish, she didn't know how to say it, but unexpectedly found that her husband praised the delicious food, her husband saw that she did not answer, and asked "what is made of such a delicious dish", and the wife told him the process one by one. This dish is stir-fried with the seasoning of grilled fish and other dishes, so that its flavor is endless, and it is named fish stir-fry. Later, after several years of improvement by sichuan people, this dish has been included in Sichuan recipes, such as fish flavored pork liver, fish flavored meat shredded, fish flavored eggplant and fish flavor three silk. Nowadays, this dish is popular with people everywhere because of its unique flavor.

The delicious taste of casserole rice

2, seafood casserole rice: seafood casserole rice characteristics on a word - fresh, because rice in the cooking process, fully absorbed the seafood soup, and through a low heat slow simmering, the water gradually dried, so that the freshness of seafood is all concentrated in the rice. Ingredients: 4 squid rolls, 15 scallop columns, 10 shrimp, 200 g rice. Seasoning: 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1/2 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 green onion, 5 slices of ginger, 1/2 bowl of water starch. Preparation method 1. 2. Slice the green onion, place oil in the pan and sauté the sliced green onion and ginger until fragrant; Wash the squid rolls, fresh shrimp and scallop columns, and sauté them in a high heat; Add oyster sauce, fish sauce, cooking wine and soy sauce and continue to stir-fry over high heat; 5. Stir the rice in a casserole dish, soak it for half an hour, and add the soup produced during the stir-frying process to the casserole dish and cook it with the rice; 6. Sauté the ingredients in the pot and use water starch to cook; When the rice is eight ripe, put the ingredients in the rice, cover it, and continue simmering for 3 minutes. Delicious link: Seafood ingredients do not require additional salt during the stir-frying process, just seasoning is enough. Moreover, it should be remembered that only the soup is cooked with rice, and the material cannot be cooked with rice, otherwise the squid rolls and fresh shrimp will not have a sense of tenderness.

The delicious taste of casserole rice

3, spicy bullfrog casserole rice: this casserole rice is delicious and delicious, bullfrog meat is tender, full of elasticity, garlic cloves are crisp and soft, garlic and soy sauce complement each other. Pickled peppers are spicy and spicy, adding many layers to the overall flavor. Ingredients: 4 bullfrogs, 50 g garlic cloves, 2 red peppers, 200 g rice. Seasoning: 1 g salt, 1/2 tablespoons dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 5 millet chili peppers, 1 tablespoon tempeh, 1 tablespoon pepper, 1 tablespoon chicken powder, 5 slices of ginger, 2 slices of fragrant leaves. Preparation method 1. Bullfrogs are slaughtered and skinned, offal removed, washed and drained, chopped into small pieces, marinated in dark soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper for 30 minutes; 3. Cut ginger and red pepper into strips and set aside; When the frying pan is 70% hot, add garlic cloves, ginger shreds, fragrant leaves, red pepper shreds and stir-fry, then add tempeh and continue to stir-fry; When the garlic cloves are fried until five ripe, add the marinated bullfrogs and continue to stir-fry; Add salt, drizzle with a little dark soy sauce, increase color, add millet spicy pickled pepper, add water; Add the chicken powder, collect the juice, pour over the cooked casserole rice, cover and continue simmering for 3 minutes, drizzling with the remaining thick sauce.