
He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

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He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

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He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)
He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

He Jingzhi

Famous modern poet and playwright.

Born in 1924, a native of Taierzhuang, Shandong. At the age of 15, he joined the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement, at the age of 16, he went to Yan'an to enter the Literature Department of Lu Xun Art College, and joined the Party at the age of 17. In 1945, he created China's first new opera "White Haired Girl", which was a milestone in the development of China's new opera, and successively served as vice minister of culture, deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department, and acting minister of culture.

Cover news reporters Wang Guoping, Xue Weirui, Liu Qing, Shi Shichen

95-year-old He Jingzhi, the spirit of the spirit.

One afternoon in March, under the leadership of Yang Qingci, a young poet who had lost his year and was a young man, the cover reporter came to he Lao's apartment in Muxidi, Beijing, to meet the century old man face to face.

The furnishings in He Lao's home are simple, with several paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls, and several sofas, tables and chairs in the living room.

75 years ago, 20-year-old He Jingzhi wrote the red classic "White Haired Girl" in a simple cave in Yan'an, under a hemp seed oil lamp.

From the 16-year-old who wrote the group poem "Leap Forward" on the way to Yan'an, to the "White-Haired Girl" at the age of 20, to the "Back to Yan'an", "The Window of the West Train", "Singing Loudly", "The Song of Lei Feng" and "China's October" written after the founding of the People's Republic of China, He Jingzhi has influenced generations of Chinese with his unique artistic appeal. He measured the scale of the times with poetry, but Elder He said modestly: "I am just an ordinary cultural and artistic worker." ”

The two characters of He Lao's name "Jingzhi" are a sentence in Mencius - "Yan Ping Zhongshan Ren Ren, Long and Respect".

This is also a portrayal of He Lao's life.

He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

He Jingzhi maintains the habit of studying every day and pays attention to the cultural development of the country.

Rushing to Yan'an, we must throw ourselves into the revolution

"I have followed the revolutionary journey of the Party all my life to the present, and I have never lost confidence"

"The black forest, the curtain that fills the sky,

The hunter leaps into the depths.

The shotgun was like an angry snake, spitting out an exploding tongue of fire.

And the four of us, gasping, fumbled forward..."

- Leap Forward, 1940

Walking into The old man's home, the old man was already sitting in the living room, waiting for the reporter and his party.

Yang Qingci said that Elder He was low-key and generally unwilling to accept interviews, and this time it was an exception.

Yang Qingci works in the Chinese Socialist Literature and Art Society directly under the Ministry of Culture, and He Jingzhi is the honorary president of the society, because of the working relationship, the two young and old have become acquainted.

Later, When Yang Qingci wanted to worship He Jingzhi as his teacher, Elder He smiled and said, "My poetry represents that era, and you are modern poetry, which is different from the past." Don't stick to the form if you don't worship the teacher, you need me to give some advice, this is OK. We are 'grandchildren', and you are more like a granddaughter. ”

He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

Yang Qingci and He Jingzhi. As a senior, He Jingzhi pays great attention to the ideas and works of young people.

Modest, kind, without a little shelf, this is the deepest impression given by Elder He.

Regarding his own experience, Elder He said: "I came from Yan'an, I arrived in Yan'an at the age of 16, and in my life, I have followed the revolutionary journey of our party to the present. I am ashamed that I have made little contribution to the party and the country. But there is one thing that I have always followed the revolution and have never lost faith. ”

Behind this ordinary statement, there is a big historical past.

He Jingzhi was born in 1924 to a poor peasant family in Heyao Village, Yi County (now Taierzhuang), Shandong Province.

In April 1940, the 16-year-old He Jingzhi saw Lu Yi's "Enrollment Brochure" in the "July" edited by Hu Feng.

Lu Yi, also known as Lu Xun Art College, is a literary and art school founded during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to train literary and artistic cadres and literary and artistic workers. The school is in Qiao'ergou, 5 kilometers northeast of Yan'an City, which makes He Jingzhi's long-germinated idea of "going to Yan'an".

At that time, the road to Yan'an was full of difficulties, and He Jingzhi and his classmates who went with him changed their names and surnames, and went back to their hometown in Shandong. They rushed at night and rested during the day, full of hardships and enthusiasm along the way, He Jingzhi wrote a group of poems "Leap forward" on the road.

At the age of 16, he was supposed to apply for the middle school department of the Yan'an Natural Science Research Institute, but He Jingzhi had his own insistence when he came to Yan'an, one was to devote himself to the revolution, and the other was to be admitted to LuYi.

He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

From the written test to the interview, the examiner is the poet he has always liked. As one of the first poets to go to Yan'an, He Qifang served as the head of the literature department in Lu Yi.

"What is realism? What is Romanticism? He Qifang asked He Jingzhi. Without this knowledge, he could only answer according to his understanding. He Qifang then asked him, "What books have you read?" He Jingzhi replied to several books such as Political Economy, Popular Philosophy, and Iron Stream.

He Qifang immediately told him that Lu Yi was now formalized, and the requirements for students were relatively high, and it might be more difficult to not go to high school.

On the day of the release of the list, He Jingzhi admitted that there was no drama, and he did not even go to see the admission list. Still a friend rushed over to tell him that his name was on the list, and he officially became a student of the third phase of the LuYi Literature Department.

He Jing came later to learn that the group poem "Leap Forward" that he handed out before the interview let He Qifang see his talent, "I saw that he was too young, his cultivation was not enough, I did not want to accept him, and later when I saw the poems he handed in, I felt that it was not bad, and I had the feeling of a poet." ”

In the 1940s, Lu Yi brought together many writers and artists. In addition to He Qifang, the head of the Department of Literature, He Jingzhi's teachers also include writer and compiler Zhou Libo, poet and translator Cao Baohua, and so on. Mao Dun, who stayed in Yan'an, also gave them a "History of Chinese Citizens' Literature".

In such an environment, He Jingzhi's literary thoughts were thin. Within three months of school, he wrote a number of new poems, including the poem "October" published in Popular Literature and Art. By the following year, He Jingzhi had written a series of lyrics and poems with more mature brushstrokes, many of which were published in Blade of Grass, New Poetry, and Liberation Daily.

He Qifang was glad that he did not look away, he believed that He Jingzhi's emotions were sharp, extremely insightful, and he also had artistic expression that was difficult for ordinary people to reach, especially his poems expressing rural themes, "truly touching, it is rare since 'May Fourth'." In the third chapter of He Qifang's Night Song, he also refers to He Jingzhi as "17-year-old Mayakovsky."

Mayakovsky was the most famous poet of the Soviet era, and such praise quickly spread throughout Luyi.

From Yan'an, he wrote poems for the people

"Writing poetry is for the masses of the people. If the masses of the people cannot understand it, what is it called poetry? ”

"The north wind that blows,

Snowflakes that flutter,

Snowflakes that flutter,

Years have come. ”

- The White-Haired Woman, 1944

In May 1942, Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, making it clear that literary and artistic work revolved around the masses of the people. On May 30, Chairman Mao came to Luyi and explicitly stated that "we must go among the people."

For He Jingzhi, this was a more complete ideological enlightenment, which laid the foundation for his future development in literature.

Yang Qingci said that since then, Elder He has always maintained his love for the people, "Elder He has always said that writing poetry is for the masses of the people. If the masses of the people cannot understand it, what is it called poetry? ”

In March 1941, the 359th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army launched a famous large-scale production campaign in Nanniwan. He Jingzhi and others, along with Huang Gang, a reporter from The Liberation Daily, went to Nanniwan to conduct interviews and became the first literary and art workers to enter the reclamation area of the Eighth Route Army in Nanniwan to visit.

This deep dive into the front line laid the foundation for He Jingzhi's creation. In 1943, Nanniwan made remarkable achievements in the reclamation of the wasteland, the Yan'an military and civilians went to pay tribute to the 359th Brigade, the Luyi Yangge team wanted to prepare a literary and artistic program, and He Jingzhi was given the task of composing lyrics for the condolence performance of "Nanniwan".

He Jingzhi was full of emotions about the change of Nanniwan, and he used the familiar Xintianyou to write lyrics, and soon wrote the lyrics of "Nanniwan", which became a household name.

The song was a great success in the condolence performances at the time, and he Jing, who was less than 19 years old, became famous.

He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

Yang Qingci and He Jingzhi.

In 1943, He Jingzhi graduated from the Luyi Literature Department and officially joined the creative team of the Luyi Yangge Team.

In 1944, the story of the "White Haired Fairy Girl" spread to Yan'an. He Jinglai later said in his recollection, "This story was created orally by ordinary people, and it was through the mouths of an unknown number of people that it was constantly revised, enriched, and processed before it became such a complete thing." From the day it was formed, this story spread quickly and was loved by countless masses and cadres. Among the literary and art workers in Jin-Cha-Ji, many people wrote it into novels, scripts, reports, and so on. ”

At the age of 20, He Jingzhi was given the task of writing the opera "The White-Haired Girl". From the very beginning of hearing this story, He Jingzhi was deeply moved, he was born in the countryside, understand the sorrows of farmers, "white hair fairy girl" reminds him of every difficult villager in his childhood hometown. He Jingzhi said: "All the details and emotions in the first act are mine, and what really touched my feelings and really embodied my soul and characteristics is the whole first act, because this kind of life and feelings are more familiar to me." ”

Throughout the creation of "The White-Haired Girl", He Jingzhi often stayed up all night and was always in a state of emotional agitation. After the script was completed, it was rehearsed in LuYi, which caused an unprecedented and enthusiastic response. Lu Yi and Yan'an literary and artistic circles believe that this is the most moving opera since the development of the opera movement, and the peasants who came to watch the rehearsal all cried.

On April 22, 1942, the opera "White Haired Girl" was officially performed in the auditorium of the Central Party School in Yan'an, and Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai and others all came to the auditorium to watch.

He Jingzhi recalled that he was in charge of pulling the curtain at that time, and when the backstage sang "The old society forced people into ghosts, and the new society turned ghosts into people", he saw Chairman Mao and other central leaders standing up and clapping together, singing "Under the sun to redress injustice", Chairman Mao and the audience around him shed tears together.

Over the past 70 years, "The White Haired Girl", which has been performed by four generations, has opened the precedent of new Opera in China, is a milestone in the development of new opera in China, and is also a landmark work in the history of New China culture.

He Jingzhi, a 95-year-old red poet: I came from Yan'an and used the people's poetry to lyrically write about the times| 70 people in 70 years, humanities (3)

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He Jingzhi's revolutionary ideal: "Poetry must have the feeling of home and country, and it must have a sunny side"

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