
The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

author:Jiangsu News Broadcast
The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"
The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

On March 5, 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong personally wrote an inscription "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng." Since then, Lei Feng, the name of this ordinary soldier, has been deeply remembered by generations of Chinese. At the end of March, inspired by the "Lei Feng Spirit", the famous poet He Jingzhi wrote a long poem "Song of Lei Feng", which was published in China Youth Daily on April 11, praising Comrade Lei Feng's short but great life with strong artistic appeal.

The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

Lei Feng, formerly known as Lei Zhengxing, was born in 1940 to a poor peasant family in Wangcheng County, Hunan Province. His parents died one after another under the cruelty and oppression of the old society, and Lei Feng, who was less than 7 years old, became an orphan. In August 1949, Lei Feng's hometown was liberated, and he turned around, enrolled in school for free under the care of the township government, and joined the first batch of Chinese Young Pioneers. Later, he went to Angang as a tractor driver and bulldozer driver. He worked actively and immersed himself in hard work, and was repeatedly rated as a "red flag bearer", "model worker", "advanced producer" and "active member of socialist construction".

The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

People's Liberation Army soldier Lei Feng

In January 1960, Lei Feng enlisted in the army. In November, he joined the Communist Party of China. With the spirit of being willing to be a "screw", he did a line, loved a line, drilled a line, and made extraordinary deeds in ordinary posts. The company assigned him to be a car soldier, and he worked hard to master driving skills and become a qualified car driver. After serving as the squad leader, he boldly managed, took the lead in everything, and led the whole class to become an advanced collective of the army.

One day in August 1960, fushun city in Liaoning Province, where the troops were stationed, received heavy rain for several days, and a dangerous situation occurred in the Shangsi Reservoir on the outskirts of the city, and Lei Feng's transportation was connected to the task of flood prevention and rescue. At that time, Lei Feng was suffering from enteritis, and the injuries on his hands from the fire fighting in the past few days were not good. The instructor and company commander told him to stay in the barracks. Lei Feng said: "No, we are soldiers for the sake of the country." "Resolutely join the team of flood prevention and rescue." Lei Feng's closest comrade-in-arms Before his death, Qiao Anshan, recalled:

Lei Feng is not so strong because of his small size. Take a shovel, the water is kneeless, and the work is not strong. So he threw the shovel away and dug it with his hands. Digging with his hands quickly broke his fingers and stomachs, and the blood flowed. After a long time, because he was weak and sick, he passed out. His comrades carried him into the house and dripped him. When he woke up, he pulled out the drops and ran away.

The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

Lei Feng usually does not forget to delve into business

Lei Feng once wrote in his diary: "Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited, and I want to devote my limited life to infinite 'serving the people'." He was helpful and left behind the good story of "Lei Feng traveled a thousand miles on a business trip, and good things did a train". He was diligent and thrifty, often donating the money he saved from thrift savings to disaster areas and people in need. Since October 1960, Lei Feng has served as an external counselor for Jianshe Street Primary School and Benxi Road Primary School in Fushun City. Sun Guiqin, who is 68 years old this year, still clearly remembers the bits and pieces when Uncle Lei Feng and his classmates were together:

He asked us: Children, where do you come from to see a happy life? Many children said, Uncle, (we) eat the meal made by my mother, and the red scarf teacher sent it. I said, Uncle, did Chairman Mao bring about a happy life? When I said this, Lei Feng was very happy and picked me up at once. Uncle Lei Feng said to us: You must remember that a happy life was brought about by the Communist Party and Chairman Mao, and you must study hard and serve the motherland when you grow up.

The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

Lei Feng was with the children

When Lei Feng was full of glory and ready to serve the motherland and the people with full enthusiasm, an accident occurred. On August 15, 1962, Lei Feng was unfortunately killed in the line of duty at the age of 22. With his short life, Lei Feng composed an incomparably magnificent poem of life, erected an admirable ideological and moral monument, and became a brilliant example for the people of the whole country to learn.

The story of party history in the red poem | He Jingzhi's "Song of Lei Feng"

The series of media products "Party History Stories in Red Poetry" is jointly produced by the Party History Work Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television General Station, and is written and produced by Jiangsu Radio and the Great Blue Whale App.

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